Jail Time for Teen Who Savagely Beat Cows

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Target: Barry Hughes, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Somerset, U.K.

Goal: Seek the harshest possible punishment for teen found guilty of kicking, punching, and otherwise brutalizing cows at a dairy farm.

A teenager has pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to one or more cows after being caught on video performing some of the cruelest acts a local vet had ever seen. Owen Nichol, an apprentice stockman at a dairy farm, was filmed punching, kicking, and otherwise brutalizing animals at Pyrland Farm. This farm had an otherwise immaculate animal welfare record according to inspections, and Nichol was terminated immediately with the remaining staff undergoing a training workshop.

Nichol is seen on video punching calves, kicking cows in the face, and kicking calves to get them to move or stand up. The undercover video, taken by rights group Animal Equality, also showed the teen pulling on cows’ tails, pinning them to the ground, and beating them with metal gates. The teen also admitted to repeatedly punching and slapping nursing cows.

In court, the teen claimed that he was having a ‘bad week,’ as his grandmother was in the hospital and his girlfriend recently broke up with him. Animal welfare advocate Toni Shephard, executive director of Animal Equality U.K., took the stand to say that this is no excuse and that Nichol should be given the maximum possible penalty under the law, or 12 weeks of imprisonment. Sign the petition below to stand with Shephard in demanding a harsh penalty for this cruel abuser.


Dear Mr. Hughes,

Owen Nichol, a teen who worked at a dairy farm in Taunton, Somerset, was recently found guilty of animal abuse for beating and brutalizing cows. The teen was caught on tape punching, kicking, and beating cows with metal gates. He was also seen pulling the tails of the animals, pinning them to the ground, and shouting obscenities at them.

The teen claimed that he was having a rough week, but this is a poor excuse. Anyone who can commit such violence against an innocent animal could pose a threat to both animals and humans in the future. We, the undersigned, demand that this teen is given jail time as well as a full psychiatric evaluation and possible anger management classes in order to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Cindy Andrie

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  1. Chris De la Cruz says:

    Hes having a bad weekend…..sorry for those poor animals to paid for…no way!Justice for those poor babys…?

  2. Deborah Javet says:

    This is how they start…..heartless ahole’s mistreating animals before they move on to people. Say hello to your next school shooter!! He should be held accountable for his actions!!!! Not some little slap on the wrist!! He’s probably home laughing right now plotting his next evil act!!


  4. Angela brown says:

    This is how the Florida kid killer started. These are people without souls. Punish him the same as if he had done this to a person. It would be sad to be this boys parents. He deserves a beating and jail time. Not a comfy jail time either. So sick of all the animal cruelty in the world. Make it a felony with hard time to hurt any living thing two or four legged.

  5. He’ll be another serial killer or school shooter. Better stop him now. Post his picture.

  6. Justice should be served.

  7. Please there was no reason that this young man to be abusive…abuse…terrifying…these innocent animals !!!!!!! Please their should be judged on this terrible crime !!!!!!!!

  8. This teenager is a serial killer in the making,Granny needs to discipline or let someone else deal with this abusive monster.He needs the ….., best out of him having the same done to him!!Tilted of excuses being made.He is old enough to know right from wrong.Good thing he didn’t do that abusive act to my precious and makes,I would not be held for my actions.He will be going to a special place and it won’t go up!!Thanks for all you are doing!!

  9. I agree if they don’t do something know it could turn out to be another school massacre or he could become a serial killer because hes,got away with beating animals half to death what s this country coming to anyway when a person is allowed to go out and,beat someone else animals half to death and,get a spended jail time it should have been persion time for that young fellow before he doesvtake,a human,life thinking he’s gonna get way with that too

  10. Sue moye says:

    This is so crazy to hurt any innocent animal.Thesr people need to be put away an noy even be around sane people.These attacks on livestock, Dogs,cats,donkeys,an all live,mamals.No since at all in this crazy stuff. It is hot down there.

  11. Cindy Kraus says:

    Jail time is a must

  12. Kimberly Franz says:

    We need to start punishing animal abusers or this will never stop!

  13. 12 weeks??? What’s he going to learn?

  14. Barbara Bittinger says:

    The letter reads possible anger mgt. Really? He should not be allowed around animals or children unsupervised. He deserves jail time. He had a bad wk? The problem is the right guy didn’t catch this moron in the act,after he had a bad wk.

  15. Michelle Dvorak says:

    He needs to go to jail

  16. Donnah Tichacek says:

    This guy doesn’t to deserve to live. Hope he beaten in prison.

  17. Maria Martinez says:

    Jail but for a long time stupid kids

  18. Future serial killer and probably rapist in the making. Save some lives and just put him down. There is no rehab for anyone who’s already gone this far.

  19. Please prosecute this sick monster! There is NO excuse for this,,it is abuse and he deserves harsher punishment!! Please register his full name and identity, as to make certain he is not permitted to Own an animal of any kind, and/or work with animals,

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