Find Criminals Who Stuck Puppies to Ground With Hot Tar

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Target: Bogdan Despescu, General Inspector of the Romanian National Police

Goal: Find and severely punish whoever is responsible for covering dogs in hot tar.

Four puppies were found covered in hot tar. The dogs were said to be in critical condition and were taken to a veterinarian for treatment. Images, released through the media, show the poor dogs lying helplessly on the ground as the hot sun beats down on them.

Animal activists believe this is a case of sick animal torture because it is the second time puppies have been found covered in tar. In the first case, the veterinarian said that one of the puppies had tar inside of his nose, mouth, and eyes.

Please add your signature to this petition demanding that the authorities use all resources necessary to find the monster, or monsters, responsible for torturing these puppy dogs and bring them to justice.


Dear Mr. Despescu,

Four puppies were found covered in hot tar and stuck to the ground. This is the second time this has occurred, so it’s clear that some demented individual is going around and senselessly torturing innocent animals.

The evil acts being committed against innocent animals in your area must stop. We demand that you do everything in your power to find whoever is tormenting these dogs and ensure that they receive the most severe penalty possible.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Karel Seidl

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  1. Cecelia Nelson says:

    There is a SICK individual or individuals out there. They MUST be found & PROSECUTED. THEY could be the NEXT serial killer… NO ONE that is HUMAN could do this to defenseless animals. I pray these precious puppies survive and find a home where they will know TRUE LOVE..

  2. Who the heck thinks up these things?? Such sickness!!! They are just babies! I am so glad that they are being looked after. However, this is the second time that this has happened.

  3. No jail…. Waste of money ….. Gag them and put the psycho in a vat of hot tar…… Slooooowwwww death …..

  4. val gaffney says:

    What kind of low life scum does a thing like this! They don’t deserve to live amongst us – I agree with Hables, make the punishment fit the crime and I’ll gladly poor the hot tar on thm and stick them to the ground in scorching temeratures and just leave them to die a very painful slow death! You must aprehend thse sick b++++++s and lock them up for good!

  5. same treatment to these bastards

  6. Sherry Goodyear says:

    I can’t believe the amount of cruelty towards helpless animals. When you think you’ve seen it all they come up new hideous tortures.

  7. Heather Brophy says:


  8. Neville Bruce says:

    Sadists-in-training:it’ll probably be children and tramps next – if they’re not stopped now.

  9. Elaine Rutland-Smith says:

    Drop the sick POS who did this into a tar pit to boil .. totally deranged and mentally impaired sick subhuman garbage .. hope the babies make it and the perpetrators rot where they stand

  10. Cecily Colloby says:

    I so agree with Hables-just boil these bastards in tar and good riddance.They are worthless scum.

  11. Jaime Perez says:

    This broke my heart! What kind of sick, twisted monsters could do this to innocent babies? I pray whoever did this is caught and punished severely, better yet, cover them in hot tar and leave them out in the sun!! There are evil people in this world.

  12. Marlo Bayham says:

    This is absolutely sickening and shocking! God I hope Karma comes asap for the sick SOB that did this. I can’t even believe what I’m seeing.

    • Claude V Marie says:

      Praying for Most Severe of Criminal Punishment and GOD’s Wrath of Justice pay back for theses EVIL DEMONIC SCUM OF THE EARTH PEOPLE ! ! !

  13. Evelyn Ball says:

    Garbage country. Garbage people.

  14. I’m absolutely disgusted! Anyone that can harm, torture, abuse, or kill little defenseless animals have no soul. These poor babies do not deserve this. I hope these people that did this die a very long, slow, & painful death, because that is the least they deserve.

  15. joan grandy says:

    UNBELIEVABLE!! SICK MONSTER capable of this must be LOCKED AWAY for good!!

  16. Laura Harrison says:

    What is so sad is that the authorities don’t care… They never really care, no matter where u live… If they cared in Romania, they would have been found by now, considering this isn’t the first time… Eventually the worthless POS will graduate to humans because they won’t find puppies gratifying enough…the scum that do these acts to the weak and innocent are cowards and so much more that I can’t write here

  17. Elizabeth Brown says:

    The bastard deserves to have hot coals put on his genitals then cover that with hot tar…burn his little pee pee off!

  18. Carol Hushaw says:

    Barbaric disgusting person doesn’t deserve the title of “human”. This evil thing needs to be caught and thrown into tar so they know how it feels! Sickening beyond comprehension!!!!

  19. Peter Bond says:

    If this was the act of one very sick individual you have a seriously sick criminal on your hands if this was perpetrated by a-group of mentally ill criminals then you are breeding the sickest among the sick! Torture like this sickness Iike this carried out by more than one sick person then you have a very serious problem likely caused by letting these type of sick mentally ill criminals free in society. Catch these sick fs or you will see more violence against the most vulnerable!! Why would any thinking person not want sick twisted mentally ill criminals in jail and unable to commit heinous acts of violence and sickness?,!. Find and put these very very sick criminals in jail for a very long time!! Strict tough laws for violent offenders NOW!!

  20. Felicia Scheuttig says:

    These people are sick and demented , are the authorities really looking for these morons because it seems like there’s not too many of them getting caught . Caught these people and let’s tar them. Something need to happen. Everyday I turn on my phone and 50 percent of my mail is ABRUSE . Take all of these people that are abruser and send them to ISIS country . Let’s see how tough they are. An eye for an eye

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