Punish Cop For Reportedly Shooting Family Dog

Target: Brenna Bird, Iowa Attorney General

Goal: Ensure police officer faces consequences for allegedly shooting a family dog in front of children.

A shocking incident recently unfolded in Davenport, Iowa, where police officer Ethan Bock reportedly shot and killed a family dog named Myst in front of the animal’s owners, including two young children. The dog, a black retriever-mix, was allegedly running across the yard towards the officer when he opened fire. This tragic event left the family devastated, particularly the mother and two children, who witnessed the horrifying scene unfold just outside their home.

This incident is particularly troubling as it follows another reported incident involving the same officer just a few weeks prior. In that case, Bock allegedly struck and killed another man’s dog with his police cruiser. Body-worn camera footage from that incident reportedly shows Bock telling the dog’s owner, “That’s why you gotta have your dog on a leash bro,” after the collision. These back-to-back incidents raise serious questions about the officer’s conduct and his apparent disregard for the safety and well-being of animals.

The Davenport Police Department has confirmed an internal review of the shooting incident, but such a review alone may not suffice to address the gravity of these allegations. It is crucial that the Police Chief of Davenport ensures a thorough and transparent investigation is conducted and that appropriate legal and disciplinary actions are taken against Ethan Bock. Uphold community trust, ensure accountability, and reinforce the principle that law enforcement officers must act with care and responsibility in all situations.


Dear AG Brenna Bird,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent incident involving Officer Ethan Bock, who reportedly shot and killed a family dog named Myst in front of the animal’s owners, including two young children. This tragic event, captured in disturbing footage, allegedly occurred on August 21 in Davenport, Iowa, and has left the community in shock and distress.

According to reports, the officer fired his weapon at the dog after it ran across the yard towards him, despite the presence of children and their mother just a few feet away. This follows a separate incident involving Officer Bock just weeks earlier, in which he allegedly struck and killed another man’s dog with his police cruiser. These back-to-back incidents raise serious concerns about the officer’s conduct and decision-making in situations involving animals.

I urge you to ensure that a thorough and transparent investigation is conducted into these incidents, and that appropriate legal and disciplinary actions are taken against Ethan Bock if the allegations are substantiated. It is essential that the Davenport Police Department demonstrates its commitment to accountability and the humane treatment of animals, and takes decisive steps to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Davenport Police Department


  1. The stupid 💩 cop should of pulled out the Mase instead. The Turd must be fired and then some!

  2. Why is this dog killer still on the force?

  3. Christianna says:

    Let’s all call the Davenport police station and demand that this POS be fired.

  4. I am so sick to death of hearing these stories. His reply to the owner of the dog he ran over shows his lack of accountability and his lack of integrity and responsibility. It shows no honor. His flippant remark says VOLUMES….. attempting to put the onus on the owner instead of taking responsibility for the fact that he ran over an animal. Is he such an irresponsible driver no less police officer to do something like that?
    His behavior is of a hoodlums mentality. Overwhelmingly callous.
    It’s time that animal rights and Welfare is taken seriously in this country. These living souls are not “just animals”. They are souls who bring great pleasure to us humans. They feel pain sadness love happiness.. everything that we feel but they’re not treated as such. Sadly they’re just treated as an appendage. I know right from wrong. My father was a judge and an assistant US attorney … and I have quite the family legacy. My great uncle was US ambassador of Siam and Bolivia. We know about Humanity professionalism responsibility honor integrity and ethics and all of that is lacking here


  6. William Turner says:

    Do police officers in the u s a have to pass an iq test.I ask this because he sounds retarded

  7. His mother would’ve been wise to abort!!

  8. Lesley Rodgers says:

    The officer is nothing but a sadistic thug. He has no right to be in the police force, and the police should recognise that he is cruel and nasty and very likely to do commit animal cruelty and abuse as well as abusing humans, over and over again. He must be fired and if that leaves those poor people, who lost their loved pets in such a violent manner, able to sue the force then so be it. The force deserves to be sued if it employs scum like Bock. Bock should be prosecuted for cruelly killing that dog, and for taking no action to avoid killing the other dog he ran over. The law applies to police officers just like the rest of the population and they have no right to break animal welfare laws, and no right to gleefully kill a pet dog just because it runs up to him. He is a brute and a thug, get rid of him.

  9. This lunatic is clearly completely unsafe to carry a firearm and unable to judge situations where use may be required. He is a great danger to all local residents and cannot continue in his role. He discharged a firearm in a residential area close to small children, into a dog who was merely barking, as dogs do. These are not the actions of someone competent or safe. He has traumatised those children for life and could easily have killed one of them too. His levels of agression render him unsafe to remain in post as well, as he has shown he is incapable of negotiating any de-escalation of a situation(as in shouting for the owner to contain and control the dog, which was not a dangerous breed) these are not acceptable actions for someone in that role. This job demands defence of the public, not attacking or terrorising them and killing their livestock painfully or brutally. He is more danger to the public than most criminals, as he can willfully invade trouble free territory and turn it into a bloodbath, whereas this families sedate life would likely have kept them away from a gun toting law breaker. This so called public defender is the publics worst nightmare: a uniformed bogeyman made flesh, and carrying a legal weapon into quiet suburbia for his wanton slaughter. He is far more terrifying than a criminal because he is the wolf in sheeps clothing: invading your quiet backyard where your kids play with their pets and making it his slaughterhouse. There is nothing more dangerous.

  10. Sue Cugini says:

    This man does not belong in any police department in this country or any country! Please get rid of him NOW! I hope the family brings a civil suit against him.

  11. The dog was in the front yard! The dog’s home! If this cop is so threatened by a dog in it’s own yard, then he should not be on the police force…. He’s a liability, get rid of him! Plus he anxiously doesn’t know anything about dogs!

  12. Shame! Absolutely no excuse! That cop should be ashamed! Just for running up to him??? Absolutely psycho for doing that to that poor dog. FIRE HIM he cannot be trusted with a gun if he shot a harmless dog! FIRE that pos.


    • You are fool
      . The dog was in his yard d didn’t need a leash.And your the the stupid idiot.

    • Assuming that the dog was in it’s own front garden doing no harm, what was the fucking cop doing in there anyway. Why should it be on a lease??
      My dog roams free in my closed in front garden so why was this twat of a cop doing there.
      If he had personal business, then shout from the gate if he thought the dog was dangerous!! Ir STAY OUT IF THE GARDEN “Well no problem- I’ll just shoot the dog anyway as it could be dangerous”.
      Stupid arrogant bastard. Obviously ‘gets off’ on killing innocent animals.And there are lots of these bastard COPS around killing ( murdering) animals because they can.
      So what would you do Eve B? Keep your dog locked in the house all day?? Just in case there was some ‘gun happy’ cop around?
      So not quite sure who the actual IDIOT is here!!!!!!!

  14. Rachelle R says:

    What a literal piece of garbage to kill an innocent dog in front of his own family or the act of killing, period. There’s a special place in hell for people like him. I am so very disgusted.

  15. Man… I hope he doesn’t have kids. If he goes around shooting innocent dogs, who knows how he treats children. Sounds like he has “little man” syndrome.

  16. Why the police like to show off and shoot the innocent pets . I never forgot the day a police man barged in my home without knocking the door or announce first , for no good reason . I previously knew him and he knew my service German Shepard dog too . I’m impaired hearing . My 3 children , my service dog and I were scared out of our minds , of course my dog started charging at him and this police guy pulled out his gun, was going to shoot at my dog . I jumped and got in between police and my dog, I wasn’t thinking abt myself but wanted to protect my beloved dog and my kids too . I managed to pull my dog away and locked my dog in the other room. I was mad and upset as police had no good reason for his action as there was no search warrant or anything, just for fun !

  17. Well here we go again! Yet another ‘gun-happy’ cunt of a cop.
    And you know what—- these bastards actually enjoy it as it gives them a sense of power. And hiding behind a badge they know that they can get away with it!
    And it obviously gives them their ‘fix’ being able to murder an innocent animal with no repercussions! These buggers can murder any animal they like and get away with it to sate their sick minded killing gene!
    And YES, I have said it before — and I am going to say it again!
    If this had been ‘my dog’ the murdering piece of absolute shit ‘cop’ would, unknowingly , be counting the days that he had to remain on our planet.
    One way or the other, I would have him you can be sure. These tossers have the ‘killing’ streak in them and will kill ( murder) at any opportunity they get. BUT NOT HUMANS!! The bastards are too crafty for that so make some ‘pissball’ excuse that the animal was dangerous so the fucking force closes ranks and the bugger gets away with it! I just hope that the owner feels the same loathing towards this bastard as I and many others do I expect!
    This murdering asswipe of a cop needs ‘taking out’. Otherwise he will just keep on doing it as he knows he can.
    You sure would need to be looking over your shoulder you PRICK as my hate for you would definitely see your demise. And that I could guarantee you turd!

  18. Officer Bock has shown he had absolutely no regard for the lives of dogs. I don’t understand why he’s still on the police force as killing 2 dogs would be considered very unusual. We’ll be waiting to hear the outcome of your investigation and don’t make up excuses for this heartless human being!

    • Naomi Paula Lichtner says:

      The outcome will be the same as it always is…Cop: “oh shit…well I felt scared so I had to kill it.” Courts/Supervisors: “Ok. Take some paid vacation days till society forgets you did this. It’s just a dog and killing them is part of the job. Let’s go get a donut for your trouble.”

  19. This POS will get away with it because he’s part of law enforcement who will protect him. Well, who is protecting innocent animals and other innocent people who own animals where this loser is taking out his sick violence on them?
    Apparently he simply enjoys shooting innocent animals in front of everyone. What does he do behind closed doors?

  20. Joseph Kenosky says:

    This is absolutely disgusting. This cop needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This is beyond despicable.

    • There is NO fullest extent of the law! And this bastard IS the law! And that is why nothing will be done. All will be covered up and the prick will shortly be back out on the streets doing it again!!!

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