Dog Buried Alive in Dirt Deserves Justice

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Target: Sherry Boston, District Attorney for Dekalb County, Georgia

Goal: Demand that the person who buried a dog up to her nose in dirt receive the maximum penalty under law.

A dog named Lulu died after she was buried up to her nose in dirt. She survived long enough to be rescued, but died shortly after. Demand justice for this innocent dog.

“Someone tortured this dog by packing her in dirt, where she couldn’t move, drink, or escape the terror of being buried alive,” stated a rescuer. A passerby found Lulu, a chow mix, buried on an ATV trail. She was alive at the time of her rescue, but died a few days later. The rescuers estimated that Lulu was buried for up to three days.

A $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible. Sign below and demand that the person found responsible for this horrific act receive the maximum penalty under law.


Dear District Attorney Boston,

A dog suffered tremendously when she was buried up to her nose in dirt.  The person responsible is still at large. We demand justice for this innocent dog.

“It was ridiculous. Somebody took a lot of time to do a terrible thing,” stated Eric Purdue. He dug Lulu up and took her to an emergency veterinarian, where she eventually died. Lulu was covered in ants and likely only survived for as long as she did because of the rain and cooler temperatures.

This horrific cruelty cannot go unpunished. We demand that you seek the maximum penalty in this case.


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  1. I am terrified by this cruelty.

    Because whoever did this, whoever is capable of doing this, doesn’t just deserve imprisonment. They deserve to die. They deserve to die slowly, choking for air as sand and insects fill their lungs bit by painful bit.

    To whoever did this: you sicken me.

    And if by some miracle you’re capable of feeling guilt, I hope the weight of what you did haunts you until you’re broken down to dust and bone and rotting flesh like the subhuman piece of shit you are.

  2. This person needs to be jailed and banned from ever owning animals again!!!

    • Correction…this “evil creature” who clearly is not human needs to be killed in a very slow tortured way.

  3. Dominique Luciole says:

    Ignoble et barbare! ! Comment peut on faire de telles horreur

  4. Rose Coffey says:

    I sure hope this person gets turned in – and by one of their buddies at that! What a creep this person is. It’s a shame that people like this survive in today’s world.

  5. Suzanne Becker says:

    I wouldn’t want this person in my neighborhood,my city or my state. Needs to be in prison with psychiatric help.

  6. The prosecutor needs to put the blow torch to the POS asshole who did this.

  7. Irene Heckel-Volpe says:

    Prison is too good for this POS. Not worth our tax dollars. Same fate should befall this pond scum!!!

  8. Veronica D Figueiredo says:

    I agree with Leia French. This MONSTER deserves to die THE SAME WAY HE PLANNED THIS POOR ANIMAL DEATH: slowly, trying to gasp for air and inhaling dirt and flies. If you are capable of doing such BARBARIC CRUELTY to an animal, you PROVE you do not value LIFE. So you SHOULDN’T DESERVE TO LIVE either. DEATH PENALTY TO THIS SOB‼️‼️?????????????????

  9. Wendy Morrison says:

    Bury this idiot up to his nose in wet dirt.

  10. Maria Nowicki says:

    Do EXACTLY the same thing to the sub-human who did this
    and let him slowly die.

  11. pierre chantelauze says:

    Revolt and anger . And a blessing for this sweet innocent soul , who deserved much better . May he be in bliss ,
    somewhere else , far from this disgraceful world

  12. This person’s needs to have molten iron poured down their throat and left to die. Let nature take the body.

  13. Linda Badham says:

    I have no words that are adequate to call this “THING” WHO DID THIS EVIL TO A DOG. There are too many arseholes in this world who abuse animals and too many who do nothing about it ! this is shocking and sickening and I pray this beautiful soul will have so much love in the spirit world where she will never suffer again !

  14. I pray to God they find the person or persons responsible and that not only are they prosecuted to the fullest extent of Georgia law but to burn in eternal hell for the misery this man caused this precious baby !!! May God bless this baby rip

  15. Sickening and disgusting. DEATH PENALTY for this human paranoid trash !!

  16. Sickening and disgusting. DEATH PENALTY for this paranoid human trash !

  17. Nadine brundage says:

    Whoever committed this horrific act of cruelty needs to be
    found and buried just the way that poor animal,was. Low life demented piece of shit should not walk the earth.

  18. Nena Miller says:

    Another complete sociopathic asshole. Three damn days?? No one saw or knew this was going on? Of course it’s in Georgia where there are probably no laws against burying dogs alive, that would be the loophole it doesn’t state burying dogs alive right? Slap this assholes wrist when you should just shoot the useless creep.

  19. Bury the sleazebag who did this horrible thing to this innocent dog. Let the sleazebag feel the pain this dog endured before dying.

  20. HORRIBLE!!!!!!

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  • Diane Moss
  • Susan Perzel
  • Connie Eller
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  • Sonja Mueller
  • Solianni Cantu
  • Valerie Berg
  • Charlotte Tammami
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