Jail Time for Teen Who Savagely Beat Cows

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Target: Barry Hughes, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Somerset, U.K.

Goal: Seek the harshest possible punishment for teen found guilty of kicking, punching, and otherwise brutalizing cows at a dairy farm.

A teenager has pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to one or more cows after being caught on video performing some of the cruelest acts a local vet had ever seen. Owen Nichol, an apprentice stockman at a dairy farm, was filmed punching, kicking, and otherwise brutalizing animals at Pyrland Farm. This farm had an otherwise immaculate animal welfare record according to inspections, and Nichol was terminated immediately with the remaining staff undergoing a training workshop.

Nichol is seen on video punching calves, kicking cows in the face, and kicking calves to get them to move or stand up. The undercover video, taken by rights group Animal Equality, also showed the teen pulling on cows’ tails, pinning them to the ground, and beating them with metal gates. The teen also admitted to repeatedly punching and slapping nursing cows.

In court, the teen claimed that he was having a ‘bad week,’ as his grandmother was in the hospital and his girlfriend recently broke up with him. Animal welfare advocate Toni Shephard, executive director of Animal Equality U.K., took the stand to say that this is no excuse and that Nichol should be given the maximum possible penalty under the law, or 12 weeks of imprisonment. Sign the petition below to stand with Shephard in demanding a harsh penalty for this cruel abuser.


Dear Mr. Hughes,

Owen Nichol, a teen who worked at a dairy farm in Taunton, Somerset, was recently found guilty of animal abuse for beating and brutalizing cows. The teen was caught on tape punching, kicking, and beating cows with metal gates. He was also seen pulling the tails of the animals, pinning them to the ground, and shouting obscenities at them.

The teen claimed that he was having a rough week, but this is a poor excuse. Anyone who can commit such violence against an innocent animal could pose a threat to both animals and humans in the future. We, the undersigned, demand that this teen is given jail time as well as a full psychiatric evaluation and possible anger management classes in order to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Cindy Andrie

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  1. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Hope the bastard rots his ass in hell❗️?
    Signed & Shared?

  2. Kim Fischer says:

    Our laws are too lax 12 weeks and will probably get out early. This kid is a danger to all of us. Unfortunantly our animals pay the ultmate price for nasty low life humans.

  3. This monster will go on to abuse people and more animals. Put monsters like this away!!

  4. DONNA L KING says:

    My e-mil is correct

  5. This is despicable

  6. I think that cowards hurt animals. They are defenseless it is pure evil. They need to be shown the same treatment.

  7. Dale Robbins says:

    Why aren’t there cameras or Humane society or some monitoring agency in these hell holes

  8. Letting them off with a slap on the wrist only opens the door for more cruelty…To both animal and human.

    The ones who let people like this continue should also be charged, since they are now accomplices to the crime.

  9. MARIA WESELOH says:

    Why is it telling me that my email address it’s already registered. So every time I want to sign a petition, it doesn’t let me do it at all

  10. Norma Jean Campbell says:

    What an evil bastard, there is NO reason or excuse for abusing any animal in this world. Punishments need to be much harsher for animal abusers. Animals must be protected since they have no voice & can not protect themselves. This low life guy deserves to be flogged. I’ll volunteer.

  11. Robert Stacey says:

    Bring him to my house. Want to teach him something.

  12. Despicable needs extreme help!

  13. He deserves the harshest penalty and never be allowed to work around animals again. Self-absorbed whiner.


    Scumbags that hurt defenseless animals

  15. Humans that are cruel to animals will likely abuse humans as well – statistics don’t lie. This piece of trash needs to be locked up and taught a lesson. He is despicable. We need to speak up for the animals who have no voices!

  16. this hideous human needs to be given the highest punishment – better yet the same treatment he gave to the helpless creatures who can’t complain or defend themselves. This person is also a future criminal in the making- totally evil!!

  17. Audra Forler says:

    “The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.”
    Arthur Schopenhauer, The Basis of Morality

  18. What a fucking loser . someone should euthanize this piece of shit !

  19. Candy Thomas says:

    Make an example out of him! Harshest punishment possible! He will almost guaranteed move on to worse acts of violence….he needs major help, but he must be punished NOW!

  20. I keep trying to sign these petitions but everytime I do, it tells me I’m already registered… and I know I haven’t signed it yet. What do I need to do to fix this issue?

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