Dog Found On Roadside With Three Broken Legs Deserves Justice

Target: Zach Klein, Columbus City, Ohio Attorney

Goal: Strengthen animal cruelty laws and expand community education to prevent abuse and support recovery for rescued animals.

Penny, a rescue dog who endured unimaginable cruelty, has become a symbol of resilience and hope. After apparently being thrown out of a car in a plastic bag with three broken legs and severe injuries caused by prolonged abuse, Penny’s story highlights the urgent need for stricter animal abuse laws and greater community education. Thanks to the tireless efforts of The Arrow Fund and her foster family, Penny recovered after multiple surgeries, including the amputation of one of her legs.

Penny’s journey from abuse to becoming a therapy dog has inspired countless individuals, teaching empathy and advocating for the prevention of cruelty. However, her case underscores the prevalence of severe animal neglect and abuse. Despite her happy ending, countless animals suffer without rescue or support. Stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws and public awareness initiatives are essential to stop such incidents from occurring.

The Arrow Fund and other organizations play a critical role in rescuing and rehabilitating abused animals, but their work alone is not enough. Comprehensive action, including stricter penalties for abusers and public education, is necessary to ensure no animal endures such pain again.


Dear Attorney Zach Klein,

Penny, a rescue dog who suffered extreme abuse and neglect, has become a beacon of hope and an advocate for change. Her story of resilience after enduring unimaginable cruelty—including being discarded with broken legs—has drawn national attention, yet highlights a troubling reality: too many animals continue to suffer similar fates without intervention.

Penny’s transformation into a therapy dog demonstrates the incredible potential of rescued animals when given proper care and support. However, her case also underscores the urgent need for stronger animal cruelty laws and expanded education to prevent such incidents. Stricter penalties for abusers and public awareness campaigns about the value of empathy and proper animal care are crucial.

We respectfully urge you to take immediate action to strengthen existing animal cruelty laws, increase funding for rescue and rehabilitation organizations, and implement educational programs in communities to promote animal welfare. Together, we can ensure that no animal endures the pain and suffering that Penny once faced.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: bullcitydogs


  1. Should be jailed and fined and dumped in the garbage

    • In a sealed plastic bag as well.

      • And NOT rescued!!

        • Should be sent to me and I’ll break every bloody bone in the evil scums body so bad that he/she/they will beg for death but I’ll make them live to suffer a lifetime of pain and die in pain evil bastards!

          • Patricia Lamonica says:

            LOVE YOUR WAY OF THINKING I SO TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • You and me both ‘bro’. These bastards have to be eradicated from the world. They are just animal torturing pieces if shit that are no use to anyone. It does not matter HOW they die – just as long as the motherfucks stay dead. Or if anyone feels lenient, beaten so bad they would never walk again!! Sounds cruel yes???
            NO- I think it is the least that these bastards deserve!!

        • RITA VAN EECKENRODE says:

          INDEED FOR 100%

  2. Kirsty Ellis says:

    The only education people need is how to spot and report abuse. People know what abuse is and they’re sick when they do stuff like this to animals. They’re not uneducated because they choose to abuse. They know exactly what they’re doing. Strengthen the laws and enforce them that’s the type of education abusers need. Lock them up set an example.

  3. Killthem is my solution. Misfits in society have no right in society

  4. This person needs the same punishment as he gave this poor dog. Make Animal Cruelty a FELONY

  5. Shelly Barrett says:

    There is absolutely no reason for this. Every state is too lenient. Break their legs and bones and shove them in a plastic bag.

    • With you all the way Shelly! When will people get that you cant ‘educate the violent abuser away’ in scum like this, ffs! They are abusers and that is all they will ever be; the issue is how you respond to that and keep everyone else safe from them. The fact is thats impossible, so the stark truth is they need either full life span incarceration or death penalty. There is no redemption for abusers because they enjoy what they do so intensely and are disconnected psychologically from others suffering, like somethings missing in their minds. Theres no’educating’that out of anyone!

  6. There is no maximum penalty….animal laws are so damn weak they might as well not exist and justice systems worldwide are more than aware of this huge deficit!!! I do like the idea of an eye for an eye….this WILL stop all the horrific human behavior!

    • This IS the only way that animal abuse and torture can be stopped. Unfortunately the world is full of’ sick minded’ deranged brained bastards who will just carry on doing it because they can, and because there is NO deterrent! And— because animals will not fight back! These are pathetic pieces of shit who would crap their pants if confronted by a gang of animal activists or such like.
      We keep submitting here but it would be very welcoming to know what happened to them. But the ‘ useless- arsed Judicial system WILL NOT give these fucks what they deserve.
      All of these bastards need hunting down and dealing with accordingly.
      If left alive, then beaten so badly they would NEVER be able to walk again. It would sure make these tossers think twice before abusing or torturing animals and you would begin to see a decline very shortly as these turds are all cowards at heart!
      We all know this is needed but does take careful planning finding their haunts and where they go before taking any action.
      And ‘yes’— it can be done with patience and strategy if you feel strongly enough to see it through. Just make sure you have a good escape route planned and all should be ok.
      And ‘ yes’ again. I do speak from some experience for anyone who has doubts.👍

      • Marlene De-Abel says:

        Unfortunately I do agree with you. The only way some of these sub humans will understand pain and the trauma that these poor little animals go through is to experience it themselves.

  7. You can’t educate away evil. The only way to stop this is to give these monsters what they gave to the defenseless animal. 1st offense, they get exactly what they gave. 2nd offense, they’re put down!!!

  8. Stephanie Geyser says:

    If you don’t want a dog, just dump it at a shelter, where it can be looked-after and rehomed – to people who WANT it and who will love it and care for it. DON’T throw it out of a car like trash, to be killed by following vehicles. And what about the damage it will cause to the following vehicles, when they hit the animal? Also – is this the way Penny’s abusive former owners will treat their children or grandparents when they no longer want them around? Castration of the abusive owners is the only way to teach them a lesson, because (oddly) Americans wear jail-time as a badge of honor.

  9. See how well the cowardly garbage flies from the top of The Grand Canyon in a bag. Oxygen depriving crap.

  10. Poor Penny! Somebody make him pay for what he did to that Rescue dog!!
    Did they know he was mental, had a bad temper when they allowed him to adopt? We need stricter laws with adoption now!

  11. I’ll keep coming on here until I see animal abusers dead. Start a petition to kill.all animal abusers

    • Good suggestion! This is the only way these sick ‘non-caring bastards are going to be stopped. A few ‘fired -up’ Animal Activist groups would soon put the ‘shits’ up these nasty fucks!
      Animals are treated like garbage.
      These buggers should be treated exactly the same!! There really is no other way. 100% death to all of these animal torturing and abusing bastards. This would really ‘make my day’!!

  12. Eugene Girgis says:

    They should find out who did this and do the exact same thing to this piece of shit

  13. this worthless human if caught should have their fucking legs broken and put a plastic bag over their head

  14. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter

  15. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Track down the pieces of trash that threw this animal out of a moving vehicle and execute them immediately.

  16. This is inhumane. How would the person like it with 3 broken limbs.

  17. What is wrong with some people?!! I am happy for Penny being a therapy dog now.

  18. Man! I wish that surveillance cameras could be put up at known dumping areas.

    NO animal-abuser should get away with such a horrific crime.
    LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes by establishing harsh punishments for animal abuse! It’s your duty as humans.
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    This pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this scumbag.

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