Dog Reportedly Cruelly Run Over by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: J. Hanley, State’s Attorney for Winnebago County, Illinois

Goal: Ensure strict legal consequences for suspect who allegedly ran over a dog and prevent future abuse.

Community members in Rockford, Illinois, were recently shaken by reports of an act of animal cruelty involving a man running over his own dog. The case has prompted protests outside the Winnebago County Courthouse, with attendees calling for justice and greater accountability for acts of violence against animals.

Animal cruelty is a pressing issue, with an estimated 10 million animals dying from abuse annually in the United States. The case in Rockford is a heartbreaking reminder of the need to protect animals and enforce existing laws that hold individuals accountable for such inhumane actions. Advocates argue that abusing or killing an animal is as severe as harming a human and deserves equivalent legal scrutiny.

Strong penalties must be imposed to send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated. This includes enforcing state laws that prescribe significant consequences for those convicted of abuse, ensuring such cases serve as a deterrent to potential offenders. Sign below and demand that authorities pursue this case to the fullest extent of the law.


Dear Attorney J. Hanley,

The recent case of alleged animal cruelty in Rockford, where a man reportedly ran over his own dog, has deeply disturbed the community. Such acts of violence against defenseless animals are not only heartbreaking but also indicative of a broader issue that requires immediate and firm legal action.

According to statistics, millions of animals suffer abuse every year in the United States. This case is a stark reminder of the need for strong enforcement of animal protection laws. Abuse of animals is no different from violence against humans, and it deserves the same level of attention and accountability under the law.

We urge your office to pursue the maximum penalties for those found guilty of animal cruelty in this case. Strict enforcement of existing laws will not only deliver justice for the animals but also act as a deterrent to others who may consider engaging in such acts. It is imperative that we send a clear message that animal cruelty has no place in our society.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: breakfree2911


  1. Death penalty for bastard abuser/killer,POS,SOB, coward,burn in hell,motherfucker. Kill him!
    Justice for dog!

    • I could not agree with you more! If we had more harsh penalties people might thing twice before doing cruel shit! That being said I am an eye for an eye so let somebody run him over with a car and leave him to suffer in the street to die

    • I totally agree with you! That SOB should be ran over several times until he becomes one with the pavement! We need justice for they innocent animals. Our pets rely on us for love, food and support. And it breaks my heart to see evil people harm these precious animals.

    • Yes but please do not kill him instantly. Chop off his hands and let him die a slow painful death.

    • TOTALLY agree!!! The poor dog…murdered by the one he/she trusted. Maybe the same punishment should be meted out to the bastard ?

  2. Maggie Bailey says:

    Signed. Awful incident – presume the dog did not survive being run over? It would have been good to state that in the petition, what happened to the dog.

  3. These tragedies and abuses towards All Animales Must Stop and laws against Harming Animales must be harsh and meningfull,hard felt by those who Harm them , it will never stop unless these laws are strong and carried , even laws for harming humans are week and watered down by the time sentences are given no wonder hainess crimes continue Manditory sentences must be given to stop crimes!!!

  4. Sherri Solito says:

    And PLEASE do the same to this fur baby’s care giver!! I’d LOVE to be the one to do it! God bless this fur baby.

    • Pienso lo mismo Sherri!!!!

    • In all animal abuse cases I notice more and more people are offering vigilante justice. If the laws don’t change and judges don’t do their part to help stop it it will happen.
      I am fed up of signing petitions and never knowing the outcome or finding out they went to court and paid a small fine for a life.

  5. This worthless piece of trash is named 52-year-old Jon Duncan
    and here is the article:

  6. says:

    Why doesn’t someone run over the monster who killed the innocent dog?

  7. Make no mistake if this inhuman piece of garbage is let off the hook with a slap on the wrist his next targets are our beloved children and pets . Make this person pay by sending him to prison for 20 years plus a day to ensure he stays in prison where he belongs to protect our children and pets too .

  8. Heidi Joppa says:

    Someone should run him over and leave him to suffer.

  9. These inhumane monsters MUST get what they give the animal. NO exceptions!!!

  10. I hope some one runs him over sicko

  11. This man deserved no sympathy.



  13. This guy should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, his dog should be taken from him, and he should never be allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. My heart breaks for all these poor animals who do not deserve any of these twisted sick suffering acts of violence! Animal cruelty, torture and abuse have skyrocketed how about the system takes everyone of these losers and give them 24/7 community service to fill their days! Then it’s back to a cold dark cell in solitary confinement! This has got to stop do your job throw the book at this pile of garbage he had no right he had numerous options if he didn’t want this beautiful dog but choice to do the unthinkable! Enough send a clear message animal cruelty will never be tolerated period!

  15. “Animal cruelty” as man runs over his own dog. Cruelty, not murder? There is no indication whether this sweet pup survived or not. I do wish these awful stories had completion about them.

    So far as the owner is concerned:
    1.banned from keeping animals – any animals – ever again;
    2.very large fine paid by him to local/nearest animal hospital;
    3.very large donation made by him to local animal shelter;
    4.2 days in a Class A prison [in the UK Class A’s house the most dangerous prisoners] with animal-loving inmates who can teach him how to look after animals properly – and maybe learn some anger management.

  16. Hope that piece of shit gets the ran down in a car and they keep going back and forth back and forth
    And his friggin small ass pea size brain squirt out and then him over and over… go to hell asshole

  17. Disgusting pos he needs to hang

  18. Run over that monster! Not a human so won’t matter.

  19. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Why does the man who deliberately ran over his dog remain nameless? Is he afraid? Jerk.

  20. Phyllis Turner says:

    Please enforce laws against innocent animals, they DO NOT deserve ANY kind of abuse or neglect at all.

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  • Clarice Nape
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  • Muriel Boband
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  • Emma Spurgin Hussey
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