Jail Time for Teen Who Savagely Beat Cows

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Target: Barry Hughes, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Somerset, U.K.

Goal: Seek the harshest possible punishment for teen found guilty of kicking, punching, and otherwise brutalizing cows at a dairy farm.

A teenager has pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to one or more cows after being caught on video performing some of the cruelest acts a local vet had ever seen. Owen Nichol, an apprentice stockman at a dairy farm, was filmed punching, kicking, and otherwise brutalizing animals at Pyrland Farm. This farm had an otherwise immaculate animal welfare record according to inspections, and Nichol was terminated immediately with the remaining staff undergoing a training workshop.

Nichol is seen on video punching calves, kicking cows in the face, and kicking calves to get them to move or stand up. The undercover video, taken by rights group Animal Equality, also showed the teen pulling on cows’ tails, pinning them to the ground, and beating them with metal gates. The teen also admitted to repeatedly punching and slapping nursing cows.

In court, the teen claimed that he was having a ‘bad week,’ as his grandmother was in the hospital and his girlfriend recently broke up with him. Animal welfare advocate Toni Shephard, executive director of Animal Equality U.K., took the stand to say that this is no excuse and that Nichol should be given the maximum possible penalty under the law, or 12 weeks of imprisonment. Sign the petition below to stand with Shephard in demanding a harsh penalty for this cruel abuser.


Dear Mr. Hughes,

Owen Nichol, a teen who worked at a dairy farm in Taunton, Somerset, was recently found guilty of animal abuse for beating and brutalizing cows. The teen was caught on tape punching, kicking, and beating cows with metal gates. He was also seen pulling the tails of the animals, pinning them to the ground, and shouting obscenities at them.

The teen claimed that he was having a rough week, but this is a poor excuse. Anyone who can commit such violence against an innocent animal could pose a threat to both animals and humans in the future. We, the undersigned, demand that this teen is given jail time as well as a full psychiatric evaluation and possible anger management classes in order to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Cindy Andrie

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  1. Take this useless piece of shit and do the same to him . I hope he dies soon in a horrible manner!

  2. Rosslyn Osborne says:

    Owen needs to think upon these words, and never be allowed anywhere near animals again… good gracious, what would he do to his kids if having a bad week?
    “Ye must not only have kind and merciful feelings for mankind, but ye should also exercise the utmost kindness towards every living creature.
    The physical sensibilities and instincts are common to animal and man.
    Man is, however, negligent of this reality and imagines that sensibility is peculiar to mankind, therefore he practices cruelty to the animal…..
    In reality what difference is there in physical sensations! Sensibility is the same whether you harm man or animal: there is no difference. Nay, rather, cruelty to the animal is more painful because man has a tongue and he sighs, complains and groans when he receives an injury and complains to the government and the government protects him from cruelty; but the poor animal cannot speak, it can neither show its suffering nor is it able to appeal to the government.
    If it is harmed a thousand times by man it is not able to defend itself in words nor can it seek justice or retaliate…..
    Therefore one must be very considerate towards animals and show greater kindness to them than to man…. Man is generally sinful and the animal is innocent; unquestionably one must be more kind and merciful to the innocent”. Baha’i Faith Writings

  3. Evil runt. Do the same to him. Infact chop his hands off then he wouldnt be able to hurt any liveing thing again. Bet you he will do it again but more cunning so he doesnt get caught!!

  4. 12 weeks? Are you kidding me!

  5. Sentencing is too lenient for bastards who harm defenceless animals…..what is the matter with the law…..for theft offenders are given longer terms even…unbelievable!!!!

  6. Sharon Rudyk says:

    You need to do unto this creep what IT hath done to these innocent animals!! Jail time only punishes the rest of us by making US PAY for his jail time! Return the favor to this creep human and it will not be too quick to do this again!!!! And YES I mean IT [cannot force myself to call THAT a human!!]

  7. Nawal Hammoud says:

    Yes he needs the MAXIMUM punishment! So what his grandmother is in the hospital and so what his girlfriend broke up with him, probably because he treated her the same way!! That’s no excuse for this abuse! Again, once the laws actually enforced, maybe this shit will stop!!

  8. Linda Amundson says:

    OWEN NICHOL is an 18-year-old ADULT male. Every damn abuser on the planet has an excuse for their cruelty. The cows are the innocent victims here. The calves are their innocent BABIES. Put this violent turd in jail. NO EXCUSES.

  9. Kathleen Grossman says:

    What an evil excuse for a human being. To do something so heinous to innocent creatures is beyond comprehension. It is appalling that when crimes are committed against animals, the punishment is minimal as if these precious lives are worthless. Every day another horrendous act of animal cruelty happens, and it seems that each abuser/killer is trying to top the one before. I am sickened that this piece of filth got off lightly for this despicable crime.

  10. Just kill the worthless scank!

  11. He should be punished fully to the extent of the law. Animal abusers like this go on to abuse people. Good thing is girlfriend left him. This is no excuse for what he did.

    He claimed that he was having a ‘bad week,’ as his grandmother was in the hospital and his girlfriend recently broke up with him. BOO HOO – MY HEART BLEEDS FOR YOU!!

  13. Antoinette Ohayon says:

    I hope your burn in hell you rotten piece of human tissue

  14. Katherine Leijer says:

    This is not normal human behavior. This people need mental help, a psychological evaluation. We can just acknowledge a problem and address it half way.

  15. Candy Niewinski says:

    Only 12 weeks? WTF! What a pathetic excuse for a human being. Owen Nichol,I hope you die an early death and rot in hell you POS

  16. 12 weeks in jail is not going to make this evil sob Owen Nichol repent. He will do it again given the chance so, please get tough with him and do not allow him near another animal at all in future.

  17. Kimberly Beebe says:

    Wow! There is no excuse for this behavior. Obviously the apple does not fall far from the trees. It truly shows what a sad should this boy has become. Please punish him to the fullest extent of law. Time for the lessons.

  18. Jaime Perez says:

    12 weeks in jail! This little Bastard needs to have his ass kicked over and over. What a stinking pos he is.

  19. Rosie Boyd says:

    Full force of the law please for this abuser. I have bad weeks and don’t go beating anything up. As for this little fuckwit beating up on nursing cows and calves, I’m absolutely horrified. I’m not surprised his girlfriend broke up with him, she could probably sense what he was like.
    Thanks for posting his name as well, we can all be on the lookout for him now. He’d better watch his back, I can tell you.

  20. Nancy Lowell says:

    If he is old enough to have a job he is old enough to know better than to engage in these behaviors. Punish him by giving him 12 weeks to absorb the error of his ways. O wonder his girlfriend broke up with him; she saw the abuse she ight get.

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