Demand Justice for Lía, Dog Allegedly Scalded with Boiling Water

Target: Pablo de la Garza, Attorney General of Mexico

Goal: Impose the maximum legal penalty for the alleged severe animal abuse against Lía.

In a distressing incident in Motul, Yucatán, a dog named Lía allegedly endured horrific abuse under the scorching sun. A man, reportedly her neighbor, is said to have thrown boiling water at her while she sought shade, causing second and third-degree burns. This appalling act, spotlighted by social media, has drawn attention to the cruelty animals face, prompting calls for stringent legal action.

The alleged attack on Lía resulted in severe injuries to her skin and fur. The motives behind this seemingly cruel action remain unclear, yet the scars it left are undeniable. Peluditos Felices A.C., a local animal welfare group, intervened to provide essential veterinary care, revealing Lía’s brave fight to recover. The incident has sparked widespread outrage and a renewed plea for justice under the “Rufo Law,” which prescribes severe penalties for animal abuse in Yucatán.

This case underscores a dire need for rigorous enforcement of animal protection laws to prevent such alleged atrocities. Demand immediate and decisive legal action against the individual accused of harming Lía, ensuring such acts of alleged cruelty are met with the full force of the law.


Dear Attorney General Pablo de la Garza,

We write to you distressed and urging immediate attention to a grave matter of alleged animal cruelty in Motul. A dog, Lía, reportedly suffered excruciating pain when scalded with boiling water by a neighbor, causing her significant physical injuries. This seemingly cruel act, documented and shared by the Peluditos Felices A.C., has not only scarred Lía but also shaken the conscience of our community.

Details of this case, as shared by concerned citizens and Peluditos Felices A.C., suggest this isn’t the first instance of alleged animal abuse by this individual. Such recurring behavior towards animals cannot be overlooked. Under the “Rufo Law,” there are provisions for severe penalties for such acts. We implore you to apply these legal measures diligently in Lía’s case.

We respectfully demand that your office takes swift action to investigate this incident thoroughly and, following due legal process, impose the maximum penalty possible if the allegations are proven true. Let this case be a testament to Yucatán’s commitment to justice and animal welfare.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Lee LeFever


  1. This is cruel but this man needs to have the same abuse he gave to Lia done to him. He needs to feel the pain he caused. He needs to not be helped as he didn’t help this poor dog. This man knows right from wrong and can stand in a court of law to answer for his malicious crimes. He will cry if this is done to him in return yet he needs to face the pain he gave. I feel sorry for him but he can toy talk away from this while leaving a dog severely hurt fore the rest of her life. This piece of filth needs to feel the same pain. If we don’t start this as punishment this will continue and only get worse.

  2. i say drown the asshole who did this but if you want to waste time waiting for the law to step in, good luck. it’s not going to happen.

  3. Ejohnson says:

    The perpetrator that hurt this dog deserves to be dipped in boiling water until he stops struggling

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