Puppy Found With Mouth Tied Shut and Chemical Burns Deserves Justice

Target: Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina

Goal: Strengthen animal cruelty laws after puppy was found with horrific scars and burn injuries.

In a heartbreaking case of animal cruelty, a puppy named Joy was found on the streets of Greensboro, North Carolina, with severe injuries that rescuers believe were the result of abuse. Joy, who is estimated to be about four months old, was taken in by the Perfectly Imperfect Pups Rescue in Raleigh, where founder Nicole Kincaid and her team are working to help her heal.

Joy’s injuries are alarming: chemical burns down her back, scars from where her mouth was tied shut, and damage to one of her eyes so severe it will need to be removed. Kincaid believes Joy’s injuries were caused by intentional harm, as her wounds do not align with the types of injuries typically seen in car accidents. Unfortunately, because the puppy was found on the streets, it is difficult to determine who is responsible for this cruel act.

Animal cruelty cases like Joy’s highlight the need for stronger laws and more stringent enforcement to prevent such abuse from happening again. We must demand that North Carolina’s animal cruelty laws are revised to impose harsher penalties on abusers and ensure that anyone responsible for such inhumane treatment of animals is held accountable. Take immediate action.


Dear Governor Cooper,

I am writing to express my deep concern over the recent case of animal abuse involving a puppy named Joy, who was found on the streets of Greensboro with severe injuries, including chemical burns, a damaged eye, and scars from where her mouth was tied shut. The cruelty that Joy endured is unimaginable, and her story underscores the urgent need for stronger animal cruelty laws in North Carolina.

Cases like Joy’s demonstrate that more must be done to protect animals from abuse and ensure that those who harm them face the maximum legal penalties. Strengthening North Carolina’s animal cruelty laws will help deter future incidents of abuse and send a clear message that such cruelty will not be tolerated.

I urge you to take immediate action to revise and strengthen the state’s animal cruelty laws to ensure that those responsible for such inhumane treatment are held accountable. This is not just a matter of enforcing the law; it is about upholding compassion and ensuring the safety of animals across our state.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ildar Sagdejev


  1. Maria Nowicki says:

    Do the same to the worthless human garbage who did this!

  2. Animal abusers should have the same done to them! May then they would think twice about hurting an innocent animal.

  3. Animal abusers should be put in front of at the firing squad!! They are worthless human garbage that doesn’t deserve to walk planet Earth.
    NO animal deserves to be the victim of dehumanized, desensitized and criminal HUMAN LOWLIFE SCUM!!!

    • Yes, get rid of this sub species of humans. Can I add trophy hunters wild life smugglers ? ABSOLUTELY nobody would miss them. Oh I forgot dog and cat eaters,usually peasants.

    • With you completely Ursula! All animal abuse must be taken as a forecast of how the scum will behave in future(more animal abuse, abusing humans) and the rest of us should not be forced to accept this garbage living among us, we have human rights too! Same goes for child molesters, get rid of them all, not needed!

  4. if found this fucking worthless human should be tortured to death

  5. Sharon Rudyk says:

    WTF humans!!! Return the favor then throw in jail for LIFE!!!!

  6. Another worthless POS that needs to stop breathing!!!!!!!

  7. Fico chocada, revoltada e muito deprimida quando leio estas tristes histórias…
    Só sinto uma tristeza enorme e uma raiva das pessoas que são capazes de fazer tanto mal aos animais.

  8. The people that do these types of things, should be sent to an island all together where they can inflict these types of inhumane actions on each other!!!

  9. Donna Hancock says:

    This is horrible. I feel that there needs to be tougher crimes with animal abuse. I know in my neighborhood where I live I have had five outdoor cats four who went missing and one my outdoor cat of fourteen years who I feel was poisoned. There definitely needs to be tougher penalties for people who abuse animals
    Poor puppy. This was horrible. The person who did these horrible crimes will have it come back to them. What goes around comes around

  10. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Governor Cooper, please help your State by going after people who abuse animals. Please make your state a leading example against this sickening and costly behavior.

  11. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter

  12. Veronique Champion says:

    Mort à tout être humain capable de telles atrocités sur des animaux.

  13. Unacceptable. Gov cooper needs to get on this. Shows what kind of sick deranged trash lives in n c .

  14. Yup. Nothing but human garbage here, we want severe penalties for animal abuse !!!!

  15. Nicole Davis says:


  16. Enough stop this now! These disgusting acts of torture and suffering are so preventable with stricter animal cruelty laws it will stop these sick people from torturing these helpless animals causing them lifelong trauma, anxiety, fear of humans even those who want to help them! These types of people must be caught and locked up before children are their next victims! Do your job protect the helpless the innocent the vulnerable both animal and human!

  17. Poor, sweet baby, she didn’t deserve to be treated in such a despicable and heinous manner. Whoever did this to Joy is a soulless devil who doesn’t belong in society.

  18. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    Animal abuse and cruelty laws need to be strengthened and enforced without exceptions! Animals will continue to be maimed,harmed,tortured, killed, fought, etc unless legislators make strengthening these laws a priority! How in the world can people in a supposed civil society NOT take animal cruelty seriously? Please make some of God’s most vulnerable living creatures a priority and enact tougher laws and penalties for animal cruelty and ensure there is mandatory enforcement of these laws.

  19. JoAnn Thornton Alberson says:

    do the same thing to this pce of crap. they deserve the same kind of punishment

  20. Death penalty for bastard abuser,find him/her!
    Justice for Joy.

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