Horse Allegedly Starved to Point of Death Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Kevin McCrae, Grant County Prosecuting Attorney, Washington

Goal: Investigate and ensure strict penalties for individuals allegedly responsible for the neglect and abuse of the horse, and enforce stronger animal welfare regulations.

In Grant County, Washington, an allegedly neglected horse was reportedly found in dire conditions and had to be euthanized. Deputies responded to a property on Road 10 Northeast, about 10 miles north of Moses Lake, where they discovered a 20-25-year-old gelding in a corral. The horse was allegedly in a deplorable state, with protruding bones, untrimmed hooves, hair falling out, and pest damage. Reports indicate algae-contaminated water and no noticeable food source indicated starvation, dehydration, and exposure to excessive heat.

Despite efforts by deputies and the Rodeo City Equine Rescue to save the horse, it reportedly collapsed and could not support its weight. A local veterinarian reported the horse had suffered neglect for approximately a year and decided to euthanize it. The Grant County Sheriff’s Office has recommended a felony charge of first-degree animal cruelty against the horse’s owner.

This incident underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws. Authorities must take swift action to investigate and prosecute the responsible parties, ensuring justice for the neglected horse. Review current regulations and practices to prevent similar cases of animal cruelty in the future.


Dear Mr. Kevin McCrae,

A recent incident in Grant County, Washington, has brought to light a deeply disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty. Deputies responded to a property near Moses Lake and reportedly discovered a severely neglected horse in deplorable conditions. The horse, a 20-25-year-old gelding, allegedly showed signs of extreme neglect, including protruding bones, untrimmed hooves, and hair loss. Despite efforts to save the horse, it collapsed and reportedly had to be euthanized.

The alleged neglect this horse suffered for approximately a year highlights the need for immediate legal action. We urge you to conduct a thorough investigation and ensure the responsible individuals are held accountable. This case also calls for reviewing and reinforcing animal welfare laws in our county to prevent future occurrences of such cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Helena Lopes


  1. Just who is responsible for this poor horse? How did this happen? The guilt seems to go to the owner. This animal was left to suffer and was tortured for a year. Those who were involved in this need to suffer for a full year too. The poor horse died and was miserable. Take a lean on their houses, bank accounts, cars and everything they have! They need to go to prison but may not get there as mercy is shown to those we know, however anything which can be done to hurt them is justice! Your county needs to upgrade your standards and animal welfare laws and then enforce them!!!

  2. No one noticed this animal in distress? No one can use their phone to call police, animal welfare, local news, Anyone!!!!?? Shame on the POS person responsible for this animal’s lack of care. And shame on the locals ignoring this horrific problem. An innocent animal starved, ignored and now killed. Where is ‘humanity’?

  3. Torah Wolf says:

    You may not realize this but if you do your Bible study then you will know that these are children of the devil yes Satan has his own legacy and only these kind of people can do these evil things to God’s creations do you think any child of God could hurt anyone of God’s creations or another human being absolutely not.
    Make an example out of this evil human being and lock him up and throw away the key whether it be man or woman I don’t care this person starved an animal to death if it were me I would impose the same punishment on this person but unfortunately we cannot do that but you can certainly leave this person in solitary to think about their crimes for many many years I know that people in solitary can go crazy why would it matter this person’s already crazy lock them up throw away the key and make an example for others to follow so they know what that happens to them if they hurt God’s animals!!!

  4. Jaime Perez says:

    The rotten owner is totally responsible for the blatant neglect of this poor horse. Throw him in jail for a very long time!!

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