Justice for Dogs Allegedly Tortured With Brass Knuckles and Frying Pans

Target: Kevin Barton, District Attorney of the Washington County, Arkansas

Goal: Demand strict legal action against person accused of torturing two dozen dogs.

In a horrifying case of alleged animal cruelty, Vikki Davidson, 36, from Fayetteville, Arkansas, was arrested after police seized 24 dogs from her residence. Responding to a dog bite call on June 20, officers discovered a scene of alleged neglect and abuse. The dogs, including 11 newborn puppies, were reportedly found malnourished and without water in a house shut off by the city a month earlier. Reportedly, the overwhelming stench of urine and dog feces was so intense that officers had to leave the premises.

The report details the grim reality: two dogs were allegedly immediately euthanized due to their dire conditions, and one dog had even allegedly cannibalized a puppy. Several other dogs had reportedly died prior to the police intervention, with one found in a cooler and others buried in the yard, including one that was partially eaten.

Further investigations revealed allegations of severe abuse. Davidson reportedly tortured the dogs by punching them with brass knuckles and frying pans, and kicking the smaller ones, resulting in improperly healed broken bones. Take stringent legal action and better animal welfare enforcement.


Dear DA Kevin Barton,

I am writing to express my deep concern and outrage over the recent animal cruelty case involving Vikki Davidson in Fayetteville. The arrest following the discovery of 24 allegedly severely neglected and abused dogs at her residence has shocked and appalled many.

The police report describes an appalling situation where dogs were allegedly malnourished, left without water, and subjected to horrific abuse. The details are deeply disturbing: dogs allegedly punched with brass knuckles and frying pans, kicked and left with broken bones, and the finding of dead dogs, one in a cooler and others buried, with one partially eaten.

The severity of this alleged cruelty calls for immediate and stringent legal action. While Davidson has been arrested, it is crucial to ensure she faces the full extent of the law for these heinous acts. Furthermore, stricter regulations and monitoring mechanisms must be implemented to prevent such incidents in the future and protect vulnerable animals.

I urge you to take decisive action to prosecute Vikki Davidson to the fullest extent of the law. This case must serve as a strong message that such cruelty will not be tolerated. Ensuring justice for these animals and preventing future abuse is paramount.

Your swift and strong intervention in this matter is essential to safeguard animal welfare and uphold the principles of justice and compassion in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Billie


  1. Kevin – please do the job you were hired to do and prosecute this uneducated, POS Vikki Davidson to the fullest extent allowed under Arkansas law. This animal abuser deserves jail time; she also needs to be removed from the gene pool…

  2. Sophie D. says:

    This monster needs to be prosecuted and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law and prohibited from ever owning another animal again in his life.

  3. Once covicted she should be sentenced to the same things that she did to the poor dogs. JUSTICE

  4. She should be locked up for good

  5. If anyone should be in prison, it’s Vikki Davidson! In my opinion, this widespread abuse is as bad as the equivalent of abusing children. These sentient animals don’t know why they are being treated this way just as a child would also not understand. I believe that low-lifes like this woman may go on to hurt humans when she’s tired of beating on her dogs.

  6. This whore needs to be staked out in the desert, stoned with rocks then left to the coyotes. Utter human garbage

    • My sentiments exactly, Sally. What a shame the public don’t get to decide the punishment for these morons. They’d think twice about abusing animals if they knew they’d get the same thing done to them. As it is, they finish their jail sentence and do the same thing again, no doubt hoping to get back in prison which appears to be a holiday camp.

  7. Justice for these innocent and defenceless dogs. I feel so sorry for them. The perpetrator must be charged and sent to prison.

  8. Sherry Akridge says:

    That person does not deserve to live on this earth. She is an evil monster.

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