Target: Vinai Kumar Saxena, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
Goal: Arrest and prosecute man accused of directing his pet dog to fatally attack a puppy.
A deeply disturbing case of animal cruelty has surfaced in Delhi’s Welcome area, where a man was reportedly captured on CCTV directing his pet dog to attack a small puppy. The incident occurred late at night in a deserted alleyway, and a video of the attack, which surfaced on the platform X (formerly Twitter), has caused widespread outrage. Tragically, the puppy did not survive and died shortly afterward.
The video appears to clearly show the man pointing towards the puppy before his dog lunges at the helpless animal. Social media users have condemned the man’s actions and are calling for his immediate arrest. Many have also raised concerns that individuals who display such cruelty could pose a threat to both animals and humans.
Animal cruelty is a serious offense under Indian law, and it is essential that the Delhi authorities take immediate action to bring the perpetrator to justice. As the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, VK Saxena has the authority to influence law enforcement. Promote stronger animal welfare measures to prevent such cruelty in the future.
Dear Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena,
I am writing to bring your attention to a recent case of apparent animal cruelty that has shocked many across Delhi and beyond. In a video that has surfaced on social media, a man is apparently seen instructing his pet dog to attack a small puppy in the Welcome area of Delhi. Unfortunately, the puppy did not survive. This disturbing act of alleged cruelty has left many citizens outraged and demanding swift action.
As the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, your role in ensuring law enforcement acts swiftly and effectively in such cases is crucial. Animal cruelty is a serious offense under Indian law, and this incident highlights the urgent need for stronger animal protection measures and stricter enforcement of existing laws. This case not only involves the loss of an innocent life but also raises concerns about public safety, as individuals who display such cruelty could pose a wider threat to society.
I urge you to direct law enforcement authorities to take immediate action and arrest the individual responsible for this cruel act. Moreover, I encourage you to advocate for the strengthening of animal welfare policies and the implementation of educational campaigns to foster greater compassion towards animals in Delhi.
Your leadership in this matter can make a significant difference in preventing future acts of cruelty and ensuring justice for the innocent puppy.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Seemz
The sick perpetrator deserves to be disabled by cutting his Achilles tendon and left in a hog pen- they would administer the justice he deserves.
Again, it’s India. A Man had his dog attack a puppy. There’s a video showing the devil doing this evil , encouraging his dog to attack the puppy. The puppy died shortly after the video. The man is insane and a demon so he wouldn’t help the puppy but let him die without any assistance. Men can be so cruel.
This man needs to be taken out into the forest and placed where a tiger can easily get hold of him. Once he is firmly in the tigers claws, leave him to his destiny. He did this to a living being and now he will know the fear, the pain, the agony of such a death! DIE SLOW you piece of trash. You don’t deserve to live!
India is a terrible place for animals. They are abused and persecuted by brutal thugs. What nasty horrible people the Indians are. This scum who killed the poor little innocent puppy must be himself be executed brutally, that is the only justified penalty.
This bit of shite needs slashing and throwing to the sharks. So many worthless excuses for humans now, need a cull. Any who abuse animals or mess with little kids, gone, no debate about it. Just like clearing a dogs fur of fleas and ticks:get rid of the worthless parasites
I so agree Sally…what use are these people. Just cull the scum….
what are these assholes in india losing their minds. they should start killing each other and do the world a big favor.
Every day this animal torture animal slaughter continues to go on like it’s okay to purposely attack hurt rape murder set on fire innocent animals for no reason but for fun or boredom or how about these people are just plain sick in the head and have absolutely no business in society period! Lock them up and throw away the key so we can protect our children from the same fate this is not okay its wrong on every level and shouldn’t take a long drawn out trial “guilty as charged!”
The level of cruelty to animals in India is exploding. Children aren’t taught respect and compassion for animals and adults are becoming more and more insensitive to animals’ plight. Every day I see disgusting videos posted on Meta and other social media sites of people horribly abusing and torturing animals. It has to stop! This man should serve at least two years in prison and be forced to undergo psychiatric treatment (at his expense!!!).
INDIA is becoming the cess-pit country inhabited by psychotic, evil, sick, barbaric, sadistic, cruel and brutal pieces of human trash. The whole country needs to be eliminated off this planet so ridding the world of these rotten masses, no -one will miss them and no-one will particularly care about them anyway. Shame on INDIA, its corrupt government and police who couldn’t care less about animal cruelty and animal murder.
This bastard should be put to death !!!!!!!!
Law enforcement should DO THEIR JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make this bastard pay for this cruelty to this innocent puppy !!!!!!!!