Man Accused of Punching Cat to Death Must Be Punished

Target: Sarah Kirkman, District Attorney for Iredell County, NC

Goal: Prosecute man accused of deadly act of violence against cat to fullest extent.

A deadly incident of alleged animal cruelty unfolded in the town of Mooresville, North Carolina. After a welfare check was requested from a residence, arriving authorities heard a disturbing story. A man had reportedly restrained a cat with his body weight. Afterward, the man allegedly repeatedly punched the feline until the cat had died.

A video from inside the residence apparently supported a witness’s account. Grayson Gregg was subsequently taken into custody. He faces a felony cruelty to animals charge.

Sign the petition below to ensure prosecutors follow through with this case and seek an appropriate punishment.


Dear DA Kirkman,

Far too many times, accused animal abusers benefit from plea deals and slap-on-the-wrist punishments. This lack of accountability contributes to the high rates of recidivism for animal cruelty. Please do not let this too-common scenario unfold in the case of Grayson Gregg.

This suspect has been accused of punching a cat to death. Video evidence reportedly exists for the incident. Thus far, the alleged crime has been treated with seriousness with the charge of felony animal cruelty designated. Please continue with this case and, in the event of a conviction, seek the maximum possible punishment.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Wojciech Kumpicki


  1. Oh no he is so cruel! Please charge this sick fker Grayson Gregg with 1st degree felony, he belongs in jail and due to his violent, twisted nature, he is also a danger to society especially to children and animals! Please don’t let this poor innocent baby die in vain!

  2. What a disgusting lowdown rotten piece of shit!!! Nasty horrible cruel bastard!! The absolute scum of the Earth!! I hope one day the same happens to him, I wish him nothing but bad luck throughout his life!! Rot in Hell!!

  3. Leanna Hernandez says:

    This in inhumane and he needs to be punished. We have to stand up against this.

  4. put this asshole in prison and hopefully his fellow inmates will punch him to death

  5. When will humans start being so heartless and cruel especially with animals punish this p.o.s to the fullest extent of the law and never be allowed to own or be around any animals ever again period 🤬 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  6. I meant stop being so heartless and cruel 🤬

  7. Execute this coward scumbag demon pos…very slowly…and let him rot in hell!

  8. Put him in jail for years



  10. Truthwarrior says:

    I would like to do the same to him. People like this do not deserve to breathe.

  11. So if people knew that he did it and saw that he did it, why didn’t they stop him? If I lived in the US I would have a taser and I would have pepper spray. That would stop him in an instant.Why do people not do anything about it? Unless it was videoed and looked at later but if I saw somebody doing something to an animal, I would surely stop it or try with my pepper spray.
    An eye for an eye.

  12. Hope one day there’s death penalty for animal abusers!

  13. if i was judgethe punishment would fit crime. eye for eye.. do the crime suffer the consequence. poor cat someone watched this happen from what i saw and didnt stop it. i would have by any means. poor cat.. hope this guy gets time with the worse possible biggest man in jail that gives him the same fate.

  14. If he goes unpunished, next time it will be a child.

  15. OMG!! Oh yea, like the authorities will do anything.

    I cannot believe this POS calls himself a man! A REAL Man would NEVER harm an animal much less punch one to death. This POS needs to have someone weigh him down with all their weight and punch him to death. EYE FOR AN EYE!! I hope this POS finds himself entangled with someone who will.

    RIP little kitty cat!

  16. Sharon Rudyk says:

    ENOUGH ALREADY….do the same back to that creep!!! This will lead to serious vulnerable human abuse!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Real tough guy holding down a defenseless kitty inflicting extreme pain and suffering until dead what a sick twisted piece of garbage! Throw the book at this loser lowlife scumbag he does not deserve or belong in society ever again period! Lock him up in solitary let him constantly look over his shoulder!

  18. Everyday these evil people are free fk

  19. Paula Berry says:

    You deserve maximum jail time, fines and punishment for what you’ve done to that poor innocent baby! Register as an animal abuser so he will not be allowed to own any pets!!

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