10-Month-Old Puppy Apparently Drowned in Plastic Bag Deserves Justice

Target: Bob Shillinger, Monroe County, FL County Attorney

Goal: Prosecute woman accused of drowning pet puppy to fullest extent.

A man in Florida allegedly received a shocking request from his neighbor. He says that Delaine Abee Lowry visited the his house and asked him if she could bury her deceased dog on his property. When Lowry reportedly indicated that she had drowned the dog, her neighbor called authorities. The responding deputy was allegedly greeted with an even more disturbing sight.

According to the deputy, Lowry handed over a plastic bag with the remains of her miniature schnauzer puppy, who was said to be no more than ten months old. Authorities also apparently found a container filled with dirty water and a tote bag on the property. Lowry reportedly admitted to suffocating and drowning the puppy by placing the animal in the tote bag and submerging it in water. Lowry apparently claimed that she drowned the puppy because she believed the dog (who weighed no more than three pounds) was trying to kill her. When other animals on the property were confiscated, Lowry allegedly broke into a rescue shelter a few days later to retrieve them.

This suspect is now facing burglary charges, in addition to the animal cruelty charges. Sign the petition below to ensure justice is served in this harrowing case, including psychological help for the accused if she is found guilty.


Dear Mr. Shillinger,

Delaine Abee Lowry’s state of mind when she allegedly drowned her pet puppy is still a matter for debate. What is not up for debate, however, is that a ten-month-old dog reportedly died in an agonizing way. This defenseless animal deserves justice.

Please ensure that a punishment (encompassing potential mental health assistance) that fits the reported crime is fully pursued in this case. Set a standard that will help prevent future tragedies.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Zorik07


  1. I don’t care about her days if mind she must be punished

  2. Kristine Dynice-Gates says:

    What a piece of SHIT….. the BEST part of her rolled down her old man’s leg

  3. Can someone who feels the same as I towards this dog torturing and murdering cunt despatch her very painfully so the bastard can feel what it is !like to die in agony. I mean, can you imagine just what would be going through this little dogs mind as to what was happening to it! AND it states ‘ALLEGEDLY’ well the bastard either did this or she didn’t !! If this twat EVER gets to any court she will get acquitted with such shit as diminished responsibility or she is sorry and did not mean it.
    These fucking jurors are just as bad as the bloody perpsl There must be plenty of guns around in Florida or failing that plenty of everyday things that would stop this arsehole from doing anything like this ever again. But you see it is ONLY A DOG so these waste of space jurors do not give a fuck!! In many cases these are the bastards need a serious lesson in pain to let them know just what the innocent little dog suffered.
    This woman is a crafty motherfucking bastard and were I not thousands of miles away I would hunt this twat down and give her what everyone here knows she deserves.
    These turds DO have to be taught a very serious lesson to make any impression on animal torture. I sure hope that some animal activist group can find this bugger and — lets just say GIVE HER THE TREATMENT. And most of us know what is needed here!

  4. Say what she wants, she is sick and twisted. A danger to society both humans and animals, this psycho must be taken off the streets for good! No contact with animals for life please!

  5. Delaine Abee Lowry’s This dumb sack of 💩 needs to be next!

  6. Absolutely 💯% Agree!!!!!

  7. Charity Christine Schultz says:

    May the killer suffer eternally and be reborn to live the horror again and again. Rest in Love, Puppy! You are welcome to find me again where I will love and care for you. I hope I run into this pos to provide some justice.

  8. Al brechbiel says:

    Just kill her

    (do theu even MAKE a plastic bag big enough)

  10. Karma will come back! What you send out good or bad will come back the same!

  11. jail and chop her fingers off

  12. Katherine Simon says:

    Needs to be jailed

  13. These letters are way to lenient. That letter should have said to use the full extent of the law and throw the book at her. And she should NEVER HAVE ANIMALS AGAIN, I don’t give a damn about her mental status. She could have taken that baby to a rescue agency if she was afraid of it.

  14. Eye for an eye! She shouldn’t be allowed to still breathe.

  15. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Disgusting Delaine Lowry could have given that puppy to someone… any one of us posted here, who would love it and give it a good life. What she has done instead proves that she is a disturbed individual and should not be given opportunity to own animals. Please treat this as a serious matter.

  16. I strongly agree that this horrible woman deserves to drown! As a cat mom, I have no tolerance for such cruelty.

  17. UncommonSensesc says:

    Apparently, the day after killing this sweet puppy, this evil bitch broke into the Florida Keys SPCA and tried to steal dogs that had been confiscated from her! That puppy won’t kill her but I know a lot of animal lovers would like to! She lives at 140 Palmetto Avenue in Big Pine Key. Florida does little to nothing to animal abusers/killers. They have a horse stealing ring and illegal slaughter house that they’ve done nothing about!

    • Total agree!!

    • So her address is out! Let’s just hope that some Animal Activist group or single can pay this motherfucker a visit and give her what she rightfully deserves. This is the only way that this animal torture is EVER going to stop. Unfortunately I expect that the twat would be getting police protection as she would have her ‘ supposed’ human rights. Well, this innocent little dog had ‘it’s’ rights and one of those was the RIGHT TO LIVE!!
      There needs to be new laws stating that any animal torturers convicted will be terminated and then you would see an instant drop in animal torture. I guarantee it. But the problem is— no one has the ‘balls’ to instigate such laws. So animal torture will just continue.
      It is soon going to come about that ‘ mobs, animal activist groups or just normal people have to say enough is enough and just turn militant towards these bastards and take them out by any means possible.
      And YES, can be accomplished with care and planning.
      It is the only way that these arrogant ‘ can’t touch me’ bastards are going to be stopped permanently.


  18. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    Crazy people like this woman even if on meds for psychotic behavior will never be rehabilitated. These people are known NOT to be compliant taking their meds unless someone is responsible for them doing so. I am a nurse and see this quite often. This woman needs help but she also needs to be held accountable for her actions. She should NEVER be allowed to own or care for ANY animals for the rest of her life and it should be mandatory that she is under the care of a psychiatrist for the remainder of her life or face jail time for being non compliant.

    • I totally agree!! These disgusting animal abusers need to wear a ankle monitor the rest of their lives so some how be able to track them to make sure they are not coming in contact with any animals the rest of their lives!! Animals are a privilege to own. so when you abuse an animal, your privilege is revoked forever!!

  19. Marlene Blanton says:

    She NEEDS locked up tight for the rest of her useless life!!

  20. This woman is a serious threat to dogs and her husband needs to be held accountable as well.

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