Success: Man Who Brutally Stomped Puppy to Death Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

Target: Greg Willis, District Attorney for Collin County, Texas

Goal: Applaud harsh penalty given to man found guilty of stomping a young puppy to death.

A man who threw a boxer mix puppy against a wall and then stomped on him so that he sustained fatal injuries will be imprisoned for a long time thanks to the efforts of Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis. The case drew widespread public outrage, as evidenced by online petitions like this one on ForceChange. Sign this petition to express your support for this decision, which demonstrates that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.

Andrew Callaway has been sentenced to spend 12 years in prison for having beaten and stomped a boxer puppy named Diesel so violently that he had to be euthanized. Both of Diesel’s hips and legs were severely fractured. Veterinarians had hoped to save his life by performing a series of operations, but ultimately the decision was made to humanely end his suffering.

While sending Callaway to prison will not bring back this innocent animal’s life, it is an important signal to other would-be abusers that such acts of savagery are not without consequence. Sign this petition to thank the district attorney in this case for seeking the harshest possible penalty.


Dear District Attorney Willis,

As you are aware, a puppy was subjected to a cruel and untimely death after a Wylie area man named Andrew Callaway threw him against the wall and stomped him to death, crushing the lower half of his body. This horrendous crime sent shock waves of grief and outrage throughout the community and worldwide. While there is no punishment severe enough to right this awful wrong, your decision to seek the harshest possible sentence for Mr. Callaway was the best way to ensure that justice would be served.

The fact that Callaway has been found guilty and will now spend the next 12 years in prison not only means that he will be unable to cause harm to any animals during this time, it also sends an important message to other would-be animal abusers. We, the undersigned, want to thank you for making sure that this act of extreme cruelty did not go unpunished.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Wylie Police Department


  1. Thank u soo much Attorney Willis for believing in justice for the voiceless, for seeing the evil in what Callaway did and knowing he does not belong back on the streets!…we need more justice served like this to show animal abusers we will not tolerate or accept what they do!

  2. Thank you to Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis.
    You have demonstrated that animal abuse will not be tolerated. I’m sure I speak for all of us who endlessly sign along w/tears, anger, frustration that these animal abusers who demonstrate acts of savagery are harshly punished. May all DAs follow your lead. Thank you on behalf of all animal lovers and most importantly for Diesel.

  3. Jeannette Allan says:

    Thank heavens this vile wretch is being punished to the full extent of the law. That piece of human excrement will one day answer to a higher law for his mindless vicious cruelty. Evil psychotic deviants like this do not deserve to be free among normal decent people who respect the right of animals to live out their lives free from the murderous anger and hate filled cruelty of such wicked spawn. I can hardly bare to think how that poor dog must have suffered….

  4. I am glad to hear that a decent honest humane DA Willis was involved in the sentencing of psychotic Callaway, who beat and stomped on Diesel, a little puppy to death! Although, I would like the sentence to be even longer, considering the horror experienced by a defenseless living being, at least, this monster didn’t just receive a wrist slap like so many vile beasts who torture and kill animals.
    I just wish that there was a state and federal animal cruelty list in order to monitor vicious abusers who will, most likely, attempt to harm another helpless animal or human–once their sentence is served. Maybe another inmate (who loves animals) will do some damage to Callaway in prison.
    We need more people like DA Willis who seek justice for our precious, too often brutalized, dogs, cats and other animals!

  5. Karen Mckay says:

    Finally, a judge with some sense and moral compass. Thank you. I surely hope his 7ft hair trigger cell mate is an animal lover and he receives some of the same treatment. psychopathic moron. Other judges take note, and follow DA Willis’ example.

  6. Good job ?????????? God bless your good loving ppls helping all innocent animals 🙂

  7. Prison is a good place for this animal torturer. There are many prisoners who love animals. Need I say more …

  8. Agree all above .Why waste money on them in jail just beat him to death throw then in forest.

  9. at last a normal punishment for psychopaths. good job!

  10. Linda York says:

    Thank you Greg Willis for seeing that justice was served for Diesel. I am so glad to see an animal abuser finally get serious prison time. Bless you and please keep up the work of seeing animal abusers brought to justice.

  11. Jambrina Sakellaropoulo says:

    I praise and profoundly thank you, Greg Willis for punishing this horrific cruelty to an innocent, helpless puppy with a just sentence. I can only pray your action will influence others to follow with harsh prison time to animal abusers. They deserve to suffer in the worst of prisons, ie: Sheriff Arapaio style!!

  12. Tracey Jolley says:

    Awesome…makes me so happy to see justic for this horrendous act. Such a shame Australia don’t recognise how cruelty to animals should have harsh punishment. Thank you?

  13. Helen Drinoczky says:

    Reading that a Judge has given an evil person who fatally injured a puppy a 12 Year jail sentence has made me VERY happy.
    It cannot bring this poor dog back to life, or mean he did not suffer so much, or stop the owners grief.
    At least the sentence shows that the cruelty and abuse that this person inflicted to this puppy is seen as serious enough for this level of punishment.
    I hope it will be a deterent to others who could be cruel to animals.
    I hope more Judges will punish animal cruelty offences more heavily in future too.

  14. It could only happen in Texas,the texans are the only people with the balls to give a sentence like that.Good on you for giving a sentence that is actually acceptable.I live in Australia and our laws and punishments all round for crimes against humans or animals are a bloody joke and something to be totally ashamed of.Texans should be very proud to have the lawmakers and the laws that you have…

  15. I am ready,willing and able to help implement the death penalty on any animal abusing/murdering POS bastard! OH YESSSSS!!!!!!!
    Implementation of a 12 year prison sentence is not adequate.Death is essential!

  16. Dawn Pettinger says:

    Thank you Greg Willis, hats off to you, as I believe you are the first judge in America to make a stand against Animal Abusers , and we will not tolerate it , we’ve had enough of feeble fines that DONT fit the crimes against innocent animals. If I could give you a medal I would and thank you for jailing that monster, and hopefully he will get his karma in jail. .

  17. So happy to read this GOOD news!! Hope this piece of trash will rot in jail!!! Wish it was ten years!
    Thank you Mr Greg

  18. At last. Proper punishment for this horrendous act. I’ve been saying for a LONG time, that cruelty to animals, should be treated the same as cruelty to humans. A fine is no deterrent! If more get prison sentences, it will let other offenders know they will go to prison.

  19. The best news I’ve read in AGES!!!!

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