Cecil the Lion’s Cub Shot by Hunters – Stop the Continuing Slaughter

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Target: Francis Nhema, Minister of Environment, Zimbabwe

Goal: Create an exclusion zone to protect lions in national parks from hunters and punish hunters who kill these protected animals.

Just two years after the world mourned the loss of Cecil the Lion, a cub he had fathered has now met the same sad fate. The now grown cub, named Xanda, had resided in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, until recently when a safari operator turned in his radio collar indicating he had been shot. Researchers monitoring him claim Xanda had strayed outside the park boundaries prior to being killed.

As lions cannot be expected to remain within artificially-drawn boundaries established by humans, we must do more to help ensure that lions are protected once they leave the confines of national parks. With the wild lion population dwindling throughout Africa, losses such as Xanda’s are a devastating loss in terms of biodiversity.

Conservationists have argued that exclusion zones of at least 5km must be enforced around all national parks to protect wildlife from big game hunters. Additionally, there must be penalties for killing monitored animals such as Xanda, who had provided much scientific data during his six short years of life. Sign this petition to urge the Zimbabwean Minister of Environment to make these important changes.


Dear Minister Nhema,

With the number of wild lions plummeting in recent decades, the death of any healthy male lion should be considered a tragic loss. In a sad example of the crises that lions are currently facing, one of the cubs sired by the famous Cecil of Hwange National Park has now been shot as well. In order to ensure that the lions who reside in this conservation zone are actually protected, more must be done to keep them out of the sights of hunters.

We urge you to listen to the proposals from several prominent conservationists and organizations who have called for the creation of exclusion zones around national parks and for the prosecution of individuals who kill protected lions. Without swift action, one day soon we may find ourselves in a world without these magnificent beasts roaming Africa.


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Photo Credit: Kevin Pluck

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  1. Martina Behla says:

    Please safe the lions. That is no sport to murdered an collared lion. That is shameful

  2. Anne Moeller says:

    The only thing that any wildlife should be shot with is a camera! STOP this murder now!!

  3. Please please just stop the killing..Another mass extingtion is well underway,killing just speeds it up…Surely we can let all animals live…

  4. kay allan says:


  5. Patricia James says:

    Absolutely heartbroken by this news, are no big game animals safe from these muderous people. Stop the innocent slaughter of these beautiful majestic animals!

  6. Rachel Speed says:

    This barbaric and heinous butchering of majestic innocent animals must cease !! I am apalled, deeply saddened, and amazed that people get any satisfaction out of murdering defenseless animals. What small pathetic egos they must have!!

  7. Jeannette Allan says:

    These degraded individuals insecure in their fragile manhood , have to boost their pathetic little egos by killing these beautiful animals, to show off to their moronic admiring friends. They are disgusting excuses for human beings , and deserve nothing but contempt.

  8. Nooshin Perla says:

    What can you say to some one who has NO heart or conscious. It is so annoying that we can not get red of these sick losers, but we all know that they will pay the price soon enough!

  9. The hunters are a bunch of sick evil vile murdering scum. They should be hunted and killed the worthless pricks.

  10. The Government of Zimbabwe is too corrupt to worry about another dead lion when they have people paying thousands of dollars to go hunting!!

  11. What the fuck is Zimbabwe doing to stop these atrocities? Stuff all, that’s what. Bloody corrupt government that cheats its people and ignores its animals.

  12. Men with nothing in their pants but, deep pockets, try to prove they’re men by killing animals they won’t even eat.
    These animals are endangered. Were only the same true for the cowards who try to prove their manhood by killing them.

    Humans are the least necessary species on earth, and the earth and every other species on it would fare much better without any of us or the destruction we leave in our wake.

    MAN’S self-righteousness, selfishness, callousness, carelessness, thoughtlessness, GREED and AVARICE is DESTROYING OUR PLANET and all who live and depend on it.

    • Well said. More aggressive action and poacher killers need to protect these animals. Kill the killers. People need to be fixed

  13. African people..when you leave all animals to be killed by retarded psyhos for few bucks..what next…it is sadly true..worst Africa problem..is its people

  14. Shame on you all. Much wider protection zones are needed. What Africa needs to realise people would willingly pay to come and see such majestic, endangered Co habitants. But greed, money,corruption sum you all up!

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