Justice for Puppy Thrown Into Burning Fire Pit

Target: Scott Kolody, Commanding Officer of the Manitoba RCMP

Goal: Find and punish children accused of throwing a dog into a fire.

Police are looking for the people responsible for throwing a dog into a fire pit, causing severe burns. According to Katie Powell, founder of Save a Dog Network Canada, a group of children took the dog, an 8-month-old puppy named Polo, and threw him into a fire pit in Red Sucker Lake First Nation, Manitoba. She went on to say that Polo “came home with smoke bubbling from his nose. He had second degree burns on anything that wasn’t covered in fur.”

The poor dog had patches of fur missing as well as some blisters. Some of the dog’s fur melted into his skin, causing lesions. His nose, paws, mouth, and other areas were raw and severely damaged, and his eyes were left with ulcers from smoke damage. Investigators say that the pup’s fur saved his life — if he had a shorter coat, he would have died.

Fortunately, he survived the ordeal and is now recovering at the Tuxedo Animal Hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba. RCMP are currently investigating, but have not made any arrests. Rights group PETA is offering a $5,000 reward to anyone who comes forward with information leading to the arrest and conviction of the people responsible.

This act was blatantly cruel and could have resulted in the death of this innocent animal. Because of this cruelty, Polo will suffer for a long time, and may have lifelong disabilities. Sign the petition below to demand that the people responsible for this horrendous act are punished to the fullest extent of the law.


Dear Mr. Kolody,

A dog was recently thrown into a fire pit, allegedly by a group of children. The dog suffered severe burns to his entire body, particularly his eyes, nose, mouth, paws, and testicles. Investigators say that he would have died if he had a short coat — his fur protected him from a lot of damage but also melted into his skin, causing lesions.

This horrendous act caused extreme suffering to an innocent animal, and could even result in disability or chronic pain for the rest of Polo’s life. We, the undersigned, ask that you work hard to find and punish the people responsible for this heartless act of cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Katie Powell


  1. Henry Harber says:

    These kids should be punished harshly. If they were adults I’d say they needed to be burned at the stake for that’s what the tried to do with the pup. But brings that they are kids, a lesser degree of punnishement is called for. Something like Burning their hands and feet. Yes I know that’s really harsh but it’s the o ly way to stop this cruel behavior. Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.

    • I think the fact that kids perpetrated this vile and cruel act is worse!! Psychologists have stated for decades that cruelty to animals at a young age is indicative of psychopathic behaviour!
      These sick twisted bastards need to suffer severe punishment!!!

      • Alisha Hutchinson says:

        I want that 8 month old pup he’s so cute and he will get in with my to pups star and missy the lhaso apso who agrees like if u agree

      • They need the same punishment as they did to this pup. No excuses for children or humans…this is the way they are dragged up with care for animals.

  2. Rebecca Martello says:

    If no arrests have been made, how do they know that “a group of children threw the puppy into the fire pit”? A group of children? How old are these ‘unknown’ children? Someone must know something or the description wouldn’t have been so specific. Further, once they catch the little F*Rs, I hope they aren’t tried as ‘children’ but tried as adults. I don’t know Canada’s law but I sure as hell hope they don’t slap them on the hands and release them. I agree with many writers that any ‘child’ who can harm a defenseless animal is a budding psychopath and needs to be locked up for a good long time. Forget ‘counseling’, they need punishment.

  3. Please find those youngsters and make them work in an animalshelter under supervision for several months, to teach them respekt for animals!

  4. Stephanie Geyser says:

    If these juvenile delinquents are not caught and properly punished, just think what atrocities they will carry out when they are older *because they know they will get away with it). All the more reason why they must be found and punished – NOW.

  5. Czerny A. says:

    These “kids” are serial killers in the making. Whomever is shielding them are enabling them in their future acts of cruelty.

  6. I think they need to look at the root of the problem – their parents.

    What sort of upbringing have these children had, that they think throwing a puppy into a fire pit is OK.

    Authorities need to identify these children and locate the parents and see what is happening. It requires some sort of intervention before these kids grow to be murderous thugs, that is, if it is not too late.

  7. Lorraine Stanley says:

    Children?not what I’d call them cruel heartless’ monsters jail them animals not safe while these things are on the loise

  8. Elaine R says:

    What kind of parents must they be to allow their kids to go out to abuse and do this kind of cruelty to innocent animals. The kids need educating (and possibly parents too) for this heinous crime before they escalate and the parents say, ‘my .. wouldn’t do that .. they are good kid(s)’ a lack of discipline and respect for life is needed. Although some kids are little b’stds these days and the parents don’t seem to care. So glad Polo made it through OK. Punishment is needed, perhaps the same they inflicted on this innocent life, although little b’stds do things like this for fun !! Show them the same.

  9. Horrible bast@$tards.. .tosd them in the fire pit see how they like…shoukd be shoved in a room and kicked to f@#k..

  10. christine warman says:

    What vile cruel little monsters these humans are breeding now,these are the killers of the future and should be dealt with,perhaps they would like to feel the pain of being burnt,and the so called parents should be dealt with one way or another.

  11. Bad parenting. Never been taught any better. Get the parents as well as the nasty little brats, fine them up to the hilt. If they have to fork out they will soon control their feral kids.

  12. Children??? We need to clean up this earth. ALL scumbags doing such horrible things to animals must we wiped off the face off the earth!!! They will be abusers when they are grown up and it will not stay with animals it will be children and women also. Feed them to the crocodiles please. Let the animals sort them out!!!

    • Vikki Drew says:

      Agree with Anne-Mari Gavin totally!!

      Don’t care how old they are; they are pure evil – th ey should have been drowned at birth

      • Ya’ll are worse imo. Its about how u raise a child and what you will teach him, there is no such thing as evil or good, only humans with curiosity.

  13. Humans no matter what age that could do this are sick. They will move onto human victims if not caught.

  14. We need to rid this earth of sub-human’s! Find these scumbag’s & put them in a maximum security prison! Deeply disturbed sub-human garbage!!!

  15. People like this are criminals they will kill in the near future.

  16. Totally breaks my heart. Make the parents pay..

  17. the only thing good for these evil bastards it death and the fucking parents with them end of story

  18. Knowing just how MANY animals (mainly cats & dogs) suffer the worst atrocities on most Indian reserves in Canada, they should BAN them from keeping any at all, and the govt should be funding animal groups to rescue/spay/neuter as many as possible and get them the hell OUT and AWAY from the drug & alcohol-addicted Natives! In this current case, the RCMP SHOULD definitely concern itself with animal abuse issues (on reserves & elsewhere!), track down these monstrous youths, AND check their families for OTHER animals they may own, seize them, and charge them ALL accordingly for all the abuse & neglect that is HIGHLY LIKELY happening daily in THIS hellhole, as well as other reserves in all provinces! ENOUGH of turning a blind eye to violence & neglect towards animals!!!

  19. This act was not just cruel but vile, cowardly, evil and these low life kids need to pay a price …It does not matter how old they are …what they did to that poor puppy and the horrific suffering the little one went through is a heinous act ! The brutality of what was done is clearly a sign that they enjoyed the sadistic disgusting behavior that was done to a defenseless animal. We must advocate for the punishment of these so-called children and have justice for the pup. If they are let go and nothing happens to them then other children, people etc will likely be treated in some sort of callous manner as they get older….Clearly, they are perverted, savage and have no consciousness! THEY MUST BE PROSECUTED !!!

  20. If these evil children aren’t found and punished you will have some killers to deal with, these “children” as they are called are a threat to us, they need to be found.

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