Puppy Facing Loss of Eye Deserves Justice

Target: Steve Wolfson, District Attorney for Clark County, NV

Goal: Identify and punish suspect in puppy’s severe abuse to fullest extent.

Vicious crimes against younger animals are on the rise. A Phoenix man was charged with one count of animal cruelty after he was allegedly seen stomping and beating his months-old German shepherd puppy to death. And in Nevada, a 10-week-old puppy was spotted in a stranger’s yard with extensive injuries to his face and, especially, his eyes.

The eye injuries for the latter puppy were apparently so grave that the poor pup may lose an eye. And the scars that reportedly covered the puppy’s head indicate that his injuries were likely inflicted over a long period of time. The puppy, Seven, has received emergency veterinary care. Now attention turns to bringing his abuser or abusers to justice.

Sign the petition below to demand maximum penalties when suspects are apprehended in this highly disturbing case.


Dear D.A. Wolfson,

Boulder City Animal Hospital recently treated a heartbreaking victim. A 10-week-old puppy, since named Seven, arrived at the hospital bearing horrific scarring to his head and massive eye damage. This young animal’s long road to recovery will likely include the loss of at least one eye. He deserves the maximum measure of justice.

When a suspect or suspects are identified, please take the age of the victim and the gravity of the injuries into account and seek aggravated animal cruelty charges. Striking out at innocents in such a cruel and depraved manner must be met with a punishment that fits the crime.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Diana


  1. The punishment MUST fit the crime for all involved. Include the parents as teens usually do the most harm to innocents. But, parents don’t get help for their sick kids. This puppy was innocent. He was fully able to see and function as a well puppy. Enter the monsters. Now this puppy may have to suffer being blind for life, possible brain injuries and who know what else. All due to sick people. This may be mental illness and if so these criminals must be placed in an asylum, possibly for life. Society doesn’t want these criminals. We want to live in peace, take care of family and pets and not be a bother to anyone else. These criminals don’t seem to want the same. Someone must pay for all the help this puppy will need. Make the kids pay or their parents. This puppy is entitled to every possible type of healing.

    • Agreed! These crimes against animals must end now we as a society must stop the anger must stop the cruelty against innocent animals who don’t deserved the pain the suffering the fear of never knowing when the next beating was coming because it’s owner had a bad day and unleashed hell on a little puppy that can’t fight back only take it from that sick twisted pathetic excuse for a human!

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629 Signatures

  • Margaret DiMassa
  • Lisa Norton
  • Wanda Ray
  • Alana Willroth
  • Jen Pressey
  • Lissa F
  • Margaret Durbas
  • Michael Brinkman
  • Heather Grimmer
  • Jenny Garcia
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