Pit Bull Facing Tragic Death Following Apparent Abuse Deserves Justice

Target: Hon. Letitia James, New York State Attorney General, New York

Goal: Ensure comprehensive investigation and stricter enforcement of animal cruelty laws to prevent future cases of severe abuse and ensure the safety and well-being of animals.

In a tragic case of apparent animal abuse, Zola, a 2-year-old pit bull from Monticello, was euthanized after allegedly enduring severe injuries inflicted by her owner, Samuel Stanford. According to reports, the abuse Zola suffered was so severe that it left her with physical and emotional scars, leading to her aggressive behavior. Despite the dedicated efforts of Joanne Gerow, Shelter Director and Founding President at Catskill Animal Rescue, and Christian Losiewski, a dog trainer at Real World K9 LLC, Zola’s aggression and trauma were insurmountable. Stanford was charged and indicted for Aggravated Animal Abuse, a Class E Felony, for intentionally causing serious physical injury to the dog. This incident underscores the urgent need for stricter animal cruelty laws and enforcement to protect vulnerable animals from such horrific abuse.

Zola’s case is a stark reminder of the long-lasting impact that severe abuse can have on animals. After being rescued, Zola required extensive medical care and rehabilitation. Despite months of dedicated efforts to help her recover, her aggressive behavior, likely stemming from her trauma, could not be completely mitigated. This case highlights the critical need for comprehensive legal measures to prevent such abuse from occurring in the first place. Stronger penalties, more rigorous enforcement, and increased support for animal shelters and rescue organizations are essential to ensure that those who commit such heinous acts are held accountable and that animals receive the protection they deserve.

The tragic case of Zola should serve as a catalyst for change. The public outcry and the efforts of those who tried to save her life demonstrate a widespread demand for better protection for animals. Strengthen animal cruelty laws to deter potential abusers and provide justice for apparent victims like Zola.


Dear Hon. Letitia James,

I am writing to express my deep concern over the tragic case of Zola, a 2-year-old pit bull from Monticello, who allegedly suffered severe abuse and had to be euthanized despite the dedicated efforts to rehabilitate her. Zola’s owner, Samuel Stanford, was charged with Aggravated Animal Abuse for the intentional harm he apparently inflicted, leading to her significant injuries.

This heartbreaking incident highlights the urgent need for stricter animal cruelty laws and more rigorous enforcement to protect vulnerable animals from such severe abuse. The level of trauma and aggression exhibited by Zola, as described by Shelter Director Joanne Gerow and dog trainer Christian Losiewski, illustrates the long-term impact that such abuse can have on animals.

The current penalties for animal cruelty are insufficient to deter potential abusers and do not adequately reflect the severity of the crime. Stronger laws and stricter enforcement are essential to ensure that those who commit such heinous acts are held accountable and that animals receive the protection they deserve.

We urge you to take immediate action to review and strengthen New York State’s animal cruelty laws. Enhanced penalties, comprehensive investigation protocols, and increased support for animal shelters and rescue organizations are crucial steps to prevent future cases of severe abuse and ensure the safety and well-being of animals.

The tragic case of Zola should catalyze change. We must honor her memory by working together to create a safer environment for all animals. Please consider this urgent plea and take the necessary steps to protect vulnerable animals from abuse and neglect.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Realironman


  1. No other living being could be more wicked than humans themselves. The thoughts and actions of man are evil. Poor Zola is an innocent victim of extreme animal cruelty and sadly, she was never given a chance to live a good and happy life where she could be loved by someone.. RIP Zola <3.
    Samuel Stanford, must pay a HIGH PRICE for AGGRAVATED ANIMAL ABUSE leading to Zola's PREMATURE DEATH. He is a monster with no love and compassion for animals therefore he must not be allowed to deal with animals at all, forever! Meantime, pls review and strengthen New York State’s animal cruelty law to protect other animals…do not let Zola die in vain.

  2. Perps frequently do not care who their victims are as long as they have access and control over another victim again and again and again! Perps have a long history of abusing victims before they are finally caught….they don’t particularly care if victims are 2 legged or 4 legged, it’s just a matter of time before they have abused both. If this perpetrator is not stopped, their next victim could be you or yours!!!

  3. Jaime Perez says:

    Throw this ugly piece of filth in jail for a very long time. There is no excuse for animal abuse. Run free sweet Zola.

  4. Don’t even bother with jail…just string this torturing bastard up.

  5. Sherry Akridge says:

    STOP letting these monsters parading around as humans get away with little or no punishment! Start putting their psychopath behinds where they belong, in jail, in prison! Make them pay for their crimes!! Enough is enough!!

  6. Hon. Letitia James – This disgusting case hurts my heart. An innocent animal, Lola, lost her life at just age 2 because of an abusive owner. WTH? We need tougher animal cruelty laws in this country – right now! Not 10 years down the road! Please put this uneducated POS Samuel Stanford behind bars where he belongs. It’s too late to remove him from the gene pool, but you can certainly get him off the streets so he can’t abuse another animal…

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