Punish Officers Who Forced Man to Behead His Own Dog

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Target: Lewis S. Walker, Sheriff for Crawford County, Georgia

Goal: Fire officers responsible for shooting a man’s dog and then forcing the owner to decapitate him.

A sheriff’s deputy shot a beloved family dog, named Big Boy, after he had bit a neighbor and reportedly lunged at the officer. To make matters worse, when the dog’s owner arrived on the scene, another investigator ordered the man to behead his dog so that his brain could be checked for signs of rabies. When owner Joe Goodwin refused to comply, the officers threatened to place him under arrest.

The incident was filmed and appears to show the investigators intimidating Goodwin and threatening to send him to jail for refusing to decapitate his own recently slain dog. Although Goodwin did use profanity, it is understandable that he was distraught over the loss of his companion. Many have agreed that the investigator’s request was entirely unreasonable, as only a trained veterinarian should attempt to perform this procedure.

The investigators shown in the video appear to show a complete lack of remorse for both the dog’s death and his owner’s distress. No animal owner should be forced to dismember their pet under the threat of going to jail. Sign this petition to demand that these officers be relieved of their duties if they are found guilty of wrongdoing.


Dear Sheriff Walker,

An officer appears to have threatened to arrest a man when he refused orders to decapitate his own dog. The pit bull mix, named Big Boy, was killed after he reportedly bit a neighbor and lunged at a sheriff’s deputy. While it is deeply unfortunate that this animal died, and the circumstances surrounding the shooting must be investigated, what happened next is unthinkable.

The dog’s owner, a man named Joe Goodwin, was intimidated by investigators on the scene who appear to have forced him to behead his own dog to check for rabies. This behavior is unprofessional, and should never be expected of an animal’s owner. Only a veterinarian has the skill and training to perform such a procedure. We, the undersigned, demand that you investigate these events thoroughly and have these officers permanently relieved of their duties if these allegations are true.


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Photo Credit: Almonroth

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  1. This is unacceptable, this dog if there was a question on him biting someone, not provoked! Should of been held in quarantine to determine what should be determined , NOT KILL THE DOG OUT RIGHT!THE OFFICER IS NOT THE COURT OR JUDGE! THIS OFFICER SHOULD BE HELD AN SENT TO COURT AN NO PAY TILL FOUND GUILTY OR ? IN MY BOOKS HE HAS SHOWN THE CRUILTY AN SADISM HE CARRIES IN BEING A POLICE OFFICE. HOW CAN YOU TRUST A OFFICER WITH THIS BACK GROUND?

    • Apparently the dog lunged at the po and he shot him. I’ve raised Dobermans for 33 years now and mine are well behaved but if one of mine had bit someone that would be that. Can’t have a dog that bites. But would refuse to cut off the head. I’ve never heard of doing that. I know in general you want them alive to check for rabies. But I would balk at doing that to my fur babies.

    • Belenda Zebrook says:

      I fully agree with you. Well said

  2. That is so horrible. I can’t believe that those cops did that, but we are in a horrible place our society. I hope they bring justice

  3. Omg. This is why people hate cops.

  4. I just can NOT believe the behavior of these two officers!! I am in tears over poor Big Boys suffering, as well as the unimaginable effects to come for his owner. That man will be crippled emotionally and mentally for many, many years due to seeing his dog killed and the horrific act he was forced to perform after his fur baby’s death. I just can’t take it anymore…I am totally and completely sickened by this story and my heart aches for Big Boy and his family. If those 2 officers don’t get prison time for what they’ve done then I say we all join together and perform a little “street justice”!! We have to be held accountable for our actions so, why shouldn’t they be as well??

  5. That was just wrong and inhuman

  6. Gail Cortner RN says:

    I am a retired RN and a breeder of prebreed dogs. In my life as a medical professional and a breeder I have never heard of such unprofessional inhumane and downright cruel behavior on behalf of the police . The specimen of the brain needed to be obtained by a licensed medical professional ( Veterinarian) not the owner. Georgia Sheriff please get a clue and you have some explaining to do. Please apologize to this man and the family.

  7. Denise ward says:

    Extremely cruel , disgusting , and completely
    Heartless. Thats like making a parent kill a child. They will answer to God for what they have done. Unless someone else gets them first. Then it will be Gods turn.

  8. Denise Tuite says:

    These police officers are sadistic serial killers who should be in a mental institution.

  9. Tina Bruessow says:

    Unbelievable cruelty.??

  10. This is so unbelievable to have our sworn officers to do something this unlawful.those officers need to punished for this crime and the owner needs to file legal action against the sheriff’s office.

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