Dog Reportedly Thrown in Irrigation Canal With Legs Zip-Tied Deserves Justice

Target: Doug Peterson, Attorney General of Nebraska

Goal: Ensure justice for a dog that was allegedly drowned to death in an irrigation ditch.

A deeply disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty has surfaced in Nebraska, where Joshua Balcom and Sadie Miller stand accused of killing a dog horrifically. According to court records, Balcom zip-tied the legs of a black lab and threw the dog into an irrigation ditch near Cushing, resulting in the dog’s drowning death. The dog was reportedly found a mile downstream.

The affidavit states that the couple acquired the dog, but that after it killed some chickens they decided to take its life in this brutal way. Both Balcom and Miller face felony charges of animal cruelty, with potential penalties of up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.

The community is outraged by this tragic incident, which underscores the need for stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws. It’s crucial to communicate that such acts of cruelty are unacceptable and will be met with severe consequences. Take action now.


Dear Attorney General Peterson,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of animal cruelty involving the alleged drowning of a dog in Cushing, Nebraska. Joshua Balcom and Sadie Miller have been charged with this heinous act, and they must be held fully accountable for their alleged actions.

The details of this case are disturbing, and it highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws. I urge you to ensure that justice is served and that both individuals face the maximum penalties if found guilty.

It is essential to show that Nebraska does not tolerate such acts of cruelty and that those who harm innocent animals will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Losch


  1. I real WOULD like the chance to terminate this bastard and his cunt of a girlfriend and feel good afterwards!
    And, before anyone asks, Yes I am of sound mind and AM NOT a psycho!! Just doing what the useless bloody Justice system WILL NOT.

  2. Every day we keep fighting to stop these horrific acts of torture painful acts of cruelty yet it continues which leaves me with no other conclusion than our government officials aren’t doing their jobs to protect these beautiful animals! Why are you allowing this sick twisted behavior to continue enough you have to punish these sick people to the fullest extent of the law and make penalties even stronger way harsher or nothing will ever change allowing these types of people to wander through our neighborhoods? around our children? are you kidding me? Please do your job protect We the People and our beloved pets from harm and gruesome ways of death!

  3. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Do the same right back!!!!

  4. Do the same to them. Kill both of them. Hope they die in a horrific manner

  5. I mean, can you imagine the thoughts and feelings in this innocent unfortunate dogs mind as it is thrown into this water filled irrigation ditch to then find that it’s legs are tied and cannot swim!!
    Give me just a few minutes with this ‘motherfucker’ and his cunt girlfriend and they would never do any animal torturing and murdering shit again. And yes, I really, really do mean it!!!

    • Brenda Clark says:

      I am with you on this.

    • That unfortunately is the only thing that would make these lowlifes understand the pain and suffering. I am in full agreement as the law does nothing for these poor little animals. What bastards they are!

  6. EYE FOR AN EYE TO THE EVIL BASTARDS!!! They don’t deserve the oxygen they breathe

  7. America again.. No surprise!!!

  8. We could end a lot of animal cruelty AND rid of world of a lot of walking pieces of shit if laws were amended to give the perpetrators of these vile actions the exact same torture they gave to the animal.
    It’s exactly what they deserve.

  9. I hope they treat their baby better than they did the dog. What’s funny is, the guy has a post about Betty White on his page. She was one of the biggest animal rights activists.

  10. The fact that these TWO HEARTLESS MONSTERS took the time to ANGRILY drive this dog to an irrigation DITCH, then zip-tied its legs and tossed it into the ditch with such RAGE and nor REMORSE, reveals just how truly evil they are! Their lack of self-control, as shown by their actions, makes them DANGEROUS to society! The need for HARSH and SEVERE punishment is crucial; it’s paramount! Even the most severe punishment would not be enough, so we must enforce to the fullest extent today!

  11. Kill those bastards the same way!!
    Why let them live and waste air.

  12. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Dear Doug Peterson, Attorney General of Nebraska; we are counting on you to punish these two psychopaths Joshua Balcom and Sadie Miller sadistically tied a living animal and drowned it — there is NO explanation for this, only sickness and depravity. You must help your community and handle this matter seriously. What will they do next?

  13. Since these two POS couldn’t be bothered with training the dog to be around chickens as any responsible owner would, they kill it instead. WTF?
    Personally, I’m all for euthanasia for child and animal abusers since they can’t be fixed, but life in prison will have to suffice.

    • Personally, I am all for beating these two bastards with anything that comes to hand. I am sick and tired of these animal torturing sods getting away with it!! Beaten so bad that they would NEVER walk again for the rest of their miserable lives! And could have plenty of time to reflect on what they had done! And if anyone wants to know — YES,
      it can be accomplished with care, stealth and planning😉😉!

  14. I strongly advocate for applying the same treatment to the person/persons responsible. I also agree with taking charge of providing justice for our companions when the system fails to as it does 99% of the time

  15. Ann Carboni says:

    More coward scumbags

  16. cruelty is such abundance in this world. people like this believe that they can get away with. throw them in the ditch,tried up and see how they like it. life in prison is to good . what a shame.

  17. Irene Leggett says:

    Why waste money and time keeping these a******s in prison, just do the same to them as they did to this innocent dog and leave their putrid carcasses to rot. Show them the same mercy that they showed to their dog – NONE, lets have a proper justice.

  18. Hell is empty.
    I just don’t understand how these psychotic monsters think the way they do.
    I am so sorry for this innocent soul…Rest in Peace, no one can hurt you now.

    If our justice system would give these psychopathic monsters the same treatment…they would finally, finally learn that this cannot happen. But no. We cushion them with a life in prison, which will never be cruel or scary or punishing enough……And we pay for them to continue breathing air. So wrong.

  19. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the pieces of garbage that did this to this poor dog.

  20. Julie Bates says:

    Your frigging USA laws are soooo laxed … nothing substantial will be done!!!!

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