Demand Justice for Dog Allegedly Abused on Camera

Target: Mr. Jody Willoughby, District Attorney of Etowah County, Alabama

Goal: Investigate and ensure strict penalties for the individuals allegedly responsible for the abuse and mistreatment of a dog, and enforce stronger animal welfare regulations.

In Etowah County, Alabama, an alleged case of animal cruelty involving a dog named Bullet has led to charges against an underaged person and an 18-year-old named Trenton Sudberry. The investigation was prompted by a video posted on social media, showing possible animal abuse while the exact nature of abuse is not revealed. The Etowah County Sheriff’s Office identified the suspects and recovered the weapon reportedly used in the incident. Sheriff Jonathan Horton emphasized the importance of protecting animals and ensuring justice for them. Bullet has been returned to his family and is expected to make a full recovery.

This incident underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws to prevent cruelty. Authorities must take swift action to investigate and prosecute the responsible parties, ensuring justice for the dog and setting a strong precedent against abuse. Take stringent measures to hold individuals accountable for this alleged animal cruelty and ensure the well-being of animals in our community.


Dear Mr. Jody Willoughby,

A recent case in Etowah County, Alabama, has brought to light a deeply disturbing instance of alleged animal cruelty. Two individuals, including an underaged person and 18-year-old Trenton Sudberry, have been charged with animal cruelty after a video showing possible abuse was posted on social media. However, the exact nature of abuse is not revealed.

The Etowah County Sheriff’s Office identified the suspects and recovered the weapon reportedly used in the incident. The dog, named Bullet, has been returned to his family and is expected to make a full recovery.

This case underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws. We urge you to ensure a thorough investigation and hold those allegedly responsible accountable. Immediate action is necessary to prevent cruelty and protect the welfare of animals in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs


  1. The two POS teens were shooting at Bullet, who was restrained by a leash to a tree, with a gun. Bullet was not their dog, he had gone missing from his home. Just to clarify some missing details from the petition, and what those shite bastards did to the dog.

  2. JoAnn Thornton Alberson says:

    Trenton Sudberry and the underaged dumb ass you want to be friend with trenton then keep on because you will die a horrible death and wish you could have taken the higher road, trenton i hope you get in prison with someone who will scare the shit out of you and call for your mom to help you but guess what she is not able to get your ugly ass out … i hope this happens to you you sick mf both of you

  3. Makes you wonder about the parents of these cretins…they’re probably as bad. Just get rid of the whole bunch (painfully) and be done with…

  4. sicko’s give them jail

  5. String them up and let the sickos watch that on the social media sewer instead. No loss to the gene pool there

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