Horses Allegedly Abused in Illegal Cart Race Deserve Justice

Target: Eknath Shinde, Chief Minister of Maharashtra, India

Goal: Punish those allegedly responsible for the illegal and cruel horse-cart race.

In Mumbai, situated in the Indian state of Maharashtra, a distressing incident allegedly unfolded when several men reportedly participated in an illegal horse-cart race along the Western Express Highway. A video reportedly shows the men cruelly whipping and beating the horses, forcing them to run amidst the chaos of motorcycles and shouting riders. Following a complaint from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, a First Information Report (FIR) was lodged, and the Vile Parle police arrested one individual reportedly involved in this heinous act.

The video evidence submitted by PETA reportedly depicts two horse riders racing carts amidst traffic, creating a dangerous situation for both the horses and motorists. The footage allegedly shows the riders hitting the horses with canes to make them run faster, causing both mental trauma and physical torture to the seemingly malnourished and weak animals. PETA India’s cruelty response coordinator highlighted the severe distress and pain the horses must have endured.

Legal action is necessary to address this apparent act of animal cruelty. The alleged perpetrators must face strict punishment to deter such behavior in the future. Ensure that those reportedly responsible for this illegal horse-cart race are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Dear CM Shinde,

The recent incident involving an allegedly illegal horse-cart race along the Western Express Highway has caused widespread outrage. The video, submitted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, allegedly shows men cruelly whipping and beating horses amidst the chaos of noisy motorcycles and shouting riders. This reported act of cruelty cannot be ignored.

The footage reportedly depicts riders hitting horses with canes, forcing them to race faster amidst traffic. This created a dangerous situation for both the horses and motorists, reportedly causing severe distress to the animals. The physical and mental trauma these horses seemingly endured is unimaginable.

We urge you to take strict legal action against those reportedly responsible for this egregious act. Ensuring their prosecution to the fullest extent of the law will send a clear message that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated. Please ensure justice is served for these defenseless horses.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: RanjithSiji


  1. Horrifying! Please prosecute the sick individuals who committed such heinous acts against these defenseless horses.

  2. Ravinder Singh says:

    one sees horses standing outside the Mysore palace in scorching heat, some of the owners make them race in the busy traffic and they use whip also.

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