Shame on Governor Noem for Killing Pet Puppy

Target: Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota

Goal: Take responsibility for the fatal shooting of puppy.

When South Dakota governor Kristi Noem released a new memoir, it was not descriptions of her political career that drew the most attention. Instead, critics—and animal rights advocates—have zeroed in on a passage in which Noem describes killing her pet puppy roughly two decades ago. The dog, a wirehair pointer named Cricket, was only 14 months old when Noem claims she “put her down” by shooting her.

In the book, Noem describes Cricket as “untrainable” and “worthless as a hunting dog.” She also says of the puppy: “I hated that dog.” Noem defended the shooting by claiming that Cricket had “disrupted” a pheasant hunt and had also attacked chickens on a farm.

Critics condemned the callous way Noem described the incident and categorized her actions against a puppy that was still in her developmental stages as horrifying overreach. For example, Noem described the hunt that helped solidify her decision to shoot the puppy in the following terms:  “she went out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.” These actions sound like typical behavior for a young dog…a dog that was too young to even be trained for hunting purposes.

On the same day that Noem shot Cricket and disposed of her in a gravel pit, she reports that she also shot to death a goat under her care. And, according to Noem’s own account, this goat likely suffered. It was shot once, and when Noem left to retrieve more bullets, the goat was shot again. Animal welfare activists, and even many hunters, have placed the blame for the Cricket shooting on Noem for failing to train her dog properly and then making the animal pay the ultimate price for it. Recent South Dakota law even suggests Noem may have committed an offense.

Despite the protests and the outcry, Noem continues to defend her actions and use this horrible account to score political points. Sign the petition below to demand a public apology from this unapologetic politician.


Dear Governor Noem,

America’s preeminent animal welfare organization condemned you for “letting this rambunctious puppy loose on chickens and then punishing her by deciding to personally blow her brains out rather than attempting to train her or find a more responsible guardian who could provide her with a proper home.” They went on to say, “Noem obviously fails to understand the vital political concepts of education, cooperation, compromise, and compassion.”

Lest you dismiss these criticisms of your puppy shooting as the agenda of “woke” or “extremist” leaders and political opponents, the outcry from a wide spectrum of Americans on social media has been far greater (as #PuppyKiller demonstrates). Hunters, and your own political allies, have weighed in on your seemingly disturbing actions. As a politician and, more importantly, as a human being, you must recognize the gravity of your actions against another living being.

Please reflect on your behavior, demonstrate genuine remorse via a public apology, and show through your actions that you care about all living beings by helping strengthen South Dakota’s animal welfare laws.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Office of the Governor


  1. Evil!!!! Put the monster in jail and throw the key!

  2. Johnny K. says:

    I always liked Kristi Noem but I think what she did was absolutely wrong. She should have turned the dog in to a animal welfare agency who could have trained the dog. I mean the dog was only 14 months old. The dog didn’t know that spoiling a hunt and killing chickens was wrong. She was just a playful puppy that, with the proper training, could have turned into a loving dog that someone would have loved and taken care of for the rest of her life. I’m sorry but I would no longer want her to be in public office. She lost my vote.

  3. Lisa Puchta says:

    That dirty rotten white trash bitch may Karma get these piece of worthless trash


  5. The death penalty for this ugly cunt NOW. I hope this fucking bitch gets cancer and dies a hideous painful death.

  6. Lori Schroeder says:

    Donald Trump’s name should not be attached to this petition unless you want to list all the others who admired her too. Can’t imagine he admired her actions shooting this puppy or goat.

  7. Jane Todaro says:

    What’s the matter with this woman?????????!!!!!!!!!

  8. Paula Long says:

    Hope her kids behave or she will do the same to them!! She is cold hearted and should never be allowed to have any animals!!

  9. Diana Navarro says:

    She also killed the goal with much cruelty for being a goat. She is the epitome of evil incarnate.


  11. Jaime Perez says:

    This witch is a cold blooded murderer! She doesn’t deserve to be in office. Get rid of her ugly self. Soulless devil!!

    • That woman is a POS and cold heart. And that evil person is Governor. WTH. It is a shame for South Dakota citizens. Bad example. Does she think because she is Governor that she can do anything. She should be removed from her position and deserve the same treatment she did to this poor innocent dog.

  12. Linda Mathews says:

    There was nothing wrong with the dog or the goat you dopey cow! The problem is a fckn shitty owner that shouldn’t be allowed to own any animals she’s that stupid!

  13. politics should be left out of these petitions. i know it’s hard to do since she is a governor. i think she did great things for south dekota. when the rest of the country was in panic mode and shutting down everything and destroying families and businesses she kept it all open and the state thrived while everyone else was losing it all. i don’t agree with killing any animal especially dogs. i believe there were other options but look at when police raid a dog fighting operation. in most situations those dogs are destroyed many being puppies just a few months old. that also makes no sense yet it goes on everyday somewhere. if politics are to be brought in msn published a story a few months back about a white house staffer coming forward and describing how he abused his dogs. he verbally and physically abused major and commander which would explain why these dogs were biting everyone. the fate of those dogs is unknown and you never hear about them anymore. i know there will be dems popping up defending him or saying it never happened but there is video of him getting caught in commanders leash and that caused him to trip. he kicked the dog after he got up to get it into his suv. while that does not equal shooting abuse is no better, sometimes that is worse. when these dogs are beyond training i think we know what happens to them. so focus on the animals not the politicians. here is an excerpt from msn. WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden is facing significant wrath online after a viral video allegedly showed him ‘kicking’ his younger dog Commander, who has been ousted from the White House following a series of biting incidents involving the staff and US Secret Service officers.

    • I agree with you. Double standards.

      • I don’t agree with what she did or the abuse, neglect, torture or murder of any animal. I am an animal rescuer. I was just able to see more about the story on a truthful platform. If an animal is so psychologically damaged(this dog and goat didn’t meet the criteria)and can’t be helped, where they are truly a threat to humans and animals they should be humanely euthanized by a veterinarian.

  14. Karen Landry says:

    Somebody needs to put her on a tight choke collar,short leash & go for a really long walk with her.
    Sick bitch 🤬

  15. “Admired by Donald Trump” – still? The past-President signed Federal Animal Cruelty Bill into Law in 2019. It would be interesting to hear his opinion of the unacceptably cruel and indefensible behaviour of a representative of the people of the USA; she appears to be without shame, remorse, empathy or understanding and therefore an inappropriate person for public office. And what did the poor little goat do wrong except end up in her possession?

    She is eminently unworthy for public office of any kind, and beyond that she presents as an extremely poor example to young people. I hope she is banned for life from keeping any animal. And I’d remove her gun: she is clearly is too irresponsible to own a firearm.

    I’m thinking of a spot of down-time – prison – but with no curlers, make-up or mirror!

  16. We don’t need people like her in office modeling this kind of behavior for our kids. She’s teaching our kids that if you don’t like something, just shoot it! Never mind using your brain to find a decent solution to a problem. Wonder if this mindset is why we have so many shootings now? She needs out of office immediately and prosecuted for this crime.

    • really? she is the reason there is so many shootings. you have so many shootings because there is no longer punishment for any crimes. are you watching the elite college campuses across america and abroad condoning death to america and isreal. does this seem normal to you? all these little spoiled brats who have to work for nothing causing destruction and chaos. funny part is when these brain dead idiots with the 80k a year tuition are asked what they are protesting, not one knew why. that’s why while countries like china are creating useful members of society we are creating a bunch of dummies. who are more worried about acting like assholes on tik tok then getting a good education.

  17. Virginia Grandy says:

    I can’t believe what I read. What she did was absolutely disgusting, and extremely cruel, and that’s exactly what she is DISGUSTING, AND EXTREMELY CRUEL. She’s nothing but a heartless subhuman who should be behind bars!!!!!

  18. Dennis Busto says:

    An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. Paws Matter ❤🐾

  19. Sandra Wente says:

    And this crazy, evil monster is a governor??? Omg!!! She should be in jail for her crimes of animal abuse and should not be in any position of power! There is something very wrong with her and she is a horrendous example to the people she serves. Besides animal cruelty charges, she should NEVER be allowed to own an animal!!!!!!

  20. No animals will be safe under her watch and animal lovers wont want that to happen.

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