Dog Reportedly Thrown in Irrigation Canal With Legs Zip-Tied Deserves Justice

Target: Doug Peterson, Attorney General of Nebraska

Goal: Ensure justice for a dog that was allegedly drowned to death in an irrigation ditch.

A deeply disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty has surfaced in Nebraska, where Joshua Balcom and Sadie Miller stand accused of killing a dog horrifically. According to court records, Balcom zip-tied the legs of a black lab and threw the dog into an irrigation ditch near Cushing, resulting in the dog’s drowning death. The dog was reportedly found a mile downstream.

The affidavit states that the couple acquired the dog, but that after it killed some chickens they decided to take its life in this brutal way. Both Balcom and Miller face felony charges of animal cruelty, with potential penalties of up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.

The community is outraged by this tragic incident, which underscores the need for stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws. It’s crucial to communicate that such acts of cruelty are unacceptable and will be met with severe consequences. Take action now.


Dear Attorney General Peterson,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of animal cruelty involving the alleged drowning of a dog in Cushing, Nebraska. Joshua Balcom and Sadie Miller have been charged with this heinous act, and they must be held fully accountable for their alleged actions.

The details of this case are disturbing, and it highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws. I urge you to ensure that justice is served and that both individuals face the maximum penalties if found guilty.

It is essential to show that Nebraska does not tolerate such acts of cruelty and that those who harm innocent animals will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Losch


  1. Ugh Fed Up says:

    Humans should be sterilized. Humanity is utter scum.

  2. Just zip tie them and toss them in same irrigation ditch. No big loss. Two less losers to worry about in this world.

  3. Elaine Smith says:

    Retarded oxygen depriving garbage. Shame on parents breeding alien cretins, should have been sterilised. Do same to them.

  4. Over some chickens? How cruel and inhumane, well zip tie cunt sadie and coward bitch boy josh and let them drown slowly in a irrigation ditch sad excuses for humans

    • Exactly right Sister Angeline! These two bastards must learn the ‘hard’ way that you just DO NOT TREAT INNOCENT ANIMALS THIS WAY.
      Right now I cannot establish if these two tossers have been sentenced or ‘let off’ with the usual slapped wrist bollox!
      What needs to happen if the bastards are out on bail or such, is a ‘Hard-Assed’ Non-caring’ group of animal activists to subdue them by any means possible ( similar to a nice tap on the heads with my trusty ‘coke-hammer) to steady them.THEN—if appropriate, bundle them into one of their vehicles and take the fuckers to the same irrigation ditch and let the punishment fit the crime! Then another crack of their heads to make sure they have gone to ‘bye-bye’ again, zip tie the buggers together and chuck the two pieces of shit into the same ditch and let them die the same as the innocent dog!
      Care and planning here people as you DO NOT want to get caught or seen on anyone’s phone.
      Or if this is not appropriate, do the bastards by any means possible.
      I am absolutely ‘SICK’ of this continued animal torture and murder, then more annoying, no being able to find out what has happened to these arseholes!
      We keep expressing our opinions here but never seem to know what happens to these wankers!
      If I was not thousands of miles away I would do my utmost to meet these two buggers especially the mother-fucking woman and I honestly, seriously guarantee they would never ever do any stuff like this again.
      And as I have said before— you can take THIS to the bank!!!

  5. They should rot in jail!

  6. Ten thousand fine and two years in prison? You think that is enough, if convicted? Obviously not as this type of crime repeats itself constantly as you are well aware. These creeps no longer wanted the dog but there were many there choices they could have made. These freaks would howl if someone did this to them. Do you think this punishment would be enough if their families lost them to someone who tied their legs together and watched them drown. It’s called MURDER! These people may be insane. A mental institution may be even better than prison. What good do these felonies do? Trump is showing people they don’t matter and this is an example of that fact too. Until there are stronger animal welfare rights which are enforced to the letter, these crimes won’t stop. Yet, they need to stop! Send them to an institution.Society doesn’t want these creeps living among us. Both people need life long beans against every owning, working with, or being around dogs for the rest of their sorry lives.

  7. Dean Meyer says:

    It should be a spectator sport to watch animal abusers be mauled by animals.

  8. Jacqueline “Torture the S…” says:

    So cruel and unbelievable! Stupid people with dogs! Dangle them from an airplane and then drop them in!
    Poo pup, RIP.

  9. Maria Lavorato says:

    Doug Peterson, Attorney General of Nebraska
    Joshua Balcom and Sadie Miller ..These two murderers need to pay the price! LET THE JUSTICE FIT THE CRIME!!!!!!!!

    10,000.00 and two years IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO ENOUGH!!!!!
    I am broken hearted to think what this beautiful little dog went through. I WANT REAL JUSTICE.


  10. William Turner says:

    It would be an insult if this creature that done this was called human.

  11. We all know what should be done to these low scum bags!!! Zip tie them both of them!!!!! Take them to the nearest lake and let them suffer!!!!! Ridiculous but glad you got these ass holes!!!!

  12. Please don’t allow these misfits to reproduce….the universe does not need their DNA floating around….scum of the earth.

  13. Samina+Araf says:

    Hate the human race!!! Evil bastards!!! Die screaming some day soon, I’d love to zip tie you and throw you in a crocodile lake!!!

  14. Do the same to these 2, they admitted to this cruelty. This is a felony with prison time up to 7 years and fines. Give them all 7 years.

  15. Both these people were unbelievably cruel with this dog. If you don’t want him, give him away or take him to a shelter where at least he has a chance to find better owners. Sadie and Josh should never be able to own animals again. I hope they get a big fine and jail time. Please find a way to get justice for this poor dog.

    • Sadie and Josh????
      I think they should be called a pair of NON-CARING animal torturing and murdering ‘motherfuckers’ who need terminating by any means possible. Vigilante groups to the ‘fore’ as these two turds need to be gone!
      And again, if anyone asks, ‘ would I do it’? My answer is—-YES I BLOODY WELL WOULD!!!

  16. These 2 miscreants deserve the most severe punishment you can give them!! The poor helpless dog never stood a chance

  17. in these cases “an eye for an eye” is the only appropriate penalty.

  18. Margaret Strane says:

    These two devils need to have the same thing done to them. SHOW NO MERCY. They don’t deserve any!!

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