Target: Neil Evans, Greater Manchester Police Chief Superintendent
Goal: Severely punish man caught on video punching his dog in the head and slamming her to the ground.
A man was caught viciously attacking his dog on video footage. In the beginning of the video, the man can be seen walking his seemingly terrified dog along a street, but when the animal suddenly stops, the man tugs at the leash. Moments later, he bends down and punches the poor dog, believed to be named Narla, in the head repeatedly. At one point in the video, the man jerks Narla up and slams her to the ground.
As long as she remains in this violent person’s care, Narla is clearly in serious danger. If swift action isn’t taken to immediately jail the man in the video, then Narla’s very life could be in danger. Please sign the petition below demanding that Narla be rescued from this violent person and that her attacker be brought to justice.
Dear Chief Evans,
Video footage shows a man violently attacking his dog by punching her in the head repeatedly and then jerking her up and slamming her to the ground. The beginning of the video shows the man walking his dog before she stops suddenly. That’s when he begins tugging at her leash before bending over and unleashing a vicious string of punches to her head.
The disgusting act of violent animal cruelty was committed in broad daylight on a public street. Even when a passerby confronted the animal abuser, instead of showing remorse or shame, the man responded by yelling that it was none of their concern. The behavior shown in the video makes it clear that this person is out of control and a danger to the well-being of innocent creatures. We, the undersigned, are calling on you to make sure that the innocent dog is removed from this violent person’s care and that he be punished and banned from owning animals in the future.
[Your Name Here]
Please find this sub human,people must recognise him from photograph,this poor dog must be taken from him,he must be suffering badly,if police do nothing,where are the animal defenders.
Anbody causing any sort of violence or suffering to animals needs to be punished. Teh animal or animals must be takien away from him and it must be made sure that he is ona register of animal abusers and that he is not to be allowed to haev any contact with animals again and certainly not be in charge of any. All of this needs to eb set up and monitored so that it is a completely efective system that works. In addition he needs to be charged with animal abuse , made to pay a hefty fine and also imprisoned for a period long enough to make him realise he has a problem and that he was wrong in what he did and that he is not to do it again.
Why are people so mean to animals? Why? I will NEVER understand. Wether it’s a house pet, a farm animal, a factory animal, a baby seal pup in Canada any kind of animal. It makes no sense to me! All that hurt and do things to them should be punished!
What a f****** piece of s*** give me that mother f***** we will beat The Living Daylights out of that crack I will punch him and his f****** head until you f****** can’t breathe cut his little dick off and shove it down his f****** throat
This monster needs to be STOPPED immediately! How the hell can anyone be so cruel and hateful. This is so upsetting to even see. He put it on video so why can’t they get this son-of-a-bitch.
Please do all you can to find this man, and hold him accountable
for his actions. He should be beaten up and have his head also
slammed to the ground so he knows what the poor dog went through.
Tatoo the words “animal abuser”across his forehead – jail time and a substantial fine also recommended. Remove the dog and give him to a rescue group to find him a new home. This man shuld NEVER be permitted to have another animal.
There are better ways to train a dog; maybe the owner needs training.
UTTER SCUM needs a mandatory jail sentence and not allowed near any animal ever again, and should go on an animal abuser registry..its all our business..didn’t anyone call the rspca? or video this man?
This poor dog has not been taken away from this monster yet?! Forget it! The dog probably is already dead,because she was not taken away immediately! The law drags it feet sometimes,and worst things happen as a result!
Some assholes are not to meant to own pets.what kind of a power tripping POS would attack innocent animals? Confiscate the poor thing, now!
This SICK BASTARD must be put behind bars and this poor dog must be taken care of immediately.
This petition names the dog in the video? Why on earth has this dog remained w this savage beast of an owner? The dog is probably deceased or severely maimed at this point!! Outrageous!!!!
Totally agree they knew name of dog how did they know that? None of this add’s up and if it happened in a public street why didnt anyone come to aid of dog??? How can you walk by when an animal is beaten and do nothing shame on british people.
And the videographer???
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
How the hell do people know the dog’s name, which indicates that someone knows her and her owner, and still nothing has been done yet????
Dear Chief Rochdale, Greater Manchester Police Chief Superintendent
You cannot let this horrible animal abuser remain free. This is plain and simple animal cruelty and you have the evidence on video.
Make it a priory to find him ASAP, before its too late and the poor innocent dog receives another beating, which she probably won’t survive. She more than likely has sever injuries from this beating. And this man should never be allowed to own another animal. And please request anger management classes along with mental health counseling as part of his sentencing. Along with mandatory jail time.
Again, I must stress that you must find and severely punish the animal abuser caught on video punching his dog in the head and slamming her to the ground.
Love and happiness to all the animals of the world.
Please stop this ugly POS from abusing this poor dog any further, I wish someone would find him and give him some good Ole fashion punishment, break his legs kind of punishment.
He was on the run but has now turned himself in and there are 2 dogs he has which have been taken from him. He still needs to be punished and to check the RSPCA to make sure they find the dog a home and not be killed.
First of all the bit of rubbish isnt a man.
He was on the run? Well lets hope the inmates know what he did
get this evil bastard & beat him up take the dog away tend to it & find it a good home, I will have it if you cant find a home altho I have a male cat, I’m not looking for a dog but id rather give a dog a good home than have someone beat it to death nasty vile specimin
The public that witnessed and did nothing are just as bad as him