Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and killing dozens of animals to fullest extent.
A horrifying mass shooting reportedly occurred in the middle of the night in Monterey County, California. The alleged gunman in this case did not target people, however. Instead, over 80 animals reportedly lost their lives in the shocking event. The reported victims included goats, rabbits, miniature horses, ducks, chickens, parakeets, and guinea pigs. The suspect, Vicente Joseph Arroyo, apparently lived next door to the vineyard where the shooting spree took place.
Authorities indicate that several firearms were reportedly used in the alleged massacre, but they have yet to identify a potential motive. Most of the animals were seemingly kept within pens, which would have left them with no hope of escape. And even animals that did survive later had to be euthanized due to the severity of their injuries.
Arroyo faces several charges, including animal cruelty. Sign the petition below to demand the maximum possible penalty if he is found guilty.
Dear District Attorney Pacioni,
“I’ve been in law enforcement for 24 years and I’ve never seen anything like this.” A member of the Monterey County Sheriff’s Department had these words for the scene where 80-plus animals lay dead, severely injured, and riddled with bullets. The reported shooting spree that took place in an area vineyard sent the surrounding community into a panic and claimed dozens of living beings who had no visible means or hope of escape.
The man charged in this disturbing case, Vicente Joseph Arroyo, needs to face extensive legal consequences if he is found guilty. Please ensure this alleged crime does not become another plea deal or slap on the wrist punishment. Pursue maximum charges and penalties.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Monterey County Sheriff's Department
Deport this living piece of shit… drop him from a plan and let him plummet in to a vast desolate desert with no hope of survival and leg will die a broken pile of bones
Typo Drop him from a plane and let him suffer and die a disheveled pile of shit
Put this monster behind bars and ensure the trial treats his crimes as though they were against humans. Humans will be his next target if they aren’t already. Sadly animals are not given the same respect in the criminal prosecutions. This is a disgrace to human kind and anyone who kills animals has no empathy and is a danger to all of society. Lock this monster up. He is a threat to humans and animals. Shame on this monster for killing innocent animals.
Death penalty is warranted in this case. And lethal injection would be too humane
When are people going to innerstand the reality?? The phony courts, with their judges and the PRIVATE Bar Association (lawyers in a private club) WANT demonic creatures to proliferate in this world! The only good news is, when THIS “thing’s” life is over, he/it will feel EVERYTHING, in every way, that each of those poor animals did when he murdered them in cold blood. WE have to replace this evil system, or it will only get worse.
Too bloody true!
The one time the cops should have shot first and sked questions later……
This is why mandatory jail sentences should be built into cruelty laws. Otherwise, why bother to pretend we have cruelty guardrails. He is likely to be punished under property damage law. Please see that he is a) punished and b) can NEVER buy, sell, trade or own ANY animal for the rest of his life.
He should get the same right back!!!! At the very least life in jail as he will turn on humans too!
Shoot this piece of shit and his whole family nice and slowly, from the feet upwards so that it takes very very long…
Nothing else will hold back other demons to do the same.
They are laughing about the “civilized” punishments used by “civilized” countries….
Shoot him bit by bit, in the knees, arms, feet and finally head so the evil scum dies in so much pain he can’t even scream!!!
How was this able to continue for 3 hours is what I’d like to know. Nobody called the police or the authorities?
Even if it was in the middle of the night, what took so long to stop this madman?
Jail – one year for each animal killed.
That would be 80 years. No parole.
He would die in jail, guaranteeing the safety for other animals and humans.
Capital punishment for him.
This crime is horrendous.
Sadly the comments that I read are pretty awful, too. The man deserves punishment to the full extent of the law if found guilty. However, a certain level of mercy goes a long way in changing hearts.
Does he have mental illness, a traumatic background, addiction?
I do not CARE if he has mental illness or any of the other excuses listed.
To pack all of his guns,ammo,etc THEN GO to the vineyard to do the shooting, THEN walk amongst the animals, THEN shoot & RELOAD, etc, shows premeditation & a THOUGHT PROCESS.He had opportunity enough after the 2nd, 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th, etc (you get my point) KILLING to THINK, to STOP.
I agree with 80 years in prison.
Oh thats the same old crap thats always trotted out to try to excuse true evil: “he has mental health issues”(or the other nauseating defences corrupt attorneys reach for to defend the indefensible: “addiction problems” and “learning difficulties” all totally bogus, and they think we dont know!!)what a total crock. Millions of people have mental health issues from genuine horrific trauma like being abused as kids yet amazingly they manage to keep their hands to themselves, strange isnt it?? Its all so damn bogus and so full of crap it boggles the mind how these lawyers even bring themselves to say such utter twaddle, but i guess theres their kids school fees to think of isnt there?! Once again, this is another article that is an offence to others safety and decency, and it doesnt belong living among us. If i had my way a few nice deep cuts to attract them then throw it into the bay to feed the sharks. Job done, taking out the trash once and for all
This person needs to die. He’s a waste of space and taking up oxygen. I hope he dies in a violent slow painful death
This piece of garbage should die by lethal injection. Get rid of this piece of trash for good.
Riddle him full of bullets!
Life imprisonment..no parole OR Electric chair due to severity of his crimes.
How did he get guns! No way this vile SOB should ever walk free again. That is probably what he wants…free meals.
If judicial system is insane enough to release this vile thing on bail ….. Hope you are gunned down within seconds. LAST STOP HELP FOR ETERNAL TORTURE.
The monster needs Street Justice, the sort he won’t recover from
100% right!
Street Justice is the ONLY WAY these bastards are going to be stopped!!!
…HELL ****