Call for Justice for Dog Reportedly Punched While Held by Leash

Target: Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, Florida

Goal: Ensure the alleged abuser faces legal consequences for reportedly punching his dog in the face multiple times.

A disturbing video recently emerged, reportedly showing a man in Homestead repeatedly punching his pet dog in the face while holding it by a leash. This apparent act of animal cruelty has sparked outrage and calls for justice from the community. The incident allegedly took place in a neighborhood off 288th Street, and the footage has left neighbors and animal advocates deeply disturbed.

Further details have emerged from the Friends of Miami Animal Foundation, which shared an image of what is believed to be the dog’s makeshift kennel. The foundation’s president, Yolanda Berkowitz, has alleged that the owner has a history of such behavior. She expressed grave concern over the owner’s apparent willingness to commit such an act in broad daylight, highlighting broader issues of animal welfare in the community.

Given the severity of the alleged cruelty, it is imperative to pursue legal action against the owner. Authorities must ensure that a thorough investigation is conducted, and if the allegations are substantiated, appropriate charges must be filed. The dog involved should be placed under the care of Miami-Dade Animal Services to ensure its safety. Deter future acts of animal abuse and uphold the standards of humane treatment for all animals.


Dear State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle,

A deeply disturbing video has surfaced, reportedly showing a man in Homestead repeatedly punching his dog in the face while restraining it by a leash. This apparent act of animal cruelty has caused significant outrage within our community and beyond, highlighting the urgent need for justice.

The Friends of Miami Animal Foundation has shared concerns about the owner’s reported history of similar behavior, emphasizing the necessity of a thorough investigation. The video, which allegedly depicts blatant abuse in broad daylight, underscores severe issues regarding animal welfare in our community.

We urge you to ensure that this case is diligently investigated and that the responsible individual is held accountable if the allegations are confirmed. It is vital to demonstrate that such acts of cruelty will not be tolerated and to protect the welfare of all animals in Miami-Dade County. We seek your commitment to pursue justice for the dog involved and to reinforce the importance of humane treatment for all pets.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: chrismetcalfTV


  1. Need to give the name the vile human that ruthlessly assaulted the poor, defenseless dog that was supposed to be under his care. They know who the owner is, so name him. Need to start publicly naming all these sick perps so that everyone knows who they are and what they did. Do not give them the luxury of anonymity.

  2. Love to stamp on this turds face. Hateful POS

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