Demand Justice for Dog Reportedly Hanged and Punched

Target: Scott County Prosecutor

Goal: Ensure the person accused of hanging, punching, and slamming a bike on his dog faces the maximum legal punishment.

A deeply disturbing incident has come to light in Davenport, where a 42-year-old man, reportedly hanged his dog by a leash, punched the animal more than seven times, and slammed his bicycle on the dog. This alleged behavior, witnessed by five individuals, led to only a misdemeanor charge against the man.

Witnesses reported the dog’s apparent distress following the alleged abuse, noting that the dog appeared lethargic, squinting from the eyes, and had her tail between her legs. The gravity of this situation highlights the urgent need for legal intervention to protect the dog and ensure that such apparent cruelty does not go unpunished. The dog was separated from the accused and taken to the Humane Society by officers, but the owner will likely get the dog back if he is not convicted.

The reported actions of this individual are not only a gross violation of animal rights but also a reflection of a severe lack of empathy and respect for living beings. The seriousness of these allegations necessitates a strong legal response to deter such behavior in the future. It is imperative that the Scott County Prosecutor pursues the maximum legal punishment for this individual to ensure justice for the abused dog and to uphold the principles of humane treatment.


Dear Scott County Prosecutor,

The recent incident involving the alleged abuse of a dog by a 42-year-old Davenport man is both alarming and deeply troubling. Witnesses reportedly observed the man hanging his dog by a leash, punching the animal multiple times, and slamming his bicycle on the dog. Such reported actions demonstrate a shocking disregard for the welfare and rights of animals.

The dog’s apparent distress, as noted by witnesses and documented in the arrest affidavits, underscores the severity of the alleged abuse. The animal’s lethargic state and visible signs of pain highlight the need for immediate and strong legal action to address this cruelty. The community looks to your office to ensure that justice is served and that the accused is held accountable for his reported actions.

We urge you to pursue the maximum legal punishment for this individual, sending a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated. It is essential to demonstrate that such acts of cruelty have serious consequences, thereby protecting other animals from similar harm and upholding the values of compassion and justice within our society.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Scott County Jail


  1. Well WHY did someone or the people standing gawping whilst the dog was being tortured do something?? I mean, what the hell is up with people? They could have easily ‘mobbed’ this bastard and stopped him in his tracks!! This is obviously a turd who mistreats and beats animals because the fucker knows they are not going to fight back.
    Although I am in my seventies you piece of shit I can wholeheartedly guarantee that if I had been anywhere near you you asswipe, you would have been screaming for mercy. Cowardly dog beating bastards like this need teaching a very severe lesson. One way to stop the pricks ever doing these sick and nasty animal beating is to ram your thumbs or pen or similar into the sods eyes and blind him! This guarantees he will NEVER do this to an animal EVER again!
    Yes— it can be done. Just do not hang around afterwards and take the dog if at all possible.

    • According to Yahoo News article: Five witnesses described the dog’s abuse, according to arrest affidavits, which say “When confronted, (Robert Lee Hylton III) threatened to fight the witnesses. (He) intentionally inflicted pain on his dog.”
      Can you believe it? 5 people -FIVE- can’t take on one man? I’m a small woman and you can be certain that I would be going at that POS abuser with everything I had to save that poor pup. He didn’t have a gun, he had a bicycle. MOB HIM! What is wrong with people?

  2. Laura Rolder says:

    Misdemeanor charges!!! That is the disgrace of the Justice system. This dog deserved to be cared for and shown nothing but love. Not abused. Do the right thing and lock him away on felony animal abuse and never let him own any animals for life.

  3. Do the same to this POS!

  4. It is absurb to return the poor suffering dog to its cruel and violent owner, please dont do that! Poor baby has been living in fear everyday, only the law can protect her now! Rehome the poor dog to a good loving home where she can feel safe before she dies of mental torture and internal injuries! Have a heart, do the right thing,save an innocent helpless sentient being and ban this bastard from keeping a pet forever. He deserves to be jailed for a long period of time!

  5. how do these assholes give this guy the dog back convicted or not. he should be shot.

  6. Well, just by looking at this shitbag, anyone can see that the bastards brain is ‘wired’ wrong. What he seriously needs is ‘mob beating’ within an inch of the tossers life! You know the thing.smashed fingers and toes. Broken nose, and as I mentioned before, blind the bastard so he will never see to torture an animal ever again?
    I read above that states if this shitbag is not convicted – NOT BLOODY CONVICTED????? he could get the dog back???
    How fucking stupid ‘IS’ the Judicial system?? GIVE THE DOG BACK TO THIS UGLY NASTY LOOKING CUNT so he can do it all over again. ABSOLUTELY BLOODY MENTAL!!
    Something like, “ Oh by the way, here is your terrified dog back and please try not to torture it again there’s a good boy”. Stupid idiotic twats. Should all be kicked out if office!
    And the only thing that will stop this piece of ‘shit’ is when he is DEAD!!! I would be very surprised if the bastard has a job and is just a benefit scrounger.
    Just hope he encounters a very serious accident. Hopefully sooner than later as a warning to other animal torturing waste of spacers who seem to be around every corner!!

  7. This POS is a pefect example for the need to euthanize murderers and abusers.

  8. Sophie D. says:

    ATROCIOUS and SADISTIC to the extreme. This man had the INTENT to kill his dog and inflicted horrific suffering on him/her. Please send a strong message and prosecute and sentence to the fullest extent of the law! Completely unacceptable!!

  9. The POS abuser’s name is Robert Lee Hylton III. You showed his picture, state his name.

    Article on Yahoo!:

  10. Julie Bates says:

    Now USA …. Don’t u think u have NO BALLS to have equal rights between men, woman,child,and animals???shame shame shame !

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