Don’t Kill Homeless Dogs and Cats Before World Cup Event in Russia

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Target: Pavel Kolobkov, Russian Sports Minister

Goal: Do not allow local officials in 11 Russian cities to cull homeless pets before the FIFA World Cup event.

Russia will be hosting this year’s FIFA World Cup in 11 different cities across the country. In order to “ensure security and a pleasant stay,” the Russian government has authorized these cities to kill thousands of homeless dogs and cats living on the streets, a move similar to one taken before the Sochi Winter Olympics. We must demand that a more humane solution be reached that does not cause harm to these animals.

The innocent cats and dogs of Russia do not deserve to be killed simply because they have nowhere else to go. Sign this petition and demand that the sports minister keep his word and ensure that no homeless pets are harmed in the hosting cities.


Dear Minister Kolobkov,

Russia has a massive stray pet population, with over two million dogs and cats believed to be living in cities without homes. While this is a serious issue that deserves to be addressed, these animals deserve to be treated humanely and with respect. They do not deserve to be killed off in droves in the cities hosting the FIFA World Cup simply because their presence is inconvenient or looks bad.

We, the undersigned, ask that you ensure that these innocent animals do not meet the same sad fate so many others had before the Sochi Winter Olympics and other major events in your nation. Please do the right thing and ensure these animals are given humane treatment.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Andrey

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  2. Show some compassion ,how about spay and neuter.
    While you are at it, why not humans get spayed and neutered.

  3. Catherine Jenereaux says:

    Do Russian officials actually believe that culling homeless cats and dogs before the summer games will endear them to the rest of the world? Just another example of a Government with no respect for the lives of animals. Does this slaughter of animals bring another historical slaughter to mind. Are they going to gas them. shoot them? Novel idea, find them homes, spay or neuter them. Be proactive not reactive. I am tired of countries whose only answer is culling.

  4. If this ‘killing’ takes place in Russia, I and countless others will NOT support nor watch/participate with the world cup event. This will only confirm the heartless cold humans parading as Russian officials. Please show compassion and ensure that all the homeless animals will not be harmed now or ever.

  5. Putin please do not murder the animals–dogs..cats of your soil–Russia IS responsible for all it’s stray/homeless dogs/cats–no sports can replace these innocent lives–INSTEAD ENCOURAGE YOUR NATION TO FEED AND HELP STERILIZE THE HOMELESS DOGS/CATS–build shelters–volunteers will help–you have money for war–now use some of that money to care for the lives of these dogs/cats who have a right to live their lives on their soil.

  6. Russia you are just reminding the world that you don’t take care of your strays, the right way, so after the world cup, the strays will roam free again. Strays are found in many nations of the world. nothing to be ashamed about. it’s a shame not taking care of them. Taking care doesn’t mean killing them. if you keep doing this you may be lead to get rid of the homeless. Right now the world is not in a good place. Not many nations can be considered paradise. there is evil everywhere. No Russia no. Put food on the tables of your people and care your animals in the right way. This is what every country needs to do that have a ‘stray’ problem. killing them wont solve the problem. No Russia no

  7. This country as well as every country should have safe animal control practices. Have Foster Adopt programs,spay and neuter programs for poor and educate the public. But look who we are dealing with, Putin probably eats dog meat
    No respect for countries like this!

  8. Make a stand for good Russia and don’t kill homeless animals. You’ll make a fortune during the Olympics. Create shelters for these dogs!

  9. Amber Brannam says:

    Jesus Christ, Russia, get your shit together already. What a disgrace, overall, as a whole, you are.

  10. Russia You’re Cruel!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We care more for Those Pups and Cats than the World Cup,

    Boycottt Russia!!!!!! make them Stop this get the animals out of there!

  11. Seems that Putin cares the same for homeless animals as he does for homeless people.

  12. Nadine brundage says:

    Why can’t you take care of these homeless animals instead of killing them. The world will be watching , this is not the first time Russia has killed homeless animals for events. Sickening and heartless.

  13. Sherry Goodyear says:

    Russia did the same thing before the Sochi games. Disgusting people.

    • I hate this, but you can’t just go after Russia. The ALL do it when one of their precious world events is in town. Sickening!

  14. Your country is disgusting, I hope something falls from the universe on you and your country no longer exists. Your huge over population of stray dogs and cats is your fault not theres. Keep doing your barbaric practices, the devil is waiting for you…

  15. This is a cruel, inhuman and lying country. Killing all the stray animals so visitors imagine there is no problem when the problem is there and is of your own making. Neutering, animal shelters, sensible remedies used by decent humane people- but no. Russia only knows how to get round a problem by killing. Problem solved. But it isn’t ! You will only do it again and again because you have no kindness, no sympathy no goodness. What a hell hole!

  16. Holly R Kavis says:

    There are other humane means to control the population of homeless animals, instead of killing them off. These animals deserve to live and have a pleasant life. One step is to research the source which started this issue and rectify that so more are not added to the situation. Have a humane neuter/spay program, and in the meantime, find a facility to host the homeless animals (which costs less than killing them).

  17. No damn game is worth the life of an animal. The athletes should, if they have a heart, be horrified. And if they have a soul, they would refuse to attend if this culling happen. But “winning a stupid competition” will be more important, which in the end, mean nothing, than the lives of these animals.

  18. Laurie Rowe says:

    A civilized nation would find a better way to handle this situation. So, is Russia a civilized nation?

  19. Russia is a vile,uncivilised animal hating country.Putin is a vile jerk.It would be great to hear of this cretin being found dead and dying an agonising death.

  20. I would hope these countries would begin learning from everyone rallying against this type of thing happening. Everyone was against this when it happened in Sochi. I just don’t understand how people can be so heartless. There should be stipulations in contracts with host country, that says they are not allowed to kill homeless animals just to get rid of them. They should have to agree to figure out a way of helping these animals instead of killing them.

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