Stop Dog Fighters From Owning More Dogs

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Target: Larry Harrah, Fayette County Prosecutor

Goal: Seek a lifetime ban from owning animals and the maximum possible punishment for animal cruelty convict who reportedly had multiple pit bulls with injuries consistent with forced animal fighting.

Over a dozen pit bull dogs were reportedly rescued from a man who has a prior conviction of animal cruelty. After receiving animal cruelty reports, officers searched the home of 36-year-old William Kincaid and found a total of 14 pit bulls, four of them were still puppies. One of the dogs had been hidden in a garage, police say. Among the items found in Kincaid’s possession, according to police, included a “breaking stick” with fresh blood on it, as well as other items commonly found in dog fighting training.

The dogs were taken to a veterinarian who confirmed that the injuries on their bodies were consistent with forced animal fighting. Kincaid was convicted of animal cruelty for fighting dogs in 2012, and he was banned from owning animals, then was convicted just last year of illegal ownership. He has already been allowed to get out on bail. It seems the authorities aren’t taking animal cruelty seriously or else this repeat offender would’ve never been allowed to keep harming animals. Kincaid was charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty, illegal possession of dogs, and failure to register a dog or kennel. Please add your signature to the petition below demanding that the authorities take charge once and for all and stop allowing this repeat offender to hurt innocent animals.


Dear Mr. Harrah,

Over a dozen pit bulls, including puppies, were reportedly found in the home of a man with a prior conviction of animal cruelty. According to the veterinarian who treated them, the animals had injuries that were consistent with forced animal fighting. William Kincaid had been convicted of animal cruelty back in 2012, and just last year he was convicted of going against the law again by illegally owning animals.

We, the undersigned, are calling on you to put a stop to this sick cruelty once and for all. Please see to it that this man is never allowed to harm any more innocent animals by seeking the maximum punishment and a lifetime ban from owning animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Beverly & Pack

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  1. Cynthia Pisarcik says:

    This man doesn’t deserve to live!!!!!!! if he is this cruel to innocent animals I’m sure he is cruel to humans
    as well.

    Something needs to be done to people who treats innocent animals this way. I would like to tie his hands behind his back and throw him in a fighting ring with about 25 big hungry mean dogs and tear him to pieces!!!!!!!

    Do something to these sick people!!!

    • The problem is you odiously don’t have 25 hungry dogs. and I don’t know anyone that has any either.
      So lets not use the dogs any further. Someone should create a place where animal abusers can do good. a place where they can live away from any animals. Color TV and cable while they
      Harvest his GOOD parts.

  2. Audrey Arbogast says:

    This kind of monster deserves the electric chair. No, it is too kind for what he did. How can all countries let this kind of sociopaths be free and continue to torture and kill sensitive creatures ? Animals are more “humane” than these monsters.
    Governments aren’t taken things seriously if it is not a human who is injured, I don’t understand the world we are living in 🙁

  3. Judith Weber says:

    5 years community service in animal welfare AFTER completing a hard labor prison term. This is a travisty to civilized worlds. Are we 3rd world, I think not. Stop, look, listen act, punish this man please.

  4. Annica Eriksson says:

    Throw the sick low life in prison and let the coward rot away.

  5. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & Shared❗️?

  6. Obviously this POS will keep getting more dogs. This just prevents him from doing it legally and registering them for licenses. He needs to be supervised and have random home checks to make sure he has no animals at any time!

  7. When will the victims receive justice? When they can talk? This is beyond criminal and needs a harsh sentence like incarcerate them for the same duration as if they were human beings. More then likely, someone else in the family, children, spouse are being abused anyway.

  8. You lowlife sick bastard scum! You need a bullet in head…The courts are way to lenient with this type of gutter life

  9. angelina ricketts says:

    This man isn’t a man he’s a monster who shouldn’t have no name x put him in a ring with all the dogs and get them to attack him big time. X

  10. BEV WATSON says:

    Why why is this allowed ????

  11. Colette Ferguson says:

    Just like sex offenders,we need photos and detailed descriptions of these animal abusers posted everywhere to expose who they are and what butchers they are.

  12. Lee Dowker says:

    I tryed to sign SUPPORT this petition.. tells me my email address is already registered & wont accept. .Ive had this email address for many years….Just wanted to SUPPORT..

  13. The fines and sentences for these things definitely need revising. I do think they need to create a database of the people convicted of animal abuse so that kennels etc can access them or they need to bring back dog licenses. No license no dog.

  14. Barbara Wayman says:

    Despicably HORRENDOUS !! This individual needs to be STOPPED preferably with some jail time to THINK about his actions to the defenseless

  15. Joanne Dorsett says:

    I have never seen an animal so starved, it’s disgusting and the perpetrator should be locked up and starved.

  16. It is beyond irresponsible to allow to allow known abusers to keep animals.

  17. Maria Vega says:

    Why these criminals are not in jail and laws are not there to defend the innocent is beyond comprehension!!!!

  18. Keith Morgan says:

    Listen Tire mode operational has to stop dogs are pets they are not made to fight to the death and using poor sick week or deliberately malnourished week or dogs as bait for the stronger ones to kill them for the six sociopathic enjoyment of the onlookers this is prevalent in Mexico and other poor third world countries where they don’t know what Real Entertainment is but in the United States as well as all these other countries this is got to stop it’s inhumane the dog suffer then they dump them off on the side of the road to die or lay out in the open with injuries unable to walk or take care of himself it’s unconscionable these men should be put behind bars with very very stiff penalties and fines so expensive they can’t afford to pay them it regardless of their monetary status they need to be made an example of or better yet hang them in the Public Square that will definitely put it into them at least so no one else would dare to follow in their footsteps thank you Keith J Morgan

  19. Dorothy Abbott says:

    I signed the petition and received a reply from my MP for North Dorset Simon Hoare. He stated an interest because he is a ‘responsible dog owner’. He reiterated the results of the review of the DEFRA Select Committee’s report, published last year, which did not recommend increasing the maximum sentencing for animal abuse but did remove the cap on fines which can be issued to the offender. He was sure that I would see this as a positive development and that he would monitor any progress on this issue with ‘great interest’. Whilst I was pleased to receive a reply, it felt more like an acknowledgement of my concern. I was hoping Simon Hoare, being ‘a responsible dog owner’, would go that extra mile and do something to change the law as it stands. Perhaps if enough people make a stink we may see some action.

  20. Kerry boagey says:

    These scum should not be allowed to breathe let alone own any animal !! Oxygen thriving scum !!!

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