Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and killing dozens of animals to fullest extent.
A horrifying mass shooting reportedly occurred in the middle of the night in Monterey County, California. The alleged gunman in this case did not target people, however. Instead, over 80 animals reportedly lost their lives in the shocking event. The reported victims included goats, rabbits, miniature horses, ducks, chickens, parakeets, and guinea pigs. The suspect, Vicente Joseph Arroyo, apparently lived next door to the vineyard where the shooting spree took place.
Authorities indicate that several firearms were reportedly used in the alleged massacre, but they have yet to identify a potential motive. Most of the animals were seemingly kept within pens, which would have left them with no hope of escape. And even animals that did survive later had to be euthanized due to the severity of their injuries.
Arroyo faces several charges, including animal cruelty. Sign the petition below to demand the maximum possible penalty if he is found guilty.
Dear District Attorney Pacioni,
“I’ve been in law enforcement for 24 years and I’ve never seen anything like this.” A member of the Monterey County Sheriff’s Department had these words for the scene where 80-plus animals lay dead, severely injured, and riddled with bullets. The reported shooting spree that took place in an area vineyard sent the surrounding community into a panic and claimed dozens of living beings who had no visible means or hope of escape.
The man charged in this disturbing case, Vicente Joseph Arroyo, needs to face extensive legal consequences if he is found guilty. Please ensure this alleged crime does not become another plea deal or slap on the wrist punishment. Pursue maximum charges and penalties.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Monterey County Sheriff's Department
What is the maximum punishment in prison is this CRIMINAL facing ???????
This bastard must die!! And may he die a thousand torturous deaths and be damned to hell!!
Let us find out where this killer lives so we,law-abiding people, can bring JUSTICE!!
We are disgusted a d enraged that animal torturers and killers are still alive!! WRONG!!
Prison? Oh, no – he needs to be dead and gone from this earth immediately. Sending evil people like this to prison does nothing to stop the abuse, the cruelty, the killing. When people do these evil things, they know that not much will happen to them. I would say this is true, especially in liberal states but it’s not any better in conservative states. Our country needs to start getting serious about repercussions for animal abuse, cruelty and killing instead of giving a slap on the wrist. How about letting animal lovers and rescuers decide their fate? The minute that son of a bitch blinked, he should have been shot and killed!
I absolutely despise people who injure animals and I truly hope that he gets the same treatment. What a horrible person.
Kill him!! His worthless ass must suffer and die!!
I like to use this fucking worthless human as a target practice worthless fucking piece of shit
Subhuman Harvest his organs.
Yes he is subhuman but so many of us are. This subspecies should experience extreme prejudice. Nobody is going to miss them.
Stupid Americans!! Bloody Republicans & their obsessive love of guns 🤬!! These people are a plague on society. How many innocents must be slaughtered in order for them to realise the need for gun control?! He’s probably on parole already & therefore in violation – Lock him up!!
From the looks of it, he’s probably an illegal that Biden and Harris invited into the US. Owning guns is a constitutional right. Allowing illegals to invade our country and commit heinous crimes time and time again against legal US citizens on US soil is appalling!!
This ugly, morbidly obese, mentally deranged animal killer must have the death penalty implemented. A slow and agonizing extermination for this evil cretin is essential.
i agree with every word u said innocent animals being murdered things must change now they didnt stand a chance name ,shame find out where he lives
agree totally with u ive read what this scum has done show no mercy to it
This deranged pos serves no purpose in a civilized society and should be treated the same way as his victims . The only way to end this never ending cycle of animal abuse is when the abusers know that they will face the same treatment and ending as the innocent defenseless animals !
law has been to soft on animal welfare , law must change toughen up show some balls do the right thing by these poor innocent animals it should not see the light of day again
Exactly right. These animal abusing and torturing bastards are all cowards at heart and would crap and piss themselves if confronted by an Animal Activist group to give the same treatment. What you say is what is seriously needed and animal torture and murder sure would take a quick decline if these pricks knew what was in store for them.
Although this ‘psycho’ piece of shit should have had a bullet through his head no messing. But again, the cops failed to act accordingly. Just animals so no matter.
In this instance I feel the cops were as bad as the bloody ’perp’. Should have been taken out on site. A lunatic with a gun!!! Drop him quickly!
Bang- your dead – good riddance !! Problem solved.!!!
Give this evil psychopath MAXIMUM prison time. May he rot in jail and burn in hell.
This is insanity and how did he com to own so many weapons. This is beyond cruel… it was a deliberate act of violence towards the innocent.
Shoot him slowly…
T O R T U R E … & … E X E C U T E HIM!!!!!
Agree with you. Don’t spend citizens money sending that evil man in prison. He must die but slowly. He should be injured as much as animals killed. I wish he will have a slow agonizing and painful death.
É fácil, alguém faça o que é correcto! Dêem-lhe um tiro nos tomates e deixem-no esvair-se em sangue, até morrer!
This monster needs to be wiped of the face of the earth!!
make sure it suffers first just like he made all these innocent animals suffer
Give me 5 minutes with this coward ugly monster.
Put him to death! Nothing will help this monster get better! My method would be to make sure he suffers for days before dying!
i hear every word u said i totally agree with u get rid of it
send this piece of shit back to Mexico when he is done serving time.
Last name “Arroyo” a fucking Mexicani, they’re Pieces of shit, mental, alcoholics & drug users.
See if he is in the States legally!! I bet he isn’t & slipped thru the cracks the Mother Fucker. Scum!!! Nothing comes out Gois from those people.
People that kill animal’s go free instead of getting the justice they deserve. It’s a never ending story nothing seems too get done about it. No animal’s should have too keep going through it and allowing the evil killer’s too have freedom walking the street’s free. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORD’S!
This is what is needed Sister. It is the only way these bastards will be stopped. But no, the fucker will no doubt be put through psychological assessments, mental health checks etc etc, knowing that nothing will be done to him! Just wasting good taxpayers money and paying slimy money grabbing briefs to bring on the good old MENTAL DEFICIENCY ACT!!
Animal torture and abuse would stop almost overnight if the tossers when caught were (to make them really suffer) told that they were going to be terminated but no going to be told when!
I guarantee that their holding cell would be littered with crap and piss knowing they were going to die!!
Would really do my heart good knowing what was going through their sick minds whilst they waited not knowing when it was going to happen.
We can but hope unless a Vigilante group gets to the bastards first!!
Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment
You all know that if this prick had ‘ let loose’ on a schoolyard full of kids the cops would have shot him post haste!!
BUT, and this is a very big BUT— they would never do this if it were animals. ONLY ANIMALS so they would eventually have subdued him and taken him off to waste more taxpayers money! So really, living thinking and feeling innocent animals stand no chance against psycho idiots like this bugger. Just animals so a little ‘wrist – slap’ and off he goes.
If this prick is out on payroll someone must know his whereabouts.
These crap hats have GOT to be systematically TAKEN OUT. Not necessarily painfully but just bloody TAKEN OUT by any means possible.
I really hope that an Animal activist group can find this piece of crap and deal with him accordingly.
The only sure way to stop these sick, torturers is for them to be very DEAD. This IS going to happen. Of that you can be sure.