Dog Reportedly Shot for Target Practice Deserves Justice

Target: Jody Willoughby, District Attorney, Etowah County, Alabama

Goal: Demand strict legal action against the accused and ensure justice for Bullet.

In Gadsden, Alabama, two individuals have been arrested after a video surfaced apparently showing them using a missing dog for target practice with a weapon. The accused, 18-year-old Trenton Sudberry and an unnamed juvenile, face charges of animal cruelty. Sudberry was detained at the Etowah County Detention Center awaiting bond.

The dog’s owner discovered the video on Facebook, reportedly identifying the dog as their missing pet, Bullet. The dog’s reported traumatic experience has left him severely distressed, requiring special care to avoid further emotional triggers. This incident underscores the severe impact of animal cruelty and the urgent need for justice. Take immediate action against the perpetrators.


Dear District Attorney Willoughby,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent incident in Gadsden, Alabama, where two individuals allegedly used a missing dog for target practice with a weapon. This apparent act of cruelty has left the dog, Bullet, severely traumatized and highlights the urgent need for justice.

Bullet’s owners claim to have identified their missing pet in a video posted on Facebook, where the dog was reportedly used for target practice. The dog has since been found severely distressed, requiring special care to avoid further emotional triggers.

The accused, 18-year-old Trenton Sudberry and an unnamed juvenile, have been charged with animal cruelty. While Sudberry is currently detained, it is imperative that justice is served for Bullet and that cruel actions are met with the full force of the law.

I urge you to take immediate and decisive action to ensure that those responsible for this alleged cruelty are held accountable. It is crucial to send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our community. Please ensure that Bullet receives the justice he deserves and that measures are put in place to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Francis Alexander Mason


  1. My god such evil people

  2. The only way animal cruelty will be decreased is to make it a felony. The bonus is punishment should fit the crime! Enough is enough with humans poisoning our planet with their vile cruelty.

  3. They both should be charged as adults. Put them in a field with armed animal lovers and see how they like being used as target practice

  4. Allison Winters says:

    No surprise it’s on Alabama. If we had harsh animal cruelty laws, it might lessen these horrific acts. I say use them as target practice, nobody will miss them.

  5. This incident underscores the severity of abuse and lack of empathy by these individuals and humans today. We MUST have severe punishment for these two and ALL individuals who commit such crimes.

  6. People really are sinking to a new low. How could anybody do this to an animal. We have kind people trying to rescue lost dogs and then others like these lowlifes trying to harm them. I can’t imagine how scared he was and how terrifying for the owners to see this video. I really hope the little dog recovers with help and the people responsible are severely punished.

  7. Let these mindless sadists pay all the costs to get Bullet healthy again and use that kind of humanoid beast as a target!
    An eye for an eye tooth for a tooth

  8. I want to do serious harm to these POS!

  9. Rhea Phelan says:

    Obviously they were not brought up to respect animals!

  10. Vanessa Strougo says:

    The Same to them and make sure the targets are assured bullseyes.

  11. Vile subhuman filth use them as target practice or better yet hang them from their balls. Evil scumbags mother fuckers. Kill them!

  12. At the age these pathetic excuses for human beings need a severe lesson in humane treatment of animals. Perhaps if they were on the receiving end of target practice they might understand the terror that poor dog experienced.

  13. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! These satanic pathological monsters must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! They must also be forbidden from coming near/owning animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  14. The legal system stinks. No one cares about animals being hurt by ignorant teens from stupid and ignorant parents. This requires punishment. These teens are freaks and now they will continue until they kill more animals, or kids. I would jot want to begin the same house as these two. Our society protects these 18 year olds yet if one is old enough to vote they are old enough to be treated as adults;lts in these abuse cases. The younger one is protected too but their parents need to pay to help with the medical expense and also the parents of the 18 year old. Do not seal these records as this disgrace needs to follow these bastards throughout their lives. Do not allow then to own animals again nor work with them or even be around them. These two monsters don’t know love or com[passion!

  15. B Marincic says:

    As another said, harming an animal on purpose should be an automatic felony if the person is an adult, with no plea deal possible. Animals are sentient beings and have the same right to life that a human has.

  16. I hope someone uses Trenton Sudberry as target practice. Do society a favor and get rid of that piece of shit and his juvenile friend. Couple of inbreds

  17. These 2 total POS need to be imprisoned with some big bubba animal lovers. Let them ‘experience’ what they did with impunity to a helpless lost animal. They are disgusting scum that are practicing for more horrific behavior.
    Prosecute to the Max!!!

  18. People need to keep their pets inside because this world is so cruel so I pray that 2 individuals get punished to the fullest extent of the law period humans have no compassion and very heartless so we need to end the animal cruelty now !!!!!!!

  19. Make theses crimes against all animals a felony! Stop letting theses teenagers & younger off, they are old enough to know right from wrong!

  20. These two delinquents need to spend some time in jail to get familiar with what their future lives will hold as a result of their disgusting and inhumane behaviours towards other living beings. Their names need to be publicized so the community can see who they are associating with. There is a direct link between animal cruelty and violence and criminal offences against other humans. This situation must be dealt with firmly with punishment.

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