Dogs Apparently Kicked and Stomped on Head Deserve Justice

Target: Vernon Stewart, Harnett County District Attorney, North Carolina

Goal: Seek stricter penalties for the alleged abuser and fund the essential surgeries for Contra and Duke.

In a distressing case of apparent animal cruelty, two American Bully dogs, Contra and Duke, were rescued after a neighbor provided evidence of their owner, Enoch Jace-Nathaniel Broadnax, kicking and stomping on Contra’s head. Dunn Animal Control Shelter is now seeking donations to cover the medical expenses for the dogs’ necessary surgeries, which are estimated to cost between $3,000 to $4,000.

Contra, a blue and white female, suffers from severe respiratory issues due to restricted nasal passages, which limit her outdoor time to just 5-10 minutes. Her surgery aims to alleviate her breathing difficulties, making her eligible for adoption once she recovers. Duke, a fawn tri-color male, experiences problems such as passing out due to inadequate oxygen intake, which has led to seizures. His surgery is crucial to improve his quality of life. Dr. Brittany McLamb at Dunn Animal Hospital will perform the surgery to address his medical condition.

Broadnax has been charged with three counts of animal cruelty but pleaded guilty to one count as part of a plea deal. He received a sentence of two years of supervised probation, 72 hours of community service, and restitution payments totaling $6,322.76. Additionally, he is prohibited from owning or caring for any dogs or cats during his probation period. Seek stricter penalties for abusers.


Dear District Attorney Vernon Stewart,

I am writing to express my deep concern and urge for stricter actions regarding the recent animal cruelty case involving Enoch Jace-Nathaniel Broadnax in Dunn, NC. Broadnax has been charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty after evidence surfaced showing him allegedly abusing two American Bully dogs, Contra and Duke.

Contra and Duke require urgent surgeries to address severe health issues stemming from the abuse they apparently endured. The estimated cost for their surgeries ranges between $3,000 to $4,000. These surgeries are crucial to ensure their recovery and improve their quality of life.

While Broadnax has received a sentence of probation and community service, the gravity of his actions warrants a more stringent penalty. I urge your office to reconsider the charges and seek harsher punishment for such heinous acts of animal cruelty. Additionally, I request support for fundraising efforts to cover the medical expenses for Contra and Duke, ensuring they receive the necessary care and a chance for a better future.

Your intervention in this matter is essential to uphold justice and demonstrate that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our community. Let us work together to protect these innocent animals and prevent future cases of abuse.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Makarand Sawant


  1. 2 years of supervised probation?!!!! Why doesn’t abuse of the innocent carry strict punishment?! It’s okay to beat a being that cannot fend for itself?!!!! What if that being was your own mother? What sentencing would be given then?!!! How despicable!!

    • I agree. This person deserves HARD jail time and required mental health care. This sentence is disgusting. And only restricted for owning animals during probation. It should be forever.

      • Well it could be forever with a nicely placed hammer to the back of this fuckers head on a dark night!
        No more animal torturing and goodbye waste of space arsehole!
        Footnote —— It CAN be carried out if one is very careful. 😉😉

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • Samina+Araf says:

      I totally agree! The POS shit should be sent to a prison of animal lovers to abuse him and show him what real pain is like by stomping on his head and causing brain damage. These poor creatures were vulnerable and voiceless with health issues and made to suffer at the hands of a coward bully. Alternatively send him to me and if he doesn’t beg for death within the first ten minutes then I’m not my dad’s daughter!!!

  2. Make the assholes responsible for their abuse pay for the surgeries and care until readopted. Then do the same to them, if you need help there are plenty animals lovers out there to give justice to these 2 dogs.

  3. Friggin loser of a human ass! I hope you get your damn head smashed in and cracked opened!!! So that little grain of salt of a brain and ooze on out!

  4. Should have his head bashed in

  5. Sharon Rudyk says:

    DO the same damn thing right back to the crap humans and then throw them in jail for life!!!! They will do this to other humans too!!!!!!!

  6. Not good enough banned for life and 5 years at least in prison but he deserves worse animal abusers are dangerous people

  7. UncommonSensesc says:

    I want that son of a bitch dead not on unsupervised probation! Is there any wonder that this shit keeps happening??? What judges and prosecutors think this was a just sentence?? Damnit to hell, this pisses me off! I want his worthless, evil head caved in immediately – that way he can be left for buzzard food and do some good in his worthless life.

  8. This is not punishment. Who are you to redeem this man who isn’t with redemption. These dogs require surges to live and function. The dogs did nothing to deserve this horrible treatment. You don’t care about this issue. It’s obvious as you won’t do anything to help these dogs but you will protect a piece of scum. I hoper you lose your job over this issue but you belong to the good ole boys club. It is wrong! This man deserves at least 5 years in prison. Ow that you’ve stopped that Satan from receiving his due punishment at least make him pay all medical costs for these dogs. No money? Sell his house, get his savings, college funds, repossess his car and sell it to get the money needed to heal these dogs he almost killed. I hope he dies a painful death.He needs to feel what suffering is like.

    • This so- called piece of shit needs to be DEAD as it will just carry on as normal and keep torturing innocent animals!
      Just a turd whose head needs stepping on with a good pair of studded boots. BASTARD!!!!!!!

  9. Julia Edinger says:

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH… Sharon Rudyk
    “DO the same damn thing right back to the crap humans and then throw them in jail for life!!!! They will do this to other humans too!!!!!!! “….

  10. They should have their wages garnished and tax return refunds held for payment for surgery and then sent to prison after payment in full has been collected if they work. If not send then to prison and have them”taken care of” in prison

  11. Darlene Long says:

    To get a sentence for what was done to this poor dogs is unacceptable what is going on with with the person that handed down such unacceptable sentence..

  12. There is a special place in hell for them. The sentence isn’t enough, it should be at least five years.

  13. 2 yrs probation??? Are u kidding??? That’s a slap on the wrist. This evil pos needs to be held down and have ist’s head stomped on until it can’t breath!!!!

  14. This batard needs to be put to death!!!

  15. Johnny K. says:

    Two years probation? What a fuckin’ joke. This bastard needs two slugs from a .357 Magnum put in his fucked up head. If this were to happen, he would never hurt another dog, ever. But, why would anyone be surprised about this sentence. Hell, you can’t get some fuckin’ judges to give a sonofabitch the death penalty if he did a home invasion and raped and killed the whole family. Hopefully, this piece of shit will die a slow and agonizing death and the sooner the better.

  16. Let me stomp on this mother fuckers head! You don’t take your frustrations out on a dog! They deserve better.

  17. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. Two years probation is a MOCKERY of animal victims, and also has a dehumanizing effect on our society. This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near/owning animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  18. That’s what is wrong with our system. Those penalties are not strick enough! More jail time is needed, never, ever to own any animal ever again, pay for all the necessary surgeries for both dogs and he must do community service at animal shelters until he understands what he did is wrong. If he ever does.

  19. This severe mentally deranged severe dog abuser requires immediate instigation of the death penalty and nothing less. A slow and agonizing extermination!!

  20. Sylvia K Keith says:


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