Stop Dog Fighters From Owning More Dogs

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Target: Larry Harrah, Fayette County Prosecutor

Goal: Seek a lifetime ban from owning animals and the maximum possible punishment for animal cruelty convict who reportedly had multiple pit bulls with injuries consistent with forced animal fighting.

Over a dozen pit bull dogs were reportedly rescued from a man who has a prior conviction of animal cruelty. After receiving animal cruelty reports, officers searched the home of 36-year-old William Kincaid and found a total of 14 pit bulls, four of them were still puppies. One of the dogs had been hidden in a garage, police say. Among the items found in Kincaid’s possession, according to police, included a “breaking stick” with fresh blood on it, as well as other items commonly found in dog fighting training.

The dogs were taken to a veterinarian who confirmed that the injuries on their bodies were consistent with forced animal fighting. Kincaid was convicted of animal cruelty for fighting dogs in 2012, and he was banned from owning animals, then was convicted just last year of illegal ownership. He has already been allowed to get out on bail. It seems the authorities aren’t taking animal cruelty seriously or else this repeat offender would’ve never been allowed to keep harming animals. Kincaid was charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty, illegal possession of dogs, and failure to register a dog or kennel. Please add your signature to the petition below demanding that the authorities take charge once and for all and stop allowing this repeat offender to hurt innocent animals.


Dear Mr. Harrah,

Over a dozen pit bulls, including puppies, were reportedly found in the home of a man with a prior conviction of animal cruelty. According to the veterinarian who treated them, the animals had injuries that were consistent with forced animal fighting. William Kincaid had been convicted of animal cruelty back in 2012, and just last year he was convicted of going against the law again by illegally owning animals.

We, the undersigned, are calling on you to put a stop to this sick cruelty once and for all. Please see to it that this man is never allowed to harm any more innocent animals by seeking the maximum punishment and a lifetime ban from owning animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Beverly & Pack

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  1. Hi my name is Amber layman and I just started a gofundme to help me get property and turn it into a rescue for pits that’s been in dog fighting I have saved one and it going to be called second change I need people around the world to help me so they can have a second change and I will also have place for rescue animals to I tired of seeing animals being abused I am an animal liver and I want a place so they can be safe I have my own page on Facebook called second chance please help me make this happen

  2. Heather Fisher says:

    They should not be able to own more animals to abuse

  3. Tasha Benson says:

    Really…stop this crap

  4. Tasha Benson says:

    Really…stop this crap!!!!

  5. Courtney Webber says:

    So sick I hope he gets the death penalty.

  6. delores khoury says:

    they should not be allowed to even own a living plant period put them under the jail

  7. Kathy Flanagan says:

    They will continue to own dogs despite the law. These creeps need to be checked on a regular basis and, if caught with animals again, should receive strictest penalty allowed by law. Better yet, pass law that says I can shoot them and I’ll be delighted to rid the earth of them.

  8. People who abuse animals, abuse everything for life. Hurting and killing other thing is their sickness. I think lawmakers and prosecutors just go for the big cases but these people will become a big case as the urge, does not stop with animals.Next innocent children. I hope I live to see these abusers, with everything they have, donated to the centers that take care of the animals. Prison will teach these assholes, or kill them. Prisoners that are there will make them pay thew dues. We have to realize, no explanation or excuse will do. There is too many places to take animals to be cared for till adoption, I am begging We can make that difference. Don’t wait for others. How many have to be sacrificed?

  9. Janie Rushing says:

    I am fully aganist animal cruelty.These animals deserve to have a normal life.Where love is shown and kindness is a everyday eay of life.No-one has the right to abuse any living life.I pray for the maximum punishment for the depraved sick twisted people involved in the murder.toucher.and fighting of all living creatures In GOD I trust

  10. Nancy Mcnaughton says:

    Breaks my heart.

  11. Sandra Bates says:

    Soo …I know this is not the conventional answer .but stupid p.o.s. such as thease NEED A DAMM TATTOO ON THE FLIPPIN FOR HEAD !!! FOR ALL TO RECOGNIZE THE CRIME
    & yep it’s not a dignified sentence but neither is the crime slap a tattoo on the pigs and a reward offered for turning in the pigs when they break their sentence
    ….. Nothing more than a SORRY ARSS PIG would do this !!!

  12. Patricia Alden says:

    Animals shouldn’t be abused or mistreated or neglected. They should be loved and cared for and members of the family.any animal abuser or any animal cruelty should get the life sentence or the death penalty

  13. Laurie Caya says:

    Maybe we should start doing the same to the people that they are doing to these precious babies

  14. Dawn DeWeese says:

    This is horrible! They should not be allowed to PET an animal. Let alone own one! They should be thrown in with a vicious dog. Then they’d know how it feels to have those teeth rip you up.

  15. Kelly Brinkman says:

    These people are like sex offenders and should never be allowed around animals let alone own them.

  16. Elise Turner says:

    Haven’t there been plenty of studies done saying that those who abuse animals are more likely to abuse humans in the future. If the simple fact that hurting an animal isn’t enough for some people to pressure our government agencies to pass legislation on harsher penalties for those that abuse animals, shouldn’t that fact be enough then. Treat these people like they have treated these poor animals!

  17. They should not be abused someone killed two of my cat’s an called thr police twice smh they did not take it seriously I was too disturbed to cope one was stabbed the other abused till she died….people are evil…

  18. he should be in jail for life abusing these wonderful babies..

  19. he should be jailed for life.

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