Punish Man Accused of Mass Killing of 80 Animals in Shooting Rampage

Target: Jeannine Pacioni, District Attorney for Monterey County, CA

Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and killing dozens of animals to fullest extent.

A horrifying mass shooting reportedly occurred in the middle of the night in Monterey County, California. The alleged gunman in this case did not target people, however. Instead, over 80 animals reportedly lost their lives in the shocking event. The reported victims included goats, rabbits, miniature horses, ducks, chickens, parakeets, and guinea pigs. The suspect, Vicente Joseph Arroyo, apparently lived next door to the vineyard where the shooting spree took place.

Authorities indicate that several firearms were reportedly used in the alleged massacre, but they have yet to identify a potential motive. Most of the animals were seemingly kept within pens, which would have left them with no hope of escape. And even animals that did survive later had to be euthanized due to the severity of their injuries.

Arroyo faces several charges, including animal cruelty. Sign the petition below to demand the maximum possible penalty if he is found guilty.


Dear District Attorney Pacioni,

“I’ve been in law enforcement for 24 years and I’ve never seen anything like this.” A member of the Monterey County Sheriff’s Department had these words for the scene where 80-plus animals lay dead, severely injured, and riddled with bullets. The reported shooting spree that took place in an area vineyard sent the surrounding community into a panic and claimed dozens of living beings who had no visible means or hope of escape.

The man charged in this disturbing case, Vicente Joseph Arroyo, needs to face extensive legal consequences if he is found guilty. Please ensure this alleged crime does not become another plea deal or slap on the wrist punishment. Pursue maximum charges and penalties.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Monterey County Sheriff's Department


  1. Kristine Dynice-Gates says:

    Have the ASSHOLE bend OVER and NOT only will the PUBIC hairs AROUND his ANUS be gone but…… HE’LL also have another ASSHOLE to shit from …..THATS what he DESERVES…… the BEST part of HIM rolled down his old man’s leg….. WHAT a SCUMBAG and a HERO

  2. I hope some one gets him good deserves the worst


  4. He must be gunned down period.
    He does not deserve to breathe and our hard earned money that we work hard for.

  5. Why can’t we do to humans what they do to animals?

    • exactly – an eye for an eye for all abusers. this scum is a waste of fresh air and does not deserve to breath. savage bastard.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • Totalmente de acuerdo Puaj, se merece aplicarle la Ley de Talion!!!!

    • It can be done but you have to have GOOD planning and strategy in locating these pricks!
      IF you really ARE SERIOUS about TEACHING THESE SODS A VERY SEVERE LESSON then find out their haunts and where they go, if walking through woods or ally’s etc where no one else is around, then you can do what you wish but BE CARFUL. He has to be taken by surprise. Just make sure you have something nice to stop him with.
      Sorry,I should not be putting ideas into people’s minds but if you feel strong enough and ‘fired up’ enough, all I can say is ‘go for it’ as the supposed law will do absolutely bugger all.
      Although I am sure very many people feel exactly the same as
      I !!!
      P.S. As I said above— It CAN BE DONE!!!!😉


  6. Julie Griffith says:

    He should have the same things done to him!

  7. Hang him now he’s evil

  8. There are those humans that should be eradicated from existence…this vile coward deserves the same fate. Time to take animal abuse/cruelty seriously, like yesteryear!!!

  9. This ridiculous act of cowardice and cruelty SHOULD NOT need a petition to bring this criminal to justice

  10. The death penalty..lethal injection suitable for what this loser did

  11. Will there even be punishment for this creep? I doubt it. Our legal system is broken. The Supreme Court needs ethical standards but that means nothing if not enforced. This man is guilty. He IS a monster. He is insane. He needs to be locked away in a mental institution. Will that happen, probably not. But he also needs a life long ban on ever owning, working with or even being near animals for the rest of his life. This is not just a crime one can pay back with a stay in prison. This is pure hell. This man can never be allowed back into society. If he does this again the state of CA will be sued and forced to pay even though money can’t buy what is forever lost.

  12. How did he get a gun that “effective” at killing so many in California? Was it an AR? Was he in this country legally? I know there’ll be people who’ll say that human lives are more valuable than animals, but any monster that could do this will not hesitate to kill humans when his uncontrollable rage takes over.

    Killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near, or owning, animals.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    Lock him up in mental asylum for his entire life!

  14. Do the same to him, then send his body home to where ever he came from.

  15. KILL this Fuck’n PIECE OF SHIT!!!

  16. Ellen Giammarino Munoz says:

    What a sick ignorant lowlife thug. Was this his life aspiration to kill innocent animals? Please lock this lowlife and throw away the key. Keep him behind bars because this monster cannot be trusted in society

  17. Siham Hajjar says:

    Sadly, I feel like nothing will happen. Nothing ever does.

    • Well Y’know, you are no doubt right!!
      We submit here and sign the petitions day in- day out as to what should happen to these animal torturing and murdering bastards but— NOTHING EVER SEEMS TO HAPPEN TO THEM!!!
      I mean, would it not be good for our hearts to see something like—gun toting, animal murdering ‘psycho’ taken out by police with a bullet through the back of his head!!
      It would be brilliant would it not? But it will never happen because it is against the bastards human rights and the cops would not want to get into trouble for not following procedure now would they? So it goes to hearings, trials, assessments etc, etc, and the bastard ‘perp’ is loving it knowing nothing much is going to happen to him anyway and gets away with something like a ‘wrist-slap’. As far a the law goes, they WERE only animals So could not really give a shit!!
      Well, they would have to start ‘giving’ a shit’ if mutilated bodies of these sods started turning up dead or almost dead! It would send out a message that said we the normal living people ARE NOT going to stand for these animal murdering bastards anymore! This is really the ONLY WAY animal abuse and torture is going to gradually stop!
      Again I say absolute POWER to any group or riled up mob who can take these buggers out with no remorse.
      They are NOT humans—just pieces of absolute shit that have to be taken out by any means possible!!.

  18. He is a worthless POS and needs to be locked up! He is a danger to ALL animals and society as well with his attitude. Keep him locked up to prevent him from killing any more animals and the possibility of killing humans too!

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