Shame on Governor Noem for Killing Pet Puppy

Target: Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota

Goal: Take responsibility for the fatal shooting of puppy.

When South Dakota governor Kristi Noem released a new memoir, it was not descriptions of her political career that drew the most attention. Instead, critics—and animal rights advocates—have zeroed in on a passage in which Noem describes killing her pet puppy roughly two decades ago. The dog, a wirehair pointer named Cricket, was only 14 months old when Noem claims she “put her down” by shooting her.

In the book, Noem describes Cricket as “untrainable” and “worthless as a hunting dog.” She also says of the puppy: “I hated that dog.” Noem defended the shooting by claiming that Cricket had “disrupted” a pheasant hunt and had also attacked chickens on a farm.

Critics condemned the callous way Noem described the incident and categorized her actions against a puppy that was still in her developmental stages as horrifying overreach. For example, Noem described the hunt that helped solidify her decision to shoot the puppy in the following terms:  “she went out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.” These actions sound like typical behavior for a young dog…a dog that was too young to even be trained for hunting purposes.

On the same day that Noem shot Cricket and disposed of her in a gravel pit, she reports that she also shot to death a goat under her care. And, according to Noem’s own account, this goat likely suffered. It was shot once, and when Noem left to retrieve more bullets, the goat was shot again. Animal welfare activists, and even many hunters, have placed the blame for the Cricket shooting on Noem for failing to train her dog properly and then making the animal pay the ultimate price for it. Recent South Dakota law even suggests Noem may have committed an offense.

Despite the protests and the outcry, Noem continues to defend her actions and use this horrible account to score political points. Sign the petition below to demand a public apology from this unapologetic politician.


Dear Governor Noem,

America’s preeminent animal welfare organization condemned you for “letting this rambunctious puppy loose on chickens and then punishing her by deciding to personally blow her brains out rather than attempting to train her or find a more responsible guardian who could provide her with a proper home.” They went on to say, “Noem obviously fails to understand the vital political concepts of education, cooperation, compromise, and compassion.”

Lest you dismiss these criticisms of your puppy shooting as the agenda of “woke” or “extremist” leaders and political opponents, the outcry from a wide spectrum of Americans on social media has been far greater (as #PuppyKiller demonstrates). Hunters, and your own political allies, have weighed in on your seemingly disturbing actions. As a politician and, more importantly, as a human being, you must recognize the gravity of your actions against another living being.

Please reflect on your behavior, demonstrate genuine remorse via a public apology, and show through your actions that you care about all living beings by helping strengthen South Dakota’s animal welfare laws.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Office of the Governor


  1. Death penalty for this bitch,evil person!.
    Justice for puppy Cricket and other animals! +RIP

  2. Mary DeCraemer says:

    The murderer could have taken it to a shelter….duh, dumb ass!

    • Manitou CalmStorm says:

      While you are probably right, she could have. But, after 72 hours, she would have been put down anyway.

      • And how do you know that when that state has purebreds that are given up and given a chance? My friend adopted a puppy from the MAGAt south where it would of been put down. And yet rescue groups in N.Y. tesvue animals from other states.

      • Taking her to a “No Kill Shelter” was a option or Animal Rescue was an option also. She took the easy way out.
        And she is a governor? and brags about it.
        She should rot in Hell”
        I guess she has no common sense.

    • She is an evil witch and her actions indicate that she’s a twisted sadist. Poor little Cricket! That evil woman, who coldly ended that little puppy’s life needs to spend some serious time in prison.

  3. Is this dregs of humanity really all this place could find as governor?! She is a piece of depraved filth that belongs in the gutter with the other trash and turds. What is wrong with these electors!! Her party must expel her immediately and issue a public apology, and she has to face full consequences for every law she has broken. She is garbage and should be treated as such

  4. Laurie Fuller says:

    ONCE AGAIN LIES AGAINST THE REPUBLICIAN PARTY – NEVER DID I EVER THINK ANIMAL PETITIONS WOULD GET INVOLVED IN POLITICS – BUT THEY DID – I’M OFF YOUR SITE FOREVER – “They leave out some or most of the facts of a story, they put the worst spin on it. And that’s what’s happened in this case.

    “I hope people really do buy this book and they find out the truth of the story because the truth of the story is that this was a working dog and it was not a puppy. It was a dog that was extremely dangerous.”

    • It is not the animals that are dangerous
      , but the “people”

    • Good! And stay off! Who needs your lying republican animal hating ass here anyway. Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out! Noem is a piece of shit and fits right in with the maga hunters, who have made many species endangered. Maybe they ought to start killing asshole humans like you and them! And while they’re at it, make prisons useful and do their cosmetic and drug testing on prisoners!

      • 👍Even SANE Republicans went after this pos puppy killer. MAGAts like this pos are trash like Noem.

      • Do couldn’t agree with you more 200 percent there all idiots animal haters abuser and just f up how they analyze how it’s ok
        Wish the animals could turn on then and put these piece of shit humans in there place which is hell where all the evil 😈 should be

    • Look at the traitorous pos MAGAt clown. Get some help for your brainwashed asinine self.


    • Ann Hoffman says:

      Nothing to do with politics. She’s just an awful person. Why would a MAGA apologist follow this site anyway? I’d love to know your reaction if this had been a Democrat.

    • Here are more facts you vile pos.OVER 200 GAY AND TRANS KILLED IN RED STATES SO FAR.THIS IS SINCE JAN.1 2024.

    • You are as disgusting as she is. She killed a goat too she is a trophy hunter also be quiet. She is an animal abuser and not fit to be in office

    • I agree that at the time of this shooting, this dog was 14 months old, not considered a puppy any longer, but still not a fully mature mentally and emotionally, mature dog, and as far as being extremely dangerous, it chase some chickens it chased some pheasants, that means if you don’t want to chase chickens and pheasants, you take it out of that environment you find it a home where you don’t have to worry about chickens and pheasants and then you forget about the dog. Heck if you were the kind of person that shot the dog you won’t even care about where the dog went and when its life is like afterwards ,. But I can tell you that this killing was never necessary. This dog was not dangerous to humans, and therefore not a dangerous dog didn’t attack. Another dog didn’t attack a person , instead chased a chicken. for which it received a defense, with apparently no effort to find an alternative way to find a new life for the animal. This woman discussed me and anybody that defends her action disgust me.

      • You should of read what dog experts said about this breed. Takes about 2 years to train. And if she had given it up this dog would of been given a chance. Noem is a lazy dumb pos.

    • Good! Stay off then! Trumph is a dog hater and this bitch who backs him are filth!

      • and when did he tell you this brain dead when you were at his house having dinner. trump is not a big animal lover and he has always said so unlike your crown prince biden who uses them as props to fit his sweet uncle joe persona. read the msn article about how he abused both major and commander. see if you can find out where they went since they were never mentioned again by animal loving joe.

        WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden is facing significant wrath online after a viral video allegedly showed him ‘kicking’ his younger dog Commander, who has been ousted from the White House following a series of biting incidents involving the staff and US Secret Service officers.

    • Donna Jones says:

      I’m not sure how you can express that it’s lies and Republicans and blah, blah, blah. That’s besides the point, 14 months is still a puppy that still needs to be trained, and that takes patience. End of story (except if I was one of her kids I’d be trying to stay on her good side).

    • I would NEVER buy this rich bitches book!!! Entitled witch she is!! Just because a dam Republican doesn’t make a a wonderful person and nothing to do with politics!! It’s about shooting a defenseless animal with her gun happy self!!

    • Oh, come off it! Quit trying to justify evil! FYI 14 months old definitely IS a puppy! This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with human decency, or in her case, the lack thereof. And furthermore, a number of us, who are sickened and horrified by her actions are political conservatives Her outrageous actions are hated and condemned by both sides.

    • She admitted it in the stupid book! So I guess that means nothing to you!

    • Mechthild Schoeberl says:

      Nothing to do with politics get your facts strait
      She is a working women in a political office that is all!
      To me she looks like a bitch with no compassion!
      Poor children hope they never misbehave!

  5. This bitch is insane and must suffer the same fate as these innocent defenseless animals.
    First shoot her through both knees and make the monster suffer greatly and then shoot her through her brainless head. It is garbage that needs to disappear from this earth!!!

  6. Julie Pohar says:

    The fact that she felt it acceptable to put in print and then attempt to justify it speaks volumes to her character, or lack thereof. She and Trump are perfect for each other. Let them be cellmates together and make the US a better place!

    • yeah make the usa a better place. just like biden is doing right you dumb liberal dem bitch. people can’t afford to live, the world is imploding since this brain dead scumbag took office but like the dems will always do. they fuck up the world and shift the blame on everyone else.

      • Mechthild Schoeberl says:

        Your comment is vile and hateful- and you put yourself in the same category with her and Mr. Trump!
        Calling names to our President shows no class !

  7. What if we hate you? Does that give us reason to shoot you? Would we walk away without any punishment? To take the life of another living being is what cheap white trash does. Are you that?
    Yet you want to run for Vice President? Do you feel you are qualified or deserving of the honor? I’m not convinced. You have a pretty face but evil heart.

  8. The bitch is evil!!!shame on her!

  9. We can all see why Trump likes her…!!!! But the fact that she’s very pretty, has a high flying job and owns a farm land… doesn’t put her above the law. By no means. Let’s see if she gets any legal attention on this matter. (And, frankly, why even put it in your so-called “memoirs”??? She’s far too young to be writing memoirs anyway!!!) Clearly, she has a healthy ego 🙁

  10. This is unpardonable.

  11. Siham Hajjar says:

    What a horrible human!! Disgusting!!

  12. This woman is a hateful sociopath! Anyone who could do what she did is not right in the head. A pretty face can’t hide an evil heart. She had so many other choices other than kill Cricket.

  13. Al brechbiel says:

    Do the same to this bitch

  14. Politics has nothing to do with this animals death. There was no reasonable reason to shoot her dog. I was a vet tech for 34 years. And the only reason to put an animal to sleep,(not shoot) is if it bite some one or it’s so sick that euthanasia it’s the only way to stop the animal’s pain.

  15. She is a piece of shit kick her off that job and get her for animal cruelty and put her is jail

  16. This Fuck’n Douchebag should have the same done to her!!! RIP CRICKET 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  17. Just eliminate her!!

  18. Maria Nowicki says:

    Too bad, the puppy couldn’t shoot her. It would have been good riddance to bad rubbish.

  19. Maria Lavorato says:

    Are you nut?. So many other thoughtful, compassionate, humane etc etc etc ways this could have been handled.

    You should be arrested for animal cruelty!!!!!!!!!

    SOB! Here some advice THINK before you ACT.

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