Man Accused of Punching Cat to Death Must Be Punished

Target: Sarah Kirkman, District Attorney for Iredell County, NC

Goal: Prosecute man accused of deadly act of violence against cat to fullest extent.

A deadly incident of alleged animal cruelty unfolded in the town of Mooresville, North Carolina. After a welfare check was requested from a residence, arriving authorities heard a disturbing story. A man had reportedly restrained a cat with his body weight. Afterward, the man allegedly repeatedly punched the feline until the cat had died.

A video from inside the residence apparently supported a witness’s account. Grayson Gregg was subsequently taken into custody. He faces a felony cruelty to animals charge.

Sign the petition below to ensure prosecutors follow through with this case and seek an appropriate punishment.


Dear DA Kirkman,

Far too many times, accused animal abusers benefit from plea deals and slap-on-the-wrist punishments. This lack of accountability contributes to the high rates of recidivism for animal cruelty. Please do not let this too-common scenario unfold in the case of Grayson Gregg.

This suspect has been accused of punching a cat to death. Video evidence reportedly exists for the incident. Thus far, the alleged crime has been treated with seriousness with the charge of felony animal cruelty designated. Please continue with this case and, in the event of a conviction, seek the maximum possible punishment.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Wojciech Kumpicki


  1. Once proven guilty,if these monsters show no shred of remorse, their sentences should be what they did to their victims. Justice

  2. Elaine Thomas says:


  3. Monica Williams says:

    hang the bastard

  4. Utterly depraved, sick human being who needs to be locked away.

  5. So, here’s the thing.This is what is needed! Singles or groups to systematically take these animal torturing bastards out.There is another way. And that is, for the powers to be, Governments, Judges, and all of the legal systems to stop these buggers DEAD in their tracks and pass a law for anyone torturing and murdering innocent animals to be terminated! BUT – and it is a very BIG BUT— this will NEVER happen as it would disrupt their easy-peasy lifestyle and how much money they will lose! Animals do not matter, and to them, animal torture and murder do not exist!
    Just overpaid surplus to requirements tossers!
    As I said earlier, the only sure way to stop this torture is for Vigilante groups or singles to do the job what these useless departmental so- called humans will not!
    It would be music to my ears to listen to these turds screaming as they suffered the same as the tortured animals!!!
    And ‘no’ I’m NOT a ‘psycho’ – although I could very soon change if I could get hold of these diseased brained nasty pieces of crap. And I am sure that most people feel just the same as I. Just to mention, this bastard and all other animal murdering buggers need terminating for the good of our world !!

    • I couldn’t have said it better Jon. And I’m sure most of us feel the same. Implement an ‘eye for an eye’ type of law and I’m sure many in the Animal Kingdom would be spared the atrocities being committed against them…

  6. Put ALL animal abusers in a big cage with MMA fighters that are told there are NO RULES and just let the psychos get beat to where they deserve to be: GONE!

  7. No matter what I text about how I feel against animal cruelty they’ll never do anything about it or very little. Instead of texting a lot about it all the time i see and here stuff about this like usual they pretty much get away with it. I believe we need vigilantes for animal’s protections and get rid of all the animal abusers. Just like humans animal lives matter too!

  8. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter


  10. Any man who would take pleasure in harming an innocent animal needs to be locked up for the rest of his days. This is horrific.

  11. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Sarah Kirkman, District Attorney for Iredell County, NC; Please give your attention to this case. Grayson Gregg is a danger to people and animals living in his residence. Also in your community. Your community will appreciate your actions to fully prosecute this case. Your state and all of America need these hideously violent and unnecessary acts to be dealt with strongly. Please help. Thank you.

  12. 😿 This hurts me- 🤬💨 THIS PERSON MUST PAY!!

  13. Kill the bastard,coward,SOB,burn in hell,POS!
    Justice for the cat, +RIP

  14. Flores Rocky says:

    I’d would definitely end this bastard. To bas I dong live in NC.

  15. Why can’t we kill evil monsters like that, when abortion (baby killing) is legal?

  16. val van dijk says:

    I hope that evil sadistic scumbag will burn in hell SOON!!!

  17. Sarah – Demanding justice for this innocent kitten. Since Grayson Gregg cannot (legally) be removed from the gene pool, please prosecute this uneducated piece of shit to the fullest extent allowed under North Carolina law so we can at least get him off the streets and removed from society. People like Gregg are dangerous and as long as he roams free, lives will be lost.

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