Bulldog Mix Reportedly Found Decapitated With Body Discarded Deserves Justice

Target: Bruce Bartlett, State Attorney of Pinellas County, Florida

Goal: Ensure a full investigation and prosecute those responsible for Dexter’s seemingly cruel death

In a grim discovery at Fort De Soto Park, authorities reportedly found the decapitated body of a four-year-old bulldog mix named Dexter, wrapped in a plastic bag and discarded among the mangroves. This shocking incident, which came to light following a report by local visitors, has prompted allegations of severe animal cruelty and improper disposal of an animal’s body. Dexter had only recently been adopted from Pinellas County Animal Services, an entity known for its rigorous adoption screening process.

Further investigation revealed that the last person known to have custody of Dexter was Domingo R. Rodriguez, who allegedly provided inconsistent statements regarding his activities and Dexter’s disappearance. This distressing scenario raises serious questions about the events leading to such a brutal act. The local community and animal rights advocates are understandably outraged, calling for swift and decisive legal action.

The necessity of holding individuals accountable for such heinous acts is clear. Pursue all legal avenues to prosecute the perpetrator of this alleged crime.


Dear Attorney Bruce Bartlett,

We, the undersigned, are deeply troubled by the alleged discovery of a decapitated bulldog mix, known as Dexter, at Fort De Soto Park. This horrifying incident, as reported by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, involved the alleged improper disposal of Dexter’s body and indications of severe animal cruelty. The last known custodian of Dexter, Domingo R. Rodriguez, reportedly provided multiple inconsistent statements to deputies, casting doubt on the circumstances of Dexter’s death.

This case not only represents an apparently tragic and brutal end to a defenseless animal’s life but also highlights potential lapses in protecting animals from cruelty and harm. It is imperative that this matter be addressed with the full force of the law to prevent future occurrences and to serve justice for Dexter. We urge your office to conduct a comprehensive investigation into this incident and to prosecute those responsible for any wrongdoing to the fullest extent of the law.

We trust that you will take our concerns seriously and act swiftly to ensure that justice is served. It is only through stringent enforcement of animal cruelty laws that we can hope to deter such heinous acts and safeguard the well-being of all animals in Pinellas County.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Florence Ivy


  1. Offer a reward and use the dog’s picture with the offer, someone knows how this dog belonged to, animals and people don’t live in a vacuum. Friends, family, neighbors, a vet if he ever used one; there is someone who knows the dogs owner. Find them and make it hurt and make sure they never have a pet, or access to one, again.

  2. This adopter Rodriguez knows something. Either he is the perpetrator or knows who is. It is so sad and frustrating that adopted does not always equate to safe. There needs to be justice for Dexter, who just wanted to start his new life out of the shelter but instead was murdered. Sickening.

    • I totally agree with you, Rodriguez knows what happened to this poor animal. Inconsistent stories tell it all.

  3. Anyone who can do this to an animal is a waste of earthy resources. I signed something for this issue on ThePetitionSite as well and there was a picture of the guy-as ugly as his personality.

  4. somebody’s kid will.be next…find and prosecute the person responsible for the murder of this poor soul-before it happens again

  5. Blair Sorrel says:

    Despicable Dominguez did the deed or knows the perp. Either way, the creep must be prosecuted to the fullest and kept away from any pets or innocent lives. Heartbreaking for poor Dexter.

  6. There are some people who don’t deserve life or to be allowed to live, this person that did this is one of them.

  7. Is Domingo R. Rodriguez the perp? Please investigate thoroughly so that no more animals are harmed under his care. JUSTICE FOR POOR DEXTER, he deserves a good and happy life too! RIP DEXTER <3

  8. Domingo R. Rodriguez, if this is the guilty POS! Shoot the POS !

  9. Do all of society a favor and do the same to Rodriquez.

    • I agree with you. Give him a taste of what he did. If he didn’t want the beautiful fig he should if just returned it to where he adopted him from. Stupid mindless person. Hell is waiting for you. Karma is a bitch. 👍🙏

  10. Margaret Strane says:

    The same should be done to Rodriguez. NO mercy; Dexter didn’t get any!

    Also, what needs to be investigated is WHY this devil was allowed to adopt Dexter, despite this county’s “rigorous” screening practices.

  11. Debra Goldstein-Lustig says:


  12. Find that psychic monster.
    Torture it and then behead it.
    Why would you let such a beast live without any feeling?
    It’s even less than a pile of shit!

  13. Peter Dale says:

    The fact that we have to beg the State Attorney for Justice in this case proves that there is no justice for any Animal, including DEXTER , who was tortured by DOMINGO RODRIQUEZ . Senior RODRIQUEZ SHOULD BE TORTURED, too, and have his head cut off , the same as the dog he adopted and now continues to provide false information!!

  14. Death is death. Still most people would be very frightened to have an end of their life be exactly what the end was for the animals they abused. It would terrify them. It should! These people are mentally unable to work within society, thus need to be thrown out of a society built on laws. They must be forced to go to prison as communities can not be forced to live in fear of those who are not mentally capable of living with others. This poor dog suffered, was fearful, confused and needed a touch of kindness. This man didn’t give that and yet our laws say we need to do this for the abuser. Why? He’s not worth it. The abusers in ALL cases are not worth anything.

  15. Judy Boyko says:

    There is absolutely no excuse given by someone who adopted an animal and then that animal is found deceased …cruelty at its worst… you adopt you are responsible for that animal… he may not have done it but knows who did and he should be held responsible and there are so many stories about the killing of a rescue foster that should never have to be told.. its barbaric and our hearts are breaking for that little baby who only wanted to be wanted and loved not beheaded and the pain he must have gone through is something I just cant get over…

  16. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Decapitate Domingo Rodriquez!! He abused Dexter. A sweet small pup and then killed him.
    He needs to go to PRISON!!
    Abuse a dog go to prison!
    This is a serious crime and the adoption agencies will have to look at the mental health of the people before they can adopt an animal!!

    • Darlene Roepke says:

      I agree! They need to crack down on animal abuse/torture and stop with the slaps on the wrist! This poor sweet dog had a horrible death, make sure this person has a horrible end to his life as well. Since we can’t do the same thing to him, make sure he goes to prison and is surrounded by animal lovers…they’ll give him what he deserves!!

      • But we CAN DO the same to him!
        Just needs enough people in the same frame of mind to plan his demise and carry it through.
        Can be done if carefully planned!!


  18. Melinda Maddox says:

    The authority certainly do need to take this man and lock him up because if he adopted this pup, it’s totally totally totally demented sadistic and who might be next. I guess the animal control people that adopt these pups out at the shelter might have thought they did a good act by this, but evidently it wasn’t good enough. God bless this puppy. What a horrible horrible act, this bastard up for a long time

  19. Find the evil pos that did this and put it down the same way!!! Then throw it into a swamp and give the alligators a meal. Don’t waste Florida’s money keeping it alive.


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