Dog Reportedly Tied to Tree and Stabbed to Death Deserves Justice

Target: Josh Hamby, District Attorney for Martin County, Florida

Goal: Ensure the harshest punishment for individual charged with brutally stabbing a dog to death.

A heartbreaking case of apparent animal cruelty has emerged from Florida, where a 16-year-old is accused of a barbaric act resulting in the death of a helpless dog. Authorities allege that the teenager tied the dog to a tree and stabbed the animal to death. Disturbingly, the act was reportedly recorded on video, which has been collected as evidence. The teenager is said to have expressed an intention to keep the dog’s skull as a trophy.

This alleged act appears to be not just a crime against an innocent animal, but to reveal deeply troubling and violent behavior that must be addressed with the utmost seriousness. Experts have long recognized the link between animal cruelty and other violent crimes. Allowing such acts to go unpunished risks not only the safety of animals but also the safety of the community. This case calls for swift and decisive action to ensure justice for the dog and to send a clear message that such cruelty will not be tolerated.

We demand that the accused faces the maximum penalty for his alleged actions under Florida’s animal cruelty laws. It is imperative to hold him fully accountable for this heinous act and to take steps to ensure he does not pose a future threat to animals or people.


Dear DA Hamby,

The allegations against a 16-year-old involving the brutal killing of a dog, are both heartbreaking and deeply disturbing. Reportedly tying an innocent dog to a tree and stabbing the animal to death is an act of extreme cruelty that should be met with the full force of the law.

Animal cruelty is not only a crime against defenseless creatures but also a known warning sign of violent tendencies that can escalate. Failing to address this case appropriately could put both animals and humans at risk in the future.

We urge you to prosecute this case to the fullest extent under Florida’s animal cruelty laws, ensuring that the teenager is held accountable for his alleged actions. This case is an opportunity to send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in any form. Additionally, we request that the court mandates psychological evaluation and intervention to address the underlying issues that led to this horrific act.

Justice for this dog is imperative. The actions taken in this case will not only honor the life of the innocent animal but also help protect the community from potential future violence.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: R9 Studios FL


  1. Law enforcement you BETTER DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BASTARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PLEASE give him the same treatment as he gave this INNOCENT DOG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The punishment should fit the crime !!!!! Give this BASTARD a harsh punishment. More than just a fine !!

    Do your job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • D. Scroggin says:

      I’m glad there are others that believe the Perpetrator should experience the same treatment he gave his victim!!!! I so believe this individual is a Psychopath who needs not to be alive in this world!!!!!

  2. Ugh Fed Up says:

    If there was justice on earth, someone would tie up this creep and stab him to death.

  3. do the same to the creep

  4. This is your up and coming serial killer. Needs exterminated now not later.

  5. Aprille Gilmore says:

    When is Florida going to do something about it’s animal cruelty issues? The entire region is lawless. Every other report of unchecked animal cruelty seems to come out of FL.

  6. guess what I hope happens to the evil thing that did this to this precious and innocent pup! but even that punishment wouldn’t be enough for this thing! yes, calling them a thing because they don’t deserve any better!

  7. Another Jeffrey Dahmer in the making. This kid is a dangerous sociopath, next time it will be a child. This is always the way it starts.

  8. Unbelievable that this 16 year old was once a helpless baby needing care and he goes on to be this way. Love was absolutely not taught, I would be ashamed to be his mom. No value out of this human. Waste if air. He needs to be sterilized as well as jail.

  9. Put him in jail and let the inmates provide justice. They’re gonna have a field day with him. KARMA!!!

  10. Don’t tell me.. Florida, Black, Pitbull

  11. This fucking SOB needs the festh penalty.
    He’s just warming up

  12. What a piece of shit!!! Kill this MotherFucker!!! To do this to a poor innocent animal, RIP sweet puppy 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


  14. UncommonSensesc says:

    The evil piece of shit that did this is Coleson Charles Hibbarb from Indiantown, FL. I’m trying to find an address but nothing yet. If his parents have any decency in them, they’ll kill him themselves! For the safety of all humans and animals, this evil SOB has to be eradicated from this earth. I’d bet there were some signs that the parents overlooked or just ignored. I know, I know, not always but a lot of times this is how it goes. I absolutely hate that won’t publish names a lot of times. I think that no matter what the age of the criminal, everyone deserves to know their name and address. In fact, the younger the criminal, the more we need to have this published. If you look up this evil being, he shows no remorse, no nothing. He will do this again and I say that he’s killed animals before. Then he’ll move on to people.

  15. Jacqueline says:

    Monster!!! He is so EVIL he even tied the very young puppy up, so he could stab the Puppy multiple times!! Could not get away!
    He did that at his parents house?? Where were they? They knew their Delinquent son cannot have animals!! They all need to hang from that tree and a switch taken to them!!!

  16. NO animal-abuser should get away with such a horrific crime, regardless of age.
    No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS, regardless of age!!
    LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes by establishing harsh punishments for animal abuse! It’s your duty as humans.
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    This pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near animals in future.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this monster, regardless of age.

  17. Just dispose of “it”. He’s not human and useless to society.

  18. Judy DiPietro says:


  19. Critically URGENT to incarcerate treat this sick minded individual as it is a fact perpetrators of this type of slaughter to a helpless sentient being is guaranteed to escalate from animals to babies/ children / disabled!

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