Dog Reportedly Punched on Video While Held Down Deserves Justice

Target: Katherine Fernandez Rundle, Miami-Dade County State Attorney, Florida

Goal: Ensure strict legal consequences for those allegedly responsible for animal cruelty in Homestead.

In Homestead, a viral video allegedly showing a man repeatedly punching a small dog has sparked outrage. The man appears to be restraining the defenseless animal by its collar while threatening its airways and raining down blows on its head, neck, and body. The dog is apparently seen desperately trying to escape, which makes the footage even more distressing.

The video was shared by the Instagram page “Only in Dade,” known for highlighting notable events in the Miami-Dade area. Reports suggest that two dogs were kept in poor conditions on the man’s property, possibly leading to neglect and abuse. Instead of improving their situation, the owner reportedly resorted to violence as punishment.

This alleged act of cruelty demands a strong legal response. Ensuring justice for the dog and preventing future abuse are critical. Take immediate legal action against those responsible for this apparent abuse to protect vulnerable animals.


Dear State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle,

A disturbing video recently surfaced, reportedly showing a man in Homestead restraining a small dog by its collar and repeatedly punching it. This apparent act of cruelty, shared on the Instagram page “Only in Dade,” has sparked significant public outrage and demands urgent attention.

The footage reveals the dog struggling to escape as the man holds it by the collar, threatening its airways. Reports also suggest that the man kept two dogs in poor conditions on his property, indicating a broader pattern of neglect and abuse. Such alleged behavior is unacceptable and necessitates swift legal action.

We urge you to pursue strict legal consequences for those reportedly responsible for this act of animal cruelty. Ensuring justice for the dog and preventing future incidents is vital. Please take immediate steps to address this issue and protect vulnerable animals in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Studio Saiz


  1. Jaime Perez says:

    This piece of filth needs to be beat with a steel bat! Poor little dog didn’t deserve this 😢

  2. 🤬💨He should be found guilty & made to pay with video proof


  4. Omg is the poor dog dead. Please take the dog away from this monster. This is ridiculous. I’m so sorry doggie. Please someone do something.

    • Johnny K. says:

      Why is it that people like you always want “someone else to do something”? Why don’t you “do something”? Most people are just like you. They all want “someone else to do something”. And that “someone else” has the brunt of the law coming down on them if they get caught. And if someone did “do something” and got caught, how much money would you put up for their defense? I would bet you wouldn’t put up one penny to help the guy or gal get of the legal situation that they would be in. I hate reading comments from people like you. You don’t have the guts to do anything yourself to the animal abuser and you wouldn’t put up any money for the defense of someone that did “do something” to the animal abuser. So all I have to say is, “people like you make me want to throw up”. How about just not commenting on a dog abuser if you’re not willing to “do something” yourself and always wanting someone else to the the dirty work that you aren’t willing to do yourself.

      • So Johnny K., just what is the something you have done that makes you so high and mighty,hm? We are all here because we abhor animal abusers and want justice for the victims, and to seek an end the abuse. Stop being a bully to a kind-hearted person and save it for the real scumbags. How about you just not commenting at all.

        • Johnny K. says:

          I am sick and tired of people who always want “someone else” to do the dirty work that they would never do themselves. And if that person gets caught doing “something” to the animals abuser and needs an attorney to stay out of prison, is people like Ruth going to come up with any money to help him or her out. I doubt it very seriously. I’m not the type of person to ask someone else to do something that I’m not willing to do myself. If I did do “something”, no one would know about it but me. Being a “kind person” is not going to get anything done when real action is needed.

  5. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the animal abuser.

  6. Susan Silva says:


  7. John Quinn says:

    Execute this scumbag punk coward demon very slowly and painfully and let him rot in hell !

  8. This sick piece of shit needs to be arrested. And just hoping he’s locked up with animal lovers who would be more than happy to beat the shit out of him!! Everyday!! I’m hoping the abused, traumatized dogs were removed from the home before they end up dead. An update on the dogs would have been nice.

  9. Dennis Busto says:

    An eye An eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. Paws Matter 🐾

  10. I will skin it and eat this thing… waste of human skin.

  11. If— according to the write up, this heinous act has sparked outrage, then all who are outraged need to gang together and do something about it! This piece of human garbage has to learn the hard way. I expect he should not be difficult to find with today’s online technology, Google earth etc and give the bastard exactly what he deserves Anyone who can do this to an innocent little dog deserves the same fate. Unless this turd is ‘taken out’ he will just carry on torturing animals as it is in his blood! And the only blood that would be visible would be from the back of the bastards head produced with my trusty ‘coke-hammer’! and let’s just say I know that it works!!!
    I honestly AM a very placid person until I come across stuff like this which really does turn me into a very nasty person! But only towards these nasty pricks obviously.
    Do I feel guilty—- NOT AT ALL because all they are is sub-human garbage and not worthy of this world. And the only place for these ‘sikko’s is OUT OF IT.

  12. This abuser needs to go to prison for a long time. Next time, it will be a child, disabled person, a woman, or just someone who is smaller and unable to defend themselves. WHY, just why, didn’t someone intervene, WHY do people prioritize phone filming and internet posting over rescuing from horrific suffering and saving the life of an innocent??? Those people are just as guilty as the abuser for letting this happen. That poor puppy, he deserved such a good life full of love, tenderness and care.

  13. Disgusting vile cruel horrific abuse on video what more do you need to throw this scumbag behind bars with the serious offenders serving up some hometown justice! To hold a little dog down by his collar violently beating him is no man at all get him off our streets hes evil and deserves to be locked up for life!

  14. Clearly [not allegedly!] this person is an inadequate – why else would a large human inflict “punishment” on a small, defenceless animal?

    Beyond that, of course, is the well-documented possibility of an animal abuser turning his attentions to the abuse of small people.

    He needs psychological evaluation, anger management classes and lessons in animal welfare – at the very least.

    Hopefully the authorities will already have removed this poor pup and any other “pets” this person has existing on his property, and imposed a life-ban on owning any animal.

    I hope this poor darling is still alive in which case costs for medical intervention, care, food and water, fostering – not to mention the costs of intervention by various authorities – should be charged to him.

    I do have one question: this was shown on video, so who videod this cruelty and WHY DID THAT PERSON NOT ATTEMPT TO INTERVENE OR PHONE THE POLICE THERE AND THEN [I can’t find reference to this reaction on the report only that it was SHARED ON INSTAGRAM]. WHAT????

    Please update on health of the poor dog, the source of the video & videor.

    • You say he needs psychological evaluation!!
      The only psychological evaluation this prick needs is a ‘crack’ on the back of his head with a suitably heavy object.
      I guarantee that this would cure his problem somewhat quickly! Just to mention – has been tried and tested and found to evaluate the perps very nicely!!!

  15. What the hell is going on with our laws lock this sob up and punch him until he is brain dead.

  16. There is little evidence of humans being humane these days.

  17. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Thank God there’s a video for the evidence – so it should be an easy prosecution. Make sure you win.

  18. Julia Edinger says:

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH… Joseph Kenosky
    “Euthanize the animal abuser.”‼️

  19. Please use your authority to deliver precedent setting legal consequences to those responsible for Homestead animal cruelty.

  20. Johnny K. says:

    If anyone thinks this State Attorney Rundle is going to do anything meaningful to this animal abuser, then I’ve got a bridge in San Francisco I want to sell you. I haven’t seen a State Attorney or a local District Attorney anywhere in the United States do anything at all meaningful to these sorry bastards that abuse animals. They all talk a good game but they don’t play a good game. There are plenty of legal ways to put the hurt on these animal abusing bastards but the powers that be won’t use them. I don’t know why they won’t. The just won’t. Just look at all the shit that low-life humans are getting away with from the D.A.’s. They rob, rape, steal and sometimes kill and end up walking out of the justice system. So don’t wonder why the chicken-shit D.A.’s won’t do anything to people that injure and kill animals. They either don’t have the guts to prosecute animal abusers or they’re simply don’t care about innocent animals. So, don’t hold your breath until State Attorney Rundle does something to this animal abuser because your time will run out and you will just die.

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