Man Caught on Video Stomping on Puppy’s Head in Elevator Must be Punished

Target: Shabana Mahmood, Secretary of State for Justice, United Kingdom

Goal: Ensure man faces the maximum legal consequences for cruel acts against the dog Biscuit.

A disturbing case of animal cruelty has surfaced involving Cameron Brunning, a 22-year-old from Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. Brunning was caught on CCTV in the lift of his flat block brutally attacking his two-year-old bulldog, Biscuit. The footage reveals Brunning kicking Biscuit, stomping on her head, and holding her by the throat while she cowered in fear. When questioned by RSPCA investigators, Brunning claimed he needed to “teach the dog how to behave.” Biscuit was found to be terrified of being petted, showing the severe mental and physical trauma she endured.

Brunning pleaded guilty to two offenses under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 at Gateshead Magistrates’ Court. He admitted causing unnecessary suffering to Biscuit through physical and mental abuse and failing to meet her needs. Despite the severity of his actions, Brunning was only banned from keeping animals for five years and received a 12-month community order with 20 Rehabilitation Activity days.

This lenient punishment does not reflect the gravity of Brunning’s cruel actions. To prevent future incidents and ensure justice for Biscuit, it is crucial to demand stricter legal consequences for Brunning. Take action now.


Dear Secretary of State Mahmood,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of severe animal cruelty involving Cameron Brunning from Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. Brunning was caught on CCTV brutally attacking his two-year-old bulldog, Biscuit, inflicting both physical and mental trauma. His actions, which included kicking, stomping on, and holding Biscuit by the throat, demonstrate a shocking level of cruelty and disregard for the well-being of an innocent animal.

While Brunning has been banned from keeping animals for five years and received a 12-month community order with 20 Rehabilitation Activity days, this punishment does not adequately reflect the severity of his actions. It is imperative to ensure that such acts of cruelty are met with stricter legal consequences to deter future offenders and provide justice for the suffering endured by Biscuit.

I urge you to take action to ensure that Cameron Brunning faces the maximum legal consequences for his cruel acts. Strengthening the penalties for animal cruelty will help protect vulnerable animals and send a clear message that such behavior is unacceptable.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Deborah Grottola says:

    This punishment does not meet the crime. So in 5 years he can get more animals to abuse. That’s pathetic. Must have been a judge that doesn’t care. He should never ever own another animal

    • Our judges are so often corrupt and twisted themselves, while others are so inherently priviledged they are incapable of understanding life in the real world, or suffering having been cossetted against any of that for their entire lives. They routinely give woefully inadequate sentences leaving the population at huge risk everyday, and face no consequences for this utter dereliction of duty and gross incompetance, no matter what happens. Even where a child is abused and killed because they freed a predatory paedophile, nothing happens to them, even though they are the reason this monster was free to do that evil thing. Our whole system is entirely under their control, and they are at best incompetant, at worst utterly corrupt. The govt and police have no control whatsoever over them, and police oftem question why they investigate at all, knowing there will be little more than a slap on the wrist for any wickedness at the end of their hard work. The system is completely broken

      • The useless Judicial system will do nothing.
        As long as they get their big fat pay cheques they could not give a ‘toss’ about tortured abused animals or sod all else.
        These are the buggers who need shaking up and dishing out some sensible sentences!
        Right now we have riots going on here in the good old U.K. because the people living and struggling on Council estates have had enough of so-called ‘asylum’ seekers being housed in 5 star hotels paid for by us, the hard working British tax payers.
        What I am getting at is something like this needs to happen over animal torture and abuse to make the bloody law sit up and realise that we WILL NOT take this by doing nothing!!
        This is what is needed to make them get off of their fat arses and know that normal people mean business!!
        I will not go on but any other suggestions would be really welcome.

  2. Someone needs to beat this ass to a pulp. Teach him a lesson he will never forget.

  3. William Turner says:

    Is it not funny that the retards all dress the same.Whoever knows this retard please kick the shit out of him

  4. Jacqueline O'Connor says:

    Lowdown scum of the Earth!! Disgusting coward!! I am sick to death of reading about shit like him abusing animals!!

  5. Aimee Accinno says:

    This degenerate needs to be locked up and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Just abhorrent behavior which he’ll likely do to another human someday.

    • There is NO full extent of the bloody law! Just a load of bollocks. The law will do fuck all as it is just an animal and has no feelings!
      Stupid bastards need to ‘grow a pair and start dishing out proper punishment for these tossers. But they WILL NOT because these twats are just as bad as the fucking ‘perps.
      Street justice is what these animal torturing bastards MUST HAVE so they will maybe learn that this torture just dies not pay. They are just bloody sub-humans anyway so would not be missed at all.
      Every other day we read animal torture and abuse here but no mention of these duckers getting their just deserts. Something has got to happen as this shirt is getting seriously out of hand and must be stopped by any means possible. Even if it means DEAD ‘perps’

  6. Jane Todaro says:

    This pathetic excuse of a human being should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and NEVER allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DOES THE JERK HAVE TO DO TO DEMONSTRATE THIS?????????!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Stomp on this fuckers head. Kill the piece of shit.

  8. Shoot him in the back of his head and let him die slowly, I’ll come stomp on his head and teach him how to behave!

  9. Like I said again bring back death penalty then there would be less animal abuse and any other crimes that stupid idiots committed

    • Right on! If this were to happen then you would see animal torture decline within a few weeks, but it will NEVER happen because they are just ‘dumb’ animals with no feelings!!! The problem is a dog is loyal to it’s owner no matter how it is treated and accepts this as the norm’.
      So these bastards can get away with this brutality 100%.
      What I still do not understand is, many times when this brutality and abuse happens, someone is there to VIDEO IT!!! SO WHY????? do they not do something to help the animal at that time? Ok- easier said than done if the ‘perp’ is a nasty bastard but a few people shouting could make the prick stop! It’s NOT EASY I know as I have BEEN THERE!!!
      And to be fair, most normal people would be afraid to intervene as is only natural.
      Call the cops, ( waste of time maybe), shout and scream at the bastard, make noise to attract a crowd so the bugger would have to stop. Mob him, prod him – walking sticks are useful for this then at least you can say “ Yes I did something to make this prick stop”.
      And, you would have actually tried and done your bit!!
      And, if anyone can rescue the animal then good on you!
      It might, JUST MIGHT make the bastard think twice before doing it again. Although I doubt it as the only way these turds will learn it is wrong is when the bastards are good and DEAD!!!

  10. An eye for an eye….do the same thing to him…see how he likes it…ban from EVER owning another animal.

  11. I hope he goes to prison for a long time.

  12. Missy Voigts says:

    Until the judicial system starts deterring crime like this, it’s going to continue! Permanent damage was caused to a sentinel being. Abuse like this should never be tolerated! I beg of you to give this criminal the maximum punishment allowable!

  13. UncommonSensesc says:

    What dumbass judge and prosecutor let that shit happen???!!!! Damnit to hell – you stupid sons of bitches are going to allow that evil piece of shit to have animals again??? What is wrong with you?? He needs to be beat to death with a Karma bat but oh, no, we’ll let him get more animals to abuse! This is what is wrong with this world – not giving true justice for abused animals! This liberal bullshit of “he just made a mistake but he’ll do better” is nothing. It gives that person a license to abuse innocent animals. Some people are evil, they’re broken and they’ll never get better so for the safety of innocent animals (and people) they need to be eradicated from this earth!

  14. Will an example ever be set as to how each person is to act? We are getting to be the animals and the animals are us, before we became them. Society does not need a man like this. He is a walking bomb. He is mentally injured and needs to be hospitalized. If he’s not mental why do this? He will go on to hurt children, other animals, even his own family. There are creeps but, as I said, society doesn’t want them. Our society is based on laws to help keep the peace. These acts keep happening due to the legal systems breaking down. Make an example of this man. Do to him what he did to Biscuit. You did not handle this case well at all. In the future he will be back due to more harm but next time it may be too late to help. You did not do a decent job protecting the public!Instead you protected slime.

  15. They should beat this sicko to death

  16. Maximum penalties to this monster abuser. And shame on all the judges in the USA and The World who turn a blind eye with little or no penalty or consequences for such barbaric treatment to innocent animals. So sick and tired of these lazy incompetent judges who do nothing.

  17. Quem conhecer esse momte de merda, faça o favor de pontapear a cabeça dele até ele aprender que não se trata os animais à porrada.

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