Dogs Dead After Reportedly Choking on Vomit and Receiving Blunt-Force Trauma to Head Deserve Justice

Target: Martin County Prosecutor

Goal: Ensure dog trainer faces maximum legal punishment for the alleged abuse and deaths of dogs in her care.

A troubling case has emerged in Palm City, where Nikki Camerlengo, the operator of a dog training and boarding facility, allegedly abused dogs under her care. Investigations revealed that at least three dogs apparently died at Camerlengo’s facility, Pawsitively Paradise. One of the dogs, a Goldendoodle named Fleurie, reportedly died from blunt-force trauma to the head, with necropsy reports apparently suggesting extensive acute hemorrhage in the brain.

The alleged abuse extended to other dogs as well. A Flat-coated retriever named Mako reportedly choked on his own vomit, while another dog, a Cavapoo named Beau, also reportedly suffered blunt-force trauma to the head. These findings suggest a pattern of severe mistreatment and neglect, painting a horrifying picture of the conditions at Pawsitively Paradise. Despite being cited previously for not providing adequate water and shelter, Camerlengo’s actions allegedly resulted in further suffering and deaths.

The gravity of these allegations demands a swift and strong legal response. The reported abuse and neglect inflicted on these innocent animals highlight a critical need for accountability. Ensuring that the alleged perpetrator faces the maximum legal punishment will not only serve justice for the deceased dogs but also deter future instances of such cruelty. The Martin County Prosecutor must act decisively to bring justice for Fleurie, Mako, Beau, and any other potential victims.


Dear Martin County Prosecutor,

The recent arrest of Nikki Camerlengo, who operated a dog training and boarding facility in Palm City, has brought to light deeply troubling allegations of animal abuse. The necropsy reports for three dogs who died at her facility apparently suggest severe mistreatment, with two dogs reportedly dying from blunt-force trauma to the head and another choking on his own vomit.

The distressing allegations surrounding these dogs’ deaths—particularly the extensive acute hemorrhage in Fleurie’s brain and the trauma inflicted on Beau—underscore the severity of the alleged abuse. Such actions demonstrate a shocking disregard for animal welfare and necessitate immediate and stringent legal action to ensure justice is served.

We urge your office to pursue the maximum legal punishment for Nikki Camerlengo in connection with these alleged acts of cruelty. It is imperative to hold her accountable for the reported abuse and deaths of these animals, sending a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated. Ensuring justice in this case will protect other animals from suffering similar fates and uphold the values of compassion and humane treatment.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Martin County Sheriff’s Office


  1. Laura Rolder says:

    Lock her away for the felony charges for every dig she abused. Justice for these innocent helpless animals is a must. They are family members and living beings and deserve to be treated with love and kindness. They did not get that in thus monsters care. She needs to suffer the same fate she inflicted on these poor animals. We know the justice system can’t do that so remove her from society for a long long time is the least she should get

  2. Obviously this bitch Nikki Camerlengo is a serial animal abuser and murderer! Shut her boarding facility down immediately, revoke her license to deal with animals permanently and send her to jail! She has cruelly tortured and killed 3 innocent precious lives maybe more! Please punish her harshly!!!

  3. choke this bitch. she deserves nothing less.

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