Demand Justice for Dogs Allegedly Found Living in Filth Without Clean Water

Target: Ms. Helen McEntee, Minister for Justice, Ireland

Goal: Investigate and ensure strict legal consequences for individuals responsible for severe animal abuse, and enforce stronger animal welfare regulations.

Michael O’Reilly of Primrose Banks, Cork, reportedly admitted to seven charges under the Animal and Welfare Act 2013 at Midleton District Court on May 23. He also allegedly admitted to obstructing an authorized officer during inspections of his kennels in May 2023. The inspections apparently revealed appalling conditions in which ten dogs were found living in dark, dirty sheds with mounds of faeces, soiled shredded paper, and a rodent infestation.

Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) Inspector Caroline Faherty testified that the dogs were surrounded by faeces, some covered in mould, indicating it had been there for a considerable time. The conditions were described as having an overpowering smell of ammonia, with dogs’ coats matted and heavily contaminated with faeces. One dog allegedly had significant hair loss, and none had a clean lying area. Food and water bowls were also reportedly contaminated, and some dogs had no water at all.

Inspector Faherty noted the dogs displayed signs of “fear-aggression,” suggesting a lack of proper socialization. Despite notices left at an adjacent cottage, no response was received, prompting further visits with a Dog Warden and a Cork County Council Veterinary Inspector. It was agreed that the dogs needed to be removed from the dire conditions.

When contacted, O’Reilly was reportedly argumentative and dismissive, claiming there was nothing wrong with the conditions. In mitigation, his defense argued that O’Reilly was under stress due to his father’s hospitalization and that he was not a dog breeder but kept show dogs. However, Judge Colm Roberts found this explanation uncredible and noted that O’Reilly’s status as a veterinary professional aggravated the offenses.

Judge Roberts imposed a three-month custodial sentence, suspended for two years, and disqualified O’Reilly from keeping dogs for seven years. Additionally, O’Reilly was fined €4,000 and ordered to pay €5,000 towards prosecution costs. Judge Roberts also instructed O’Reilly to engage with the Probation and Welfare Services, attend all appointments, and suggested completing an animal welfare course and stress management.

Inspector Faherty emphasized that animal abuse and neglect occur in all aspects of society and that even a veterinary professional must face legal consequences for such actions. Prevent such alleged abuses and ensure the well-being of animals.


Dear Ms. Helen McEntee,

A recent case in Cork has revealed a shocking instance of apparent animal cruelty perpetrated by a veterinary professional. Michael O’Reilly reportedly admitted to multiple charges of animal abuse under the Animal and Welfare Act 2013, as well as obstructing an authorized officer during inspections of his kennels. The inspections allegedly uncovered ten dogs living in deplorable conditions, surrounded by faeces and suffering from severe neglect.

The conditions described were appalling, with an overpowering smell of ammonia, matted coats contaminated with faeces, and contaminated food and water bowls. Some dogs had no access to water, and one required amputation due to a severe infection. Despite being a veterinary professional, O’Reilly apparently displayed a blatant disregard for the welfare of these animals.

We urge you to ensure strict legal consequences for individuals responsible for such severe animal abuse and to enforce stronger animal welfare regulations. Immediate action is necessary to prevent such incidents in the future and to protect the welfare of animals in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Andrew Clark

One Comment

  1. Take the animals to a place for healing but throw the people involved in this abuse into a pit with the same conditions. What we do to others we need to face ourselves. These wonderful souls need only stay in the pit for a weeks that should be enough to last them for the rest of their lives. Let’s see how they like being treated so badly. Do it or else put the people in prison for a year. They will enjoy their vacation.

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