Success: Man Who Brutally Stomped Puppy to Death Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

Target: Greg Willis, District Attorney for Collin County, Texas

Goal: Applaud harsh penalty given to man found guilty of stomping a young puppy to death.

A man who threw a boxer mix puppy against a wall and then stomped on him so that he sustained fatal injuries will be imprisoned for a long time thanks to the efforts of Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis. The case drew widespread public outrage, as evidenced by online petitions like this one on ForceChange. Sign this petition to express your support for this decision, which demonstrates that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.

Andrew Callaway has been sentenced to spend 12 years in prison for having beaten and stomped a boxer puppy named Diesel so violently that he had to be euthanized. Both of Diesel’s hips and legs were severely fractured. Veterinarians had hoped to save his life by performing a series of operations, but ultimately the decision was made to humanely end his suffering.

While sending Callaway to prison will not bring back this innocent animal’s life, it is an important signal to other would-be abusers that such acts of savagery are not without consequence. Sign this petition to thank the district attorney in this case for seeking the harshest possible penalty.


Dear District Attorney Willis,

As you are aware, a puppy was subjected to a cruel and untimely death after a Wylie area man named Andrew Callaway threw him against the wall and stomped him to death, crushing the lower half of his body. This horrendous crime sent shock waves of grief and outrage throughout the community and worldwide. While there is no punishment severe enough to right this awful wrong, your decision to seek the harshest possible sentence for Mr. Callaway was the best way to ensure that justice would be served.

The fact that Callaway has been found guilty and will now spend the next 12 years in prison not only means that he will be unable to cause harm to any animals during this time, it also sends an important message to other would-be animal abusers. We, the undersigned, want to thank you for making sure that this act of extreme cruelty did not go unpunished.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Wylie Police Department


  1. Very good news let him rot in jail

  2. Thank you so very much for sending this evil monster to prison. Hopefully he can meet Bubba & receive some of his own treatment in sorts. It is important to put a stop to this horrible treatment of innocent animals or it will never stop.

  3. I am so pleased , but why cant all animal abusers get a jail sentence.

  4. I am incredible sorry that an innocent puppy was killed by an extreme abuser, but it’s about time that this kind of act is considered heinous enough for a prison sentence to be levied. I don’t know if this will act as a warning to other abusers, but I hope so.


  6. I am really relieved to hear that they caught the man who did this horendous , cruel violence that caused this poor puppies life. Its God’s creation, we have to be their voices to protect them.

    Mandatory~ HEFTY FINE
    * Also, how about LOTS of TIME to do Cummunity Service which would include going along side someone at a Sanctuary, Shelter, etc to help care for animals, there are so many other c needs.

    * Mandatory Counseling

    *Jail, they just sit in there and do nothing much of the time!
    Plus they can become more violant and evenharder criminals . Have these people who do these horrible things to God’s creation be productice!

    Thank you for reading this!

  7. Such excellent news that he got the harshest penalty they could give him. I would rather have seen him killed but maybe he will be raped and killed in prison. That would be the most awesome outcome!

  8. It’s about time a harsh punishment has been given to an animal abuse. The jail time is not long enough, but at least he’ll be out of society for 12 years!

  9. Oh, thank goodness this piece of human garbage is being locked up for his terrible actions. People like this deserve nothing more than to really think about their mistakes long and hard for the amount of time they are put away.. Hopefully, he wakes up and realizes how wrong he was for this!

  10. I know that this man going to jail will never bring back but at least 12-behind bars will remind him about a next. Or better yet maybe he won’t make it out of jail alive would suit me just fine. a l
    life for a life

  11. Excellent news! Well done & thank you so much!
    Posted in loving memory of innocent puppy, Diesel, who suffered such traumatic & violent abuse at the hands of human, Andrew Callaway.
    Rest In Peace in God’s Dog Heaven, little Diesel – I am so sorry
    for the immense pain & cruelty you suffered.

  12. It’s about time.its a start. I would have have given him at least twenty. Now if other states would follow that would be great. Baby steps. Good job Texas!!!!

  13. Super good! Justice made ! ??????

  14. Angela Granata says:

    Thank you!! Justice served! Every state needs to do this! Rest in peace innocent pup.

  15. What a very sensible Court! May others follow suit and crack down on cruelty.

  16. Well done….Justice administered. Hopefully other states will follow your lead and treat animal cruelty as a crime – with a punishment.

  17. I celebrate your decision and thank you for your love and compassion for this beautiful little puppy.

    WAY TOO OFTEN innocent animals are savagely mutilated and killed/MURDERED by VILE COWARDS AND MONSTERS who get off with less than a slap on the wrist! If EVERY state and court would follow your example and sentenced these sickos to prison time WITHOUT PAROLE then we might start to see a decrease and maybe an end to animal AND child abuse.
    Thank you….thank you….thank you. You are heroes and angels to all animals.

  18. I hope karma finds this bastard in prison. I hope there are lots of animal lovers who stomp on him..and then hurt him in different ways!

  19. I hope they put the SOB in with the big boys let them hang altogether and chances are he will get what he deserves….12 yrs of it..”KARMA”..

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