Stand Up for Dogs Allegedly Found Dismembered on Front Porch

Target: Mr. Garry Frank, District Attorney of Davidson County, North Carolina

Goal: Investigate and ensure strict penalties for the individual allegedly responsible for dismembering two dogs, and enforce stronger animal welfare regulations.

In Davidson County, North Carolina, a man from Lexington is facing felony animal cruelty charges after being accused of dismembering two dogs. Officers from the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of two dead dogs on the front porch of a house on 1st Circle. Upon arrival, deputies reported discovering the dismembered remains of a female Rottweiler/pit bull mix that had recently given birth and a male German shepherd/husky breed.

This horrific incident underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws to prevent such cruelty and ensure justice for the animals involved. Take stringent measures to hold individuals accountable for alleged animal cruelty and ensure the well-being of animals in our community.


Dear Mr. Garry Frank,

A recent case in Davidson County, North Carolina, has brought to light a deeply disturbing instance of alleged animal cruelty. A man from Lexington has been accused of dismembering two dogs, a female Rottweiler/pit bull mix that had recently given birth and a male German shepherd/husky breed. Officers from the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office reported discovering the dismembered remains on the front porch of a house on 1st Circle.

This case underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws. We urge you to ensure a thorough investigation and hold those allegedly responsible accountable. Immediate action is necessary to prevent such cruelty and protect the welfare of animals in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ildar Sagdejev 


  1. We all know these poor dogs had no pain medication. People doing this are in it for the pain and torture. They show no mercy as they have no mercy. But they have no problem seeing other innocent, living beings suffer, scream in agony, and cry out for compassion. I feel the people doing this type of torture need the exact same in return. Why? SO they will feel the pain they gave. Allow them no pain medication, no compassion, no mercy. Let them scream for mercy, let them cry out of help, let them know fear just as they gave, so shall they receive. If our court and legal system were not broken may be the courts would honor the law. But, if the Supreme Court can spit on the law how can we expect people like these to honor anything. Give them what they gave. This will stop this torture, murder, dismembering of bodies. Only this action will stop these criminals.

  2. These petitions need to give the names of the POS abusers:

    Investigators say that CHRISTOPHER MULLINS, 38, of Lexington, killed the two dogs that lived at the home. There were 12 more dogs living at the home that were seized “due to exigent circumstances.”

    Davidson County Sheriff Richie Simmons says that Mullins “mutilated and beheaded the 2 adult dogs.”

  3. JoAnn Thornton Alberson says:

    you know i have always believed what goes around comes around and i hope to hell when it comes back to you, you get it bad. you are nothing more than a coward who needs to be punished, you are sadistic and i wish i could have caught you because it would be worth going to jail because of what you did to these poor animals, you are why i hate people so much, you are a cold hearted mf

  4. should get a treatment for torture and jail

  5. You can just know this POS posted some poxy snuff video nasty of this depravity on the electronic cesspit of tiktok. Throw the asshole in a vat of acid and leave it there

  6. Death penalty for the bastard!
    Justice for dogs!

  7. Irene Leggett says:

    I wonder what the sick, vile, psychotic POS has done with the puppies??? Make sure this low-life POS gets a PROPER punishment with NO excuses.

  8. Gigi Bell says:

    Evil crime – people next?

  9. Words fail me. This is like a horror story. Please makes sure this person is severely punished!

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