Over 200 Animals Reportedly Found in Overcrowded Cages With Matted Fur and Infections Deserve Justice

Target: David Hanson, Beltrami County, Minnesota Attorney

Goal: Seek full prosecution and justice for those accused of mistreating over 200 animals at an alleged pet rescue.

In a deeply disturbing case, over 200 animals were reportedly found in horrific conditions at a property run by individuals claiming to operate a pet rescue. According to authorities, the animals—comprising dogs and cats—were kept in unsanitary, overcrowded cages with severe matting, infections, and malnourishment. Deputies reported an overwhelming odor of ammonia and feces, causing health issues for even those briefly on-site. Shockingly, numerous bones and bone fragments were apparently also discovered in an ash pile, raising questions about the fate of many animals.

Law enforcement has charged two individuals with multiple counts of animal mistreatment following the seizure of 64 remaining animals. However, more than 200 animals were reportedly counted during initial visits, raising concerns about unaccounted-for pets and their well-being.

This case highlights the urgency of holding individuals accountable for egregious neglect. By ensuring strict enforcement of animal welfare laws, authorities can send a clear message that animal mistreatment will not be tolerated. Call on the Beltrami County Prosecutor’s Office to pursue the maximum penalties for those responsible and ensure justice for these vulnerable animals.


Dear Attorney David Hanson,

The case of over 200 animals allegedly kept in squalid conditions at an unregulated pet rescue is both heartbreaking and deeply troubling. Reports from deputies describe animals living in overcrowded cages, with many suffering from malnourishment, severe matting, infections, and dehydration. Additionally, the reported discovery of bones and bone fragments raises serious concerns about the fate of missing animals.

The individuals believed to be responsible for these conditions have been charged with multiple counts of animal mistreatment. However, justice must be served to address these animals’ suffering and deter similar cases of neglect in the future.

We urge you to seek the maximum penalties allowed under the law for those responsible for this alleged cruelty. Furthermore, this case highlights the importance of stricter oversight for facilities claiming to operate as rescues. By ensuring justice is served, you can help prevent the suffering of countless animals and reinforce the community’s commitment to protecting those who cannot speak for themselves.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pete Markham


  1. NEED TO NAME NAMES: Why aren’t these petitions citing the names of these bastards? The POS scum that ran the “rescue” are Douglas Ray Erickson, 49, and Debra Kay Marshall, 65. And this petition doesn’t elaborate on the disturbing fact that only a total of 64 animals were recovered with more than 170 missing, but “Shovels-full of ashes and bones were found,” the charges state. These monsters just killed hundreds of innocent animals. They are truly sickening.
    Read more detailed report here:

  2. Irene Leggett says:

    Its about time the justice system grew a backbone and started to give ALL animal abusers a PROPER punishment with NO excuses accepted. Animal abuse, animal torture and animal killings are on the increase BECAUSE the justice systems just doesn’t care, so vile, psychotic pieces of human garbage are carrying out more and more heinous atrocities to innocent animals. Make sure this pair of evil b******s get imprisoned….

  3. These scum killed the other animals, because they were given time before the next scheduled visits! I am writing to the prosecutor myself. It listed they are charged with 10 counts each! They need to be charged weth 200 counts! SICKENING!

  4. UncommonSensesc says:

    The 2 abusers are Douglas Ray Erickson and Debra Kay Marshall – this information was learned from kjirkat and not by animalpetitions.org. Thank you kjirkat! Why isn’t animalpetitions publishing the names of these horrible people? My heart breaks for these innocent dogs and cat!

  5. Animals are sentient and the thought of them being abused is horrifying. Those who abuse animals need to be put in the place of the suffering animals. A lesson must be taught as it is ridiculous for them to do harm.

  6. Sally langer says:

    These people need to face enough serious jail time and fines to deter them. Active patrols and tracking of these offenders to arrest and prevent further abuse

  7. Renee DeMartin says:

    Why does law enforcement keep giving folks like this time to clean up their act?? Then when they return, it’s always much worse as in this horrific case.
    Honestly a bullet to the brain for each of them would be too kind; they need to suffer physically big time for what they have done.

  8. The bastards evil scum POS need to be confined to cages and starved to death and I would happily do that and watch them die the same way these poor souls did at their mercy! Animals aren’t protected the way they should be. All animals should be loved, cherished and protected! The human race is vile!!!

  9. Animal lovers who live in this county need to go pay these POS a visit.

  10. we’re trying to pass a bill in Minnesota (in 25) – http://www.mnoap.org/bill – to consolidate & add resources. God I hope they didn’t make videos & sell them

  11. Burn these motherfuckers to death. I can’t stand the thought of how these animals suffered. These jerks just wanted the money from the rescue use.

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    So f…ing maddening. The justice systems fails over and over. Punish all the bastards responsible with First Degree Felonies. Sweet little animals keep suffering unnecessarily at the hands of monsters and the legal systems ENABLES CONTINUALLY!!!!!!!!


    LEGAL SYSTEM David Hanson, Beltrami County, Minnesota Attorney THIS SHOULD NOT AND CANNOT CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It is horrifying that so many who can change this are obviously void to compassion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. These people need jail & made to pay!!

  14. Strip these evil monsters of their human rights and make them endure the exact same torture, that’s justice! Prison is NOT a punishment that is equal to this heinious act of animal cruelty!!!
    Find these monsters and send them back to hell where they belong!

  15. All should be n jail for good disgusting

  16. Depravity at its worst. What abhorrent cruelty. These people must be made to pay for such horrendous treatment of these poor suffering animals. Sickening.

  17. No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should get away with such horrific crimes!!
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    These pathological monsters need to be severely punished. They must also be forbidden from coming near, owning or working with animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for thes scumbags!
    LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes! It’s your duty as humans.

  18. Agree all comments .kill these fuckers and burn them. Put their faces on social media and give them to public to deal with Justice dont do anything. People that are cruel to animals need to be dealt with seriously. Justice now and the courts need to punish to max. No excuse.

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