Dog Reportedly Shot for Target Practice Deserves Justice

Target: Jody Willoughby, District Attorney, Etowah County, Alabama

Goal: Demand strict legal action against the accused and ensure justice for Bullet.

In Gadsden, Alabama, two individuals have been arrested after a video surfaced apparently showing them using a missing dog for target practice with a weapon. The accused, 18-year-old Trenton Sudberry and an unnamed juvenile, face charges of animal cruelty. Sudberry was detained at the Etowah County Detention Center awaiting bond.

The dog’s owner discovered the video on Facebook, reportedly identifying the dog as their missing pet, Bullet. The dog’s reported traumatic experience has left him severely distressed, requiring special care to avoid further emotional triggers. This incident underscores the severe impact of animal cruelty and the urgent need for justice. Take immediate action against the perpetrators.


Dear District Attorney Willoughby,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent incident in Gadsden, Alabama, where two individuals allegedly used a missing dog for target practice with a weapon. This apparent act of cruelty has left the dog, Bullet, severely traumatized and highlights the urgent need for justice.

Bullet’s owners claim to have identified their missing pet in a video posted on Facebook, where the dog was reportedly used for target practice. The dog has since been found severely distressed, requiring special care to avoid further emotional triggers.

The accused, 18-year-old Trenton Sudberry and an unnamed juvenile, have been charged with animal cruelty. While Sudberry is currently detained, it is imperative that justice is served for Bullet and that cruel actions are met with the full force of the law.

I urge you to take immediate and decisive action to ensure that those responsible for this alleged cruelty are held accountable. It is crucial to send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our community. Please ensure that Bullet receives the justice he deserves and that measures are put in place to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Francis Alexander Mason


  1. Bullet and his family deserve justice. He wasn’t an object. He was a sentient being who loved his family. The perpetrators must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. They must be sent to jail.

  2. The only measures that these two pieces of crap need is a nice weighted hammer to the back of their heads!
    And ‘yes’ I know that many would say “Well ok, so do it then”. My excuse is that I am thousands of miles away in the U.K. and as I am no spring chicken anymore I would need a little help no doubt.
    And as I can still wield a nice little hammer, would just need one or two guys to hold the bastards fast.
    And as I have said times before, the buggers really would ‘NEVER’ abuse any animal ever again. Not with smashed up fingers and toes they woudn’t!!
    I re-iterate when I say this but ‘mob rule’ has to happen to all of these animal torturing bastards. It is the only way that it will EVER be stopped!
    Animal Victory shows a arrogant ‘sun tanned’ prick throwing his young dog down a double stair well. No doubt the nasty sod could not ‘get it up’ so the dog had to suffer the bastards frustration. Read the write – up on Animal Victory site, see the video and I guarantee that you will feel the same loathing for this shitbag as do I.
    These sick brained turds seriously need taking out as they will never change — well, they will change, but only when the buggers are DEAD!!!!

    • Couldn’t have put it better myself! These animal abusers need the same done to them – only then will they know what it’s like what they’ve done. They wouldn’t be laughing then. I would join you in torturing them if I could – but I am also in the UK and also “of a certain age”. It’s up to the judges in the USA to serve them justice, but from what I can see they are all too soft!

      • Thanks for reply Sister Kathryn,
        Good to know that others feel exactly the same.
        And absolute ‘POWER’ to any animal Vigilante groups out there who could deal with bastards such as these two waste of spacers!!!

  3. Dennis Busto says:

    An eye for an eye fits this crime. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. Paws Matter 🐾

  4. Much too quick my British friend ! The manner in which these POS made Bullet suffer deserves a more thoughtful calm lasting manner of action. One from say the Middle ages where the mind was used to concoct more lasting ways of pain. I suggest…..IMPALE them !!!

  5. An Eye for an Eye!!!!!!!

  6. Me I woukd live to take nothing of them stupid bastards al tie them to a tree and use them for target practice the same damn way cause the damn judges all they will do is let them go free I’m so damn tired of animals abuser getting away with hurting are killing animals

  7. The a-holes deserve to be used for target practice – a 30-06 should suffice

  8. Dr. Dagmar Görz-Lenzen says:

    Find these g*dd*mn TERRORISTS! No mercy!

  9. Put these punks in jail then community service to keep them out of trouble involve the parents as well send a strong message now this will not be tolerated ever no animal should suffer at the hands of anyone for fun also pay the owner for medical needs this poor dog will need sadly more than likely for life! Love and hugs to this adorable doggy I hope this sickening ordeal won’t scar him for life!

  10. JoAnn Thornton Alberson says:

    Trenton Sudberry and unnamed juvenile should be actually the death sentence for being assholes treating a poor defenseless animal like this, they are future serial killers, and their lives need to be taken away from them. they are not worthy to live among humans …you two have ruined your lives because people will and have found out how sadistic you are. i hope you get severely punished for what you have done, and your life is ruined
    both of you. please do not just give them a slap on the wrist they deserve a lot worse punishment.

  11. Jacqueline “Torture the S…” says:

    Another sociopath! Probably, jealous Bullet was so much better and better looking.
    Whip him!

  12. Julia Edinger says:

    “The only measures that these two pieces of crap need is a nice weighted hammer to the back of their heads!
    And ‘yes’ I know that many would say “Well ok, so do it then”. My excuse is that I am thousands of miles away in the U.K. and as I am no spring chicken anymore I would need a little help no doubt.
    And as I can still wield a nice little hammer, would just need one or two guys to hold the bastards fast.
    And as I have said times before, the buggers really would ‘NEVER’ abuse any animal ever again. Not with smashed up fingers and toes they woudn’t!!
    I re-iterate when I say this but ‘mob rule’ has to happen to all of these animal torturing bastards. It is the only way that it will EVER be stopped!
    Animal Victory shows a arrogant ‘sun tanned’ prick throwing his young dog down a double stair well. No doubt the nasty sod could not ‘get it up’ so the dog had to suffer the bastards frustration. Read the write – up on Animal Victory site, see the video and I guarantee that you will feel the same loathing for this shitbag as do I.
    These sick brained turds seriously need taking out as they will never change — well, they will change, but only when the buggers are DEAD!!!! “

  13. Death penalty for these bastard abusers,POS,motherfuckers,burn in hell!
    Justice for Bullet!

  14. This poor dog, now with his owner, is badly traumatized. One boy is 18 and the other is younger. This should not allow them leniency. They deserve none! Their parents need to be in court, fined, or sent to jail as they know what their kids are doing. Their lies won’t help. Yet they allow these perverts to shoot at a dog which they tied to a tree. They are the ones who should be tied up and used for target practice. Ut’s true! They need to pay all medical expenses for Bullet, the dog, to recover. If they can’t pay have their parents sell the house or do whatever they must to come up with the money. Take college funds, sell cars, live miserably due to your son, hi friend, and actions!

  15. The only justice is to use these 2 pieces of shit for target practice until they look like Swiss cheese!

  16. I live in England UK if we catch the stupid cunt we will do what he done to that poor dog. Bring back hanging for fuck sake

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