Dog Reportedly Cruelly Run Over by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: J. Hanley, State’s Attorney for Winnebago County, Illinois

Goal: Ensure strict legal consequences for suspect who allegedly ran over a dog and prevent future abuse.

Community members in Rockford, Illinois, were recently shaken by reports of an act of animal cruelty involving a man running over his own dog. The case has prompted protests outside the Winnebago County Courthouse, with attendees calling for justice and greater accountability for acts of violence against animals.

Animal cruelty is a pressing issue, with an estimated 10 million animals dying from abuse annually in the United States. The case in Rockford is a heartbreaking reminder of the need to protect animals and enforce existing laws that hold individuals accountable for such inhumane actions. Advocates argue that abusing or killing an animal is as severe as harming a human and deserves equivalent legal scrutiny.

Strong penalties must be imposed to send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated. This includes enforcing state laws that prescribe significant consequences for those convicted of abuse, ensuring such cases serve as a deterrent to potential offenders. Sign below and demand that authorities pursue this case to the fullest extent of the law.


Dear Attorney J. Hanley,

The recent case of alleged animal cruelty in Rockford, where a man reportedly ran over his own dog, has deeply disturbed the community. Such acts of violence against defenseless animals are not only heartbreaking but also indicative of a broader issue that requires immediate and firm legal action.

According to statistics, millions of animals suffer abuse every year in the United States. This case is a stark reminder of the need for strong enforcement of animal protection laws. Abuse of animals is no different from violence against humans, and it deserves the same level of attention and accountability under the law.

We urge your office to pursue the maximum penalties for those found guilty of animal cruelty in this case. Strict enforcement of existing laws will not only deliver justice for the animals but also act as a deterrent to others who may consider engaging in such acts. It is imperative that we send a clear message that animal cruelty has no place in our society.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: breakfree2911


  1. Death penalty for all animal abusers and let them rot in hell !

  2. Jaime Perez says:

    What a disgusting pos monster this creep is to do such a despicable thing to an innocent dog. Throw his dumbass in jail for a very long time!!

  3. Karen SMITH says:

    This monster deserves to be shot put him out of his misery so he won’t be a sick! Misery to other animals and humans.

  4. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    Put all animal abusers in front of a firing squad and see who can put the first bullet between their eyes!! I’m sick and tired of our court system being lenient on these sick MFers who abuse animals!! Existing animal cruelty laws need to be harshly enforced without exception!! Quit being lenient with these psychopaths!! Dogs are much more sentient beings than the psychopaths that abuse them!!!


  6. Maria Lavorato says:

    Marlene De-Abel Thank you!

    Jon Duncan KILLED HIS FAMILY PET! Judicial system needs to nail his ass with Felony First Degree!

    ….if not let the angelic powers of the planet take care of him.

  7. UncommonSensesc says:

    The evil son of a bitch that did this is Jon Duncan, he lives on Linda Avenue in Rockford, IL. I’m looking for the exact address. Apparently he had been trying to give the dog away, he got in his truck and, driving fast, swerved to run over the dog and then kept going. The bastard tried to say he ran over it accidentally but neighbors saw him swerve and hit it on purpose. My God! Just how evil does a person have to be to do this to an innocent dog? A Grand Jury has indicted him. Here’s a link to another petition started by the good people of Rockford:

    • Thank you for the info and providing the link. Signed that petition as well. This POS that murdered his own dog needs to be put away and a ban having any animals in the future. Better still, just run him over with a truck. Truck-kun, over here!

  8. Yep just another example of how “disgusting” our laws are!! Why don’t you put his face up on national TV!!! So yep everyone agrees that this ass wipe deserves the same!! He needs to suffer!!! Just take him and put him in alligator alley !! That is where he will meet his justice!!!

  9. Soledad Chavez says:

    Many of my rescues have disappeared from my home due to my neighborhood do not like cats,there’s not much help here with the animal control here in this city.but what I truly believe tha God Jehovah knows and see these people will Reap what they sowed! These are God’s animals and in his Bible he tells us to care for all animals.

    • You are God to your rescues Soledad. I believe you’re right and I’m thankful for a person like you who takes care of rescues!

  10. Samina+Araf says:

    Death in severe pain and agony for this evil scum and POS, he doesn’t deserve to live!!! I’m so sick of cruelty to animals that I wish they could all be set up in line and put to death the same way the way they did to the animals! Vile evil scum of the earth!!

  11. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter

  12. Do the same to the owner. Run him over also!!

  13. I read the article about this guy. He was obviously mentally disturbed (based on running over and killing his dog) but I see he was trying to get help from others (such as the neighbors) to try to take his dog to the animal control. Others such as the neighbors, police, animal control, animal rescues, or shelters should’ve taken the dog away from him before he killed it! Someone should’ve taken the dog then (when it was in harm’s way). I would’ve taken the dog then.

  14. No jail time is enough so nail him down in a parking lot & use him as a speed bump!

  15. Where does it live and what is it’s name. No hiding place for abominations like this. Why is he not in jail or worse. Did the poor dog survive? My Prayers are with you poor baby and the thing that did this to you Will rot in hell where it belongs to be

  16. BARBARIC 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  17. Melanie dunne says:


  18. Death penalty for this motherfucker,bastard,killer,coward,POS,burn in hell SOB.
    Justice for poor dog!

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